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Priscilla Todd

My top 3 recommendations are 'Nevertheless' with Song Kang and So-Hee, 'Doom at your service', and 'Tomorrow'.


Soo ho said for Bum seok to stop blaming others for everything thats happened to him and hes right, that's all he's been doing. He can't go after his dad because of his power and authority so he went after Soo ho when his attention started drifting from him to the girl. He was projecting all his pent up anger from being bullied and beaten both at school and at home. He never felt love from anyone really so when Soo ho's affection began going to the girl and not him, it was his breaking point. It's honestly so sad. The first time i watched it i HATED Bum seok SO much like it was on sight for him fr lol but after rewatching and catching onto so many different things my hatred for him lessened a bit... don't get me wrong i still don't like this kid whatsoever LMAO i am sobbing over my boy Soo ho. They all deserved better.