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Priscilla Todd

Glad you are enjoying this ep, I was saying in the beginning eps that this show had like a second wind or a tier to it that makes it more in depth. So I will try to do my best here. You will see in many kdramas reincarnation being a topic and I'm pretty sure its from Buddhism. (Which in the past, Buddhism was the dominant religion). Wol-Shim was reincarnated into Do-Hee, regardless of her religion. She still died an innocent death. Gu-Won doesn't get reincarnated becuz he committed murder and su!cide (as "God" said) his punishment was to be a demon. That's why he is 200+ years old. As far as the "God" role. It really all depends on your perspective. I don't know if you noticed from the beginning the hat she is wearing says Good but one 'o' is wore a bit to where it looks like it says God. And from the beginning she has been fair and just, never really telling Gu-Won what to do, becuz God gives man free will. But there always has to be a balance in the world of everything. Good and bad, life and death. If the balance is thrown off, then there are repercussions. She has warned Gu-Won of such things happening if he messes with the balance or with fate in general. Some of the other kdramas I have mentioned in the past show similar religion topics, like buddhism with christian. Of course this is all just my opinion. Hope this makes since and helps a little. And sorry this is sooo long!


I appreciate your comment. Thanks for clarifying about the Buddhism. My only problem with that is, though she was Christian and died an innocent death she would according to Christianity go to Heaven. No where in the Bible do they speak about reincarnation. Other than that I agree with you. Just personally did not like how they portrayed God.

Priscilla Todd

Right.. now on that part.. I'm not 100% certain myself unless like I was saying they (the Writer) are blurring the lines of Christianity and Buddhism together. To where it's the same Christian beliefs but they also believe that if you lived a "Righteous" life ( judged by God ) you can be reincarnated. I struggled with this topic as well in the beginning. Trying to understand and how some of the shows portrayed each God figure. But I have to do so with an openmind. The most important thing for myself was, I don't have to like everything about it but I wanted to learn and understand the culture becuz it puts a different perspective on life. Hope one day you will be able to react to the kdramas 'Tomorrow' and 'Doom at your service' these 2 shows are pretty deep and have a similar religious take. But also comedic. It would help you with understanding this topic more. Sorry this is long again.