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I thought that could interest you to know which characters are the most likely to appear in the future :>

Why are all the ponies in the "Not interested" category? It's not because I don't like them. In fact, I really do like them and wouldn’t mind doing more about them. However, I increasingly feel that everything has already been said about them, at least regarding the main characters. To achieve something new, I would have to focus on background characters or explore extreme fetishes, which isn't the kind of storytelling I enjoy. It feels harder and harder for me to find fresh stories to tell about them.

Also, my main SFW comic is about them, so I guess I don't want to risk burning out.



Caleb Nanney

Interested but don’t know the character eh? Well! One of them is Carmelita Fox, she’s from the Sly Cooper games, she’s like a sheriff or an officer always chasing after thieves. She’s another sexy fox besides Diane.

Tyler ostrom

Seeing both Stella and Octavia in the same tier… I’m joking but would be interesting given your art style would probably end up being damn good anyways.


Yeah, I know about the surface level of Sly Cooper, but when I make a comic, I have to know EVERYTHING and their grandma. I'd need to seriously dig into the lore big time (which I actually half did already for her before), but currently, it's not enough to inspire me. Probably will if I meet an artist who puts Carmelita as their absolute favorite character, and has an art style that fits with her, tho.


I have to say that Stella and Octavia aren't in the same story idea, thus why I put another character to separate them.

Caleb Nanney

I know one artist who knows her. His username is Heresy, perhaps he can point you to the direction.

Tyler ostrom

Gotcha either way seeing Stella in your style would honestly be quite refreshing a lot of content with characters from HB/HH trying to copy or even imitate the art style the show does kinda gets old.


What!? Princess Luna not interested, NO!


Thanks, but currently I'm already busy enough with the current projects and prefer to do my lore research by myself :o


"my art style"? You know I actually try to be accurate to the source material? :v And also the final result is never my style, since I only do the writing and the story board. Each comic has a different artist, thus a different art style :v

Tyler ostrom

Oooh, sorry I’ve only really read a couple of your comics and the ones I have kinda all have the same feel/style. (Wanted, The Bad Girl, The Bond) and yeah i didn’t realize you do the story and story boarding for the comics them selves.


The similar feeling probably comes from the composition! But if I'd do something with Stella and/or Octavia, it wouldn't be exactly on the same art style than the show anyway. There aren't enough flesh and muscles to my taste. You'll see with the comic "Jealousy", with Bee and Loona, when it'll release :>

Tyler ostrom

Seeing all the Eevees give me vibes of Oversexed eeveelutions by Kuroodod and kinda hyped if that goes any further


Can't say, I dunno that comic, but by looking at it, it doesn't really seem to be my thing :t

Tyler ostrom

It’s not a lot of people’s either but I believe it was an adaptation of an original comic that they made before and just used the eevees instead of their OCs


Kindred is On Discussions 👀💦 I hope that discussion is very short timed and move to On Queue very soon


Honestly I would love to see a legoshi x Juno


I have a Juno idea but not with Legoshi. He has been way too clear that he isn't interested by her at all, and I prefer to not force it if I can.


Currently, in September, Kindred will be either moved into "On queue"/"Ongoing", or into "Idea but no artist". :v

Wolfgang Xander

Tigress, Rivet, Jenna and Juno! Yes please.


So, how are you going to handle non-anthro characters like Jenna and Cynder? Are you going to recruit an artist who will draw them as upright anthro or keep them the same as their source material?

Kochi, Dignity Thief

I would definitely fight for something to be done with one of the Spyro characters in green tier. But not with all these other projects.


Yeah, I don't really find her very interesting enough to my taste :L A Legoshi x Haru has been explored enough in all directions in the manga itself. Aside for the "size", which would take only a page or two, I don't see what else I could tell about it. And Haru's design doesn't really inspire me :l


Thoughts on Midna from "Zelda: Twilight Princess"?


I prefer her real form than her imp form to be honest :v As an imp, she'd be in neutral feeling, and interested if real form. I'm not against doing Zelda stuff in the future, but I have other stuff to do first o/