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Hello there,

Little summary of the current projects here:
- Diane Foxington (The Bad Girl)
: Because of workflow thingy, we had to trade Wolfinasuit with Asura (who already worked with us on the cover, pages 5 and 6 of the very same comic). Asura being super fast, it actually works super great schedule wise, as it's now not as tight as it used to! If nothing crazy happen, 2 pages per month are secured! Feels good!
- Freya Crescent (The Children of Burmecia): Finished
- Tempest Shadow (First Time): No problem at all.
- Maid Marian (Wanted): Still a bit late, but nothing that you should notice so far.
- Beelzebub & Loona (Jealousy): No problem at all.
- Krystal & Fara Phoenix (The Bond 2): Production should start mid July.

On the unpublished yet:
- Renamon (Digimon Selenium): Slowly cooking. Currently working on pre-production stuff, such as background and assets.

Hope you'll like or will keep liking those projects :>
Thank you, as always for your support!



curious, how long does it typically take for you to start a comic? like the time from concept to getting the first page completed


That's a question that may interest other people. I think I'll make a whole post later today to reply to it o/