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Hello there,

This Patreon is now a bit more than a year old, and there are now a few hundred of you following it in one way or another. I sincerely thank you for that o/
I was thinking that maybe we could do a Questions & Answers session if you have any questions. I can’t promise to answer everything (especially questions about future projects, as I don’t want to get you hyped up for something that might never be released), and I won't have time to draw funny responses. But I can at least try to answer in a more traditional way o/

If that's something you like, we could do that regularly~

So, have you any question? :>


Phantom Fox

Do you happen to know the oc characters from the zootopia community like Jack Savage and Skye? If so, would you be interested in making a comic of the two of them or even a crossover with Nick and Judy, like, I don't know, a trio or quartet or would that be too much?


I'm honestly not interested into OCs, whatever the fandom :v


Why Lummh? Where does the name originate from? Also, if you could look back in time to when you were learning art and pick up another style, which would you go for? Who's grand artistic skills would you look to emulate?


- In my langage, French, I really like to play around words, do puns, or what we could call "langage of the birds", where words have several meanings based on the sound. More than dozen years ago, I wanted to create my first OC - based of course on Krystal. She needed a name. I came up with Lumie (Lumee). It came from playing around the French word "lumière" (light), by getting "Lumie ère" (Lumie wanders). It later became the name of my World of Warcraft character for a while, where I was roleplaying. There, I was in a community of dudes, and was ended up being called like that by defaut. Since that name sounded a bit too girly to my taste, I decided to skip the " ee " sound for just Lum. It became my nickname since. Many years later, I had to create accounts for gaming and "Lum" was already taken. Because I was trying to give a bit of fun to my wife, I decided to call it "Lum mmh" like a moan ('cause I started drawing NSFW stuff at the time, following her advice). Ended up as "Lummh" for short. - I'm fine with my art style and doesn't feel like I would want another. Besides, I try to adapt to other art styles when I draw comics, so it's not like my art style is that personal anyway. Those art styles I try to emulate are more for the purpose of being respectful to the source material than me being an absolute fan of that particular art style. I'm not fan enough of anything to the point of wanting to emulate it for my own.