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NSFW comic about adult Octavia - Yay or Nay?

  • Yay! I would even help to fund it (50€ per page)! 4
  • Yay! I wouldn't mind to read such comic! 44
  • Nay! Even aged up, it's still wrong! 10
  • 2024-04-06
  • 58 votes
{'title': 'NSFW comic about adult Octavia - Yay or Nay?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yay! I would even help to fund it (50€ per page)!', 'votes': 4}, {'text': "Yay! I wouldn't mind to read such comic!", 'votes': 44}, {'text': "Nay! Even aged up, it's still wrong!", 'votes': 10}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 6, 12, 3, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 58}


Hello there,

Since we are in controversial topics these days, I'd like your opinion on somethin'. Some may remember that last week I asked people on Discord and X (formerly twitter, haha) their opinion about a comic about ADULT (aged up) Octavia, as I have the possibility to make one, featuring Loona.

If you don't know, Octavia is a female owl in the popular show Helluva Boss. Officially there, she's 17 years old. She looks like an adult, thinks like an adult (a young one at least), so the idea would be to simply put the story later, when she's slightly older (of few months or years depending of the legislation of your state, ask your closest politician on the matter).

(Oh no! A child lighting a cigarette to an adult!!)

Thing is, I've been warned many times that by doing that, I could not only be blocked by VivziePop (which I don't really mind that much, as I don't think she'd have promoted such comic anyway), as they have explicitely said that they don't want NSFW content about this particular character. I understand that wish, but wouldn't I be a hypocrite to grant that wish to her and not to the creators of The Bad Guys, Star Fox, Final Fantasy IX, My little Pony, Robin Hood, and so on? Pretty sure they'd have preferred their characters to stay family friendly as well.

But also I could be called a """"bad person"""" - to not use the word - for making such comic. As even "aging up a fictional character is wrong", going with the argument of "age is just a number" (yet again, Octavia looks and acts like an adult. A young adult, yes, but still an adult. Having her being treated like a child while she's grown up is kinda her thing).

Did I say they literally live in hell where the series isn't shy to show how depraved people are there?

I couldn't say it on X (formerly twitter, haha) because of a lack of space, but actually, the idea with the story I'd go with, for Octavia, is basically that she's now a legal adult for some time already, and she's pissed that she's still treated like a child, which is exactly the reason why she'd do the lewd as an act of rebllion. To be her own person, with her own body and her own rules, and so, with someone she could trust.

I believe that would be a fitting story to reply to such controversy.

As for those who wonder why I bring that up again, it's because I have an artist who could do that comic but, because of that controversy, we tried to think of a comic about something completely different. Unfortunately, our tastes of characters are a bit too different, and despite our numerous tries, we struggle to find something.
Loona stuff seems to be one of the only things that could work. But I have already a Loona comic, with Bee and Tex. Would be too repeatitive to make another one with one of the two latter, and I need another character she knows well to do stuff with, 'cause we can't waste time introducing a new character.
And I prefer to let pure Loona x Tex or Loona x Moxxie to the already existing comics on the subject.

Thus the idea focused around Octavia.

So, I asked twitter and Discord but what about your opinion?

Adult aged up Octavia. Yay or Nay?
Comment if you have more to say on the matter o/

I'd be even more curious if your reply is "Nay", because, as you may have read, I'm more in favor of doing it. If you really think it's a bad idea, I'd be grateful if you could explain me why.



I wouldn’t mind a comic about Octavia, and I personally don’t know about Vivziepop’s policies regarding her characters, but I believe that the least you could do is make a very obvious and loud disclaimer that all the characters are 18+ years of age and that your story is not canon to the source material. Also, I think you and your artist(s) should design Octavia in a way so that she obviously looks like an adult. Finally, if you’re going to post on X, maybe try to make it in a way that Vivzie doesn’t take notice of what you’re doing (No hashtags, for example). Hope my advice helps in a way.


I mean, if you've read my pitch, her being an adult would be literally the point of the story. I also think the title would be something like "I'm not a child!" or some stupid thing like that, haha~


Love hellaverse content! ^^ would be interesting to see in your style!