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Hello there,

Little summary of the current projects here:
- Diane Foxington (The Bad Girl)
: The 800€ per month goal has been achieved, giving us enough funding to try to make 2 pages per month! We're currently trying to reorganise our schedule to make it possible. In theory, we should start to see the results after page 14. No promises. We'll simply try our best to make it happen. Wolfinasuit should start to work on page 15 and replace Spirale then. She'll keep helping me only on the story and story board. (See here for more context)
- Freya Crescent (The Children of Burmecia): The next page is on progress. Sorry for the delay. It appears that having Honi Do working on 3 projects at the same time, plus his job, was too much. Who knew?
- Tempest Shadow (First Time): No problem at all.
- Maid Marian (Wanted): No problem at all.

On the unpublished yet:
- Beelzebub & Loona (Jealousy): The previous artist has been replaced. The new artist, FoxiMoron, is currently trying to remake the cover to fit their style. They started only recently as there was some schedule to handle first.

On queue:
- Tigress (Balance):
Completely rewritten but I'm waiting for Honi Do to be closed to finish The Children of Burmecia first, for obvious reasons.
- Blaze the Cat (Heat of Another):
May return in May
- Rivet x Ratchet: Planned for Honi Do, it should be the next one we may do after (or during but later?) Tigress comic, depending of Honi Do's schedule.

Currently cooking in the background:
- Mewtwo:
Scripting quietly. I don't think people are really waiting this one, as the feedbacks about this particular character have been quite mixed, but I don't really care, I like her and the story I wrote for her.
- Renamon: A big surprise for me! I'm not very familiar with Digimon but Renamon has always been there in my mind. Like "okay, she's sexy, I should do something with her but what?". I had stories but they weren't that original.
But few days ago, a big concept suddenly poped into my head, and I had to dig into Digimon's lore and concept a lot. Now it has easily become the biggest NSFW project I've ever imagined. It's not just a long story, it has a lot of other things too. It could potentially become my main project in the future (the other projects wouldn't be cancelled of course), assuming the success follow the amibition, obviously.
It should be drawn by Feny.
I'll tell you more once I'll have some visuals. I don't want to give you too much expectations, but I'm quite optimistic on this one!

Currently in discussion with other artists (no idea if it'll be made or not):
- Kindred (League of Legends)
- Cynder (Spyro the Dragon)

As for The Bond 2.

The sequel of The Bond was supposed to start around mid 2024 but because of a reorganisation of the schedule, it has been moved way earlier.

I think I'll call it "Memories".


Usually, I don't say much about the plot to give you the surprise, but on this one, I have the feeling that it could be controversial. Why would it be? I'm usually all about wholesome and happy vibes comics, after all. What's controversial in that?
- First, the story won't be a Krystal x Fox but... about Krystal and... Fara Phoenix.
Who's Fara Phoenix? For those who don't know, she was Fox's girlfriend in the official Star Fox comics during the 90s. She was even supposed to be in Star Fox 2 before her role has been changed into either Miyu or Fay (both of them sharing traits with Fara). Ultimately Miyu became Katt Monroe in Star Fox 64. We have updated her design (Picture 2).
I'm fairly certain that it's not what you were expected for the sequel.
But wait.
There's more.
- Second, Krystal will have a dick.

Now, what's the big idea? Why a lesbian comic with Krystal having a dick? How is that supposed to be a sequel to The Bond? Am I not supposed to make wholesome comics with canon (or close to canon) pairing?

See, a wholesome comic is exactly what I'm trying to do here, and this is why I'm pitching the story right now. To share with you the direction I'm leaning to.
Allow me to explain:
For those who follow the Discord, I don't make a mystery that I believe Fox and Krystal isn't a healthy couple. They have basically nothing in common aside of being both foxes (not even from the same species technically, as one is from a lost planet no one has ever heard before).
And I like to make comics about healthy couples.
So, what do these two need in order to become one?
They need to know and understand eachother better, and we have to see it so it can feel genuine.
Sure, they could randomly fuck, because Krystal can't help but loving sex and stuff, but it'd feel too cheap to me.
Which leads us to the story I'd like to tell called "Memories".
Basically, because she wants to know more about the one she has bonded with, Krystal will use her telepathy to explore Fox's memories. And because those memories belong to Fox, she lives them from his own eyes.
See? Directly a sequel to The Bond.
It's simple "show don't tell" stuff. Showing them telling their memories to eachother and say "I understand you" would be boring, so it'd be more interesting of having Krystal living them directly.
Thus, the story won't exactly be about Krystal magically getting a dick and fucking Fara because there's a love triangle or something, while Fox is a cuck.
It's simply Krystal reliving Fox's memory of him making love to Fara when they used to be a couple many years ago.
Thus the title of that sequel, "Memories". Pretty staight forward.
I guess that doesn't count as Fox being a cuck.
Having Krystal with a dick, Fox's dick in fact, will simply be a way to show that she's witnessing the memory, and to add to the spice. After all, it's still a porn comic.
Why that memory in particular? Well, I won't spoil everything, will I?

So, technically, that comic is still story about a canonical couple making love, which will help me to have Krystal in the right mindset to be more open to Fox... for another sequel where they'll finally be able to "share their mind".

That's right, Fox X Krystal FOR REAL-REAL THIS TIME is planned after this one.

Merkury will be the one who will illustrate that comic. I know some people said that I did good on The Bond, but I'd prefer to let better artists than myself handle it. I'll still be on the story board and will still supervise the drawing, like for every comics released here.
The Krystal test sketch (picture 1) is hers, and I'm confident she'll do wonders with the visuals!

Fara Phoenix's redesign (picture 2) by Feny.

Little note: I'm aware that futa isn't for everyone, and I'm not a fan either. I just haven't found a better way to get to "Fox x Krystal for real" without that path (and trust me I TRIED. REALLY HARD. FOR MONTHS).
That being said, know that I don't mind if the visual is Fox x Fara, with Krystal narrating "as a ghost". Fundemantally, it wouldn't change the story at all. Krystal is there because it's a Krystal and Fox story. But I'm just not sure if people would be interested to pay us 50€ per page for a Fox x Fara. But if you are, let me know.


Hope you'll like or will keep liking those projects :>
Thank you, as always for your support!




As long as I see Fox and Krystal as a couple haha, Could do something about Krystal getting used to life in Corneria , or Fox learning more on Krystal's people/species, trying to learn her language. Just showing that he's trying to be with her. He did save her after all lol. I'm not so good with stories myself


Yeah, but that doesn't make for good NSFW material tho :L


I really admire these long posts, they are very informative!