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Howdy, everyone!

I've been thinking about this for a bit, but would love some input from whoever has an opinion on the matter regarding Q&A livestreams. I wanted to start doing them as a fun way to interact with everyone who may have any questions whether they pertain to the audios or it being personal questions, but I failed to take into account that, you know, time zones exist.

So my question to you all is the following: Should I wait until we've accumulated more patrons to start Q&A livestreams or should I instead make Q&A audios where I answer a bunch of questions from a list?

I'm fine with either or, but I feel like it would be much more fair to people who wouldn't be able to actively participate.

Next, I'm thinking about making a public discord server for everyone to congregate in. We could have movie nights, game nights and just basically chill whenever. If you are against it, just let me know.

Tell me what you think about these two things and I'll go with what's more desired. I might make a poll just in case people don't have time to write a response. Thank you all very much!



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