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Farah had been kind enough to drop me off at my apartment building.

After two days of constant driving, I was beyond exhausted. Some of my bruises from the heist had yet to finish healing, and I could swear my bones creaked when I moved. I tried to put on a brave face when I nodded to my neighbors, who expressed joy at my health and a hope that this wouldn’t happen again.

I assured them it wouldn’t then shoved past them.

As the elevator slowly struggled upwards, I glared at my phone and its lack of messages. Billy was supposed to contact me first, since we didn’t know if he’d get exposed by an inconveniently-timed text, but it was odd of him to be so late in finishing a mission.

I wasn’t supposed to be concerned about it until a whole week was done, but worry nibbled at my mind regardless, making me refresh the chat over and over hoping for a sudden text from him telling me everything would be alright. It actually took me a moment to realize the doors were open.

Crystal Brown was in the hallway, keys in her door but not moving because their holder was busy glaring at me like it would make me spontaneously combust. I smiled awkwardly, gave her a nod that she met with a click of her tongue, and I walked past trying not to look at her. It took me five desperate attempts to unlock my door, and I basically flung myself through in an effort to get in faster.

My apartment was dark, the sun halfway through setting outside my windows. The whole place was still subtly wrecked after my fight with Red Hood, but Billy must’ve passed through, ‘cause the furniture was upright and some of the bullet holes already had a bit of plaster applied.

There was even a nice smell in the air, which actually gave me pause when I registered it.

Billy wasn’t much for aromatic candles, and I doubted anyone he’d hire would be either. I look around, concerned and making for my gun until I saw my Spider mask on the counter, next to a pack of mints and a drawing of a kissy face.

It was made on a small white card. There was a black bat on the back, one with very pointy ears.

Smiling a bit, I popped a couple of the mints into my mouth and put on the mask, slowly unbuttoning my shirt and leaving it draped over a chair. I chewed the mints quickly, lowered my mask to spit out the gum, then made for the bedroom.

The only source of light inside were the candles I’d smelt earlier. They cast long shadows in subtle light, playing wonderfully over Cassandra’s costumed body.

My wonderful ninja girlfriend was lounging on my bed with both wrists handcuffed to their respective bedposts with her own handcuffs, her mask over her face failing to hide her eager smile, and her utility belt open on the chair by my desk, with the condom compartment open.

Okay, fuck the mad scientists. My life is awesome.

Batgirl,” I breathed, stretching and failing to hide a smile when she very obviously stared at my chest. “Such a pleasure to have you as a guest.

Cass squirmed a bit, then took control of her body language and took a more defiant position, with her knees drawn up and her mask shifting over an angry expression.

“You won’t win,” she spat out. Cass was a generally good actor unless she spoke, since she said every line with the same struggle she had speaking in her everyday life. Still, it kinda added to the charm of the scene, in my opinion. “My backup is going to ruin your heists. Taking me prisoner won’t stop me, Spider.”

Oh, she wanted this one? It really had turned into one of her favorites among the supervillain roleplays.

Personally, I still preferred the one where she seduced me into being a hero. It was really cute since it started the same, but we just acted like she was so good in the sack that I was ready to give up my villainous ways.

Which was a reach, but not that much of one, honestly.

Oh, my lovely, you don’t understand,” I said, walking up to her and brushing her masked cheek with a thumb, to which she affected a subtle tremble of the chin. “I didn’t take you to rob those banks. I robbed those banks to take you.

She gasped subtly, already starting to squirm in place. My hand trailed over her cheek, fingers brushing it until they started working their way down the side of her neck, then petting her shoulder lightly as I leaned in.

You’ve no idea what a pleasure it’s been to fight you these past few years, Batgirl,” I said, hand going down her arm then trailing to her stomach, letting me feel her fucking awesome abs through her skintight suit and how she shuddered under my attentions. “Ours was a fun game, but it’s time for the playing to stop. Your absence in my life is not an option.

Cass swallowed and raised her chin defiantly, saying, “I w-will visit your jail, then.”

Heh,” I said, getting to the hem of her pants. “We will see who becomes prisoner first.

Cass swallowed again, and my hand trailed up her body again, pausing to cup her breast as I went to the zipper hidden by her neck, which I pulled down all the way so that I could pull her top open.

There was no bra to hide her beautiful body, and nothing that could hide the blush that went all the way down to her collarbone. I put a leg over her to straddle her lap then removed the bottom of my mask, leaning in to capture one nipple in my lips while my fingers rolled the other between them.

Cass started giving little gasps as I toyed with her sensitive body, sometimes changing hands and peppering kisses on her collarbone and neck, and she writhed under me and small moans escaped her.

“So naughty,” I chuckled, letting my free hand trail down her body and over the crotch of her pants.

Since she hadn’t warned me, I decided to challenge myself with this, and really make her ask for it.

It took her a moment to realize her legs were wide open and she tried to close them again, but I pressed down my middle finer at just the right time and spot, making her back arch again as a little scream escaped her. While Cass’ life had given her a truly amazing tolerance for pain, she was much more receptive to pleasure.

Color rose on her face just from a kiss, so to have me play with all her sensitive spots had her breathing raggedly within minutes.

I didn’t bring attention to it until I’d pushed up her mask and had two fingers in her mouth, where she was sucking on them eagerly. I started chuckling again, and it took her a moment to realize that she’d broken character almost as soon as I’d gotten started.

She tried to show resistance again, maybe bite down, but then I started pushing her pants off and she forgot again in favor of writhing to make it easier to remove them. She didn’t have panties either, and the smell of her arousal was as obvious as the wet trails clinging from her pants to her pussy.

“My sweet little hero, they should’ve treated you like this before,” I said, a playful rumble in my voice as I leaned in to nibble at her neck, enjoying her needy whines. “Now… you’re all mine.”

“Y— N-No, I’m not,” she tried to deny.

Still chuckling, I trailed down her body as I peppered it with kisses, ending with my head between her legs. She took a shuddering breath as I started to kiss her thighs, her trembling only getting heavier as I went closer to her clit before I moved away again.

I did that over and over again, making her thrash against the handcuffs when I got closer to her core and then struggle against me as I moved away, frustrated at my edging her. My hands grabbed her thighs and rubbed her scarred skin, feelings goosebumps under my fingertips.

“G-Get it over with!” she demanded.

“I will when you beg,” I countered, making her gasp a little again.

“Mn!” she aimed her face away, lips pressed tight as she resisted and actually squeezed her thighs closed around my head. “Y-You scoundrel.”

Which, c’mon. Not even a problem.

Still in between her legs, I gave the inside of her thigh a lick that made her squeak and twitch away, letting me go back to making her moan as I edged her, letting shivers overtake her body.

She slowly started getting used to it, so I chuckled and started trailing back up her body, giving her amazing abs a long lick that she actually snorted a bit at, because even in my evil villain role I didn’t stop worshipping them.

Her amusement was smothered by arousal when I got to her chest, where I pulled a nipple into my mouth and nibbled it slightly, making her whimper. My fingers trailed down her stomach, stopping over her womb as her hips raised up, then going back up as my mouth kept playing with her nipple, my other hand going under her to play with her other tit, almost embracing her.

And it was that physical closeness, I think, that finally pushed her over the edge.

Without me even touching her pussy, Cass came with a violent shudder, squealing between grit teeth and squirting over my bedsheets. A sheen of sweat covered her body, as well as goosebumps, and the slightest touch on her thigh made her shudder again.

“Beg,” I ordered again.

Panting, she forced a glare and shook her head. “Never.”

Damn, she really wanted me to go heavy on foreplay, huh? It had been a while.

I removed myself from her side, and put myself between her legs again, separating them and then slowly pushing them back. Flexible as she was, Cass didn’t so much as grunt as I put her feet on either side of her head and stuck them there with webs.

Once that was done, I went in for a kiss again. She turned her head to the side, but a nibble on the neck and a few kisses trailing up her jawline had her purring and letting me kiss her in an instant. Her skin was feverishly hot under my lips, and as soon as I planted them on her own, she opened her mouth and let my tongue in.

I could feel her breathing get harder, so I moved back at the last moment so that she’d lean forward to try and chase after me, only to stop when she spotted the smugness of my grin.

“Never, huh?”

She clicked her tongue and looked away again. “I-I’ll stop you.”

“You’d have to actually try first,” I snorted, and before she could snap back I started playing with her clit, making a loud squeak leave her lips.

I took the opportunity to go back to kissing her while I fingered her, thumb toying with her clitoris as my index and middle fingers entered her and started rubbing her g-spot.

I was relentless, giving her wave after wave of pleasure only to stop just as she was about to cum, pulling back from our kiss. A bit of drool was leaving her mouth as she whined, eyes unfocused under the mask.

“Think of all you could have,” I whispered, letting her body calm down before I slowly started rubbing her g-spot again. Her hips bucked, shivered, and just before she came I stopped again. “Think of how good it would feel… how much satisfaction, how free you would feel… if you just… let… go.”

“I-I c-can’t,” she stuttered, sounding weaker than before.

“But you want to, don’t you?”

She looked away.

I pressed on her clit and started moving my fingers inside her, fast and precise enough that the pleasure soon threatened to overwhelm her and she admitted, “Y-Yes! Yes, I wanna!”

I stopped again.

“Then beg,” I said. “Beg, and it can all be yours.”

She whined a bit, moving against my hand but I didn’t let her. Cass was a fiend for an orgasm, part of how weak she was to pleasure. After I made her cum once and edged her three times…

“No,” she said, shaking her head. Through her mask, she looked me dead in the eye and said, “I’ll turn you.”

… god, I love her.

I gave her another kiss, less lustful and more just an expression of adoration and appreciation. Mind reader that she was, she understood and returned the same feeling through her kiss.

“Back on track,” she whispered, writhing a bit.

“Mm,” I said, before flicking her clit.

Resistant to pain, she just felt the jolt of pleasure that made her go, “Eep!”

“I think you should be careful not to cash checks with your mouth that your ass can’t pay,” I said, going back to teasing her.

Over and over, I brought her to the edge but kept her from going over. I played with her pussy, I bit her neck, I gave her pleasure in every way that she loved, and she became quicker to please with every repetition until I couldn’t even touch her without making her cum.

When we reached that point, I drew back and let her calm down slightly while I undid the zipper of my pants and pulled out my cock.

Her eyes fell on it, drool trailing down the side of her mouth as she swallowed heavily. I got closer and put my length over her abdomen, showing her how deep I’d go to rearrange her guts. She bit her lower lip, and did not resist as I reached over and pulled her mask off.

Her eyes glimmered with adoration and arousal, practically heart-shaped as she stared up at me.

“Beg,” I commanded, one final time.

“Please,” she breathed, unable to pretend resistance anymore.

I entered Cass with a single stroke, and a loud yowl escaped her.

Her powerful legs immediately shot down, tearing the mattress open as they took the webs with them, then locked around me, trying to keep me inside as I drew back and forth, pushing against her g-spot, making moans pour from her lips before I kissed her and bit her lip.

Still, the position was maintained. I had Cassandra Cain in a mating press, and the only think she could do…

“H-Harder!” she begged, “F-Fa-Fas-ster!”.

Was beg for more.

The bed started to creak dangerously as we moved. Her high endurance and my superhuman body let us move as hard as our passions demanded, and I was making good progress in fucking her through the mattress before the bed gave up the ghost first.

The legs snapped out and splintered, letting us fall to the floor with one especially delicious push that made her eyes bulge out as she screamed a moan that was probably heard by every single person in the building.

Since her hands were still handcuffed to the bedposts that we left behind, our positions changed a bit when Cass was pulled up and out from under me. Which just gave her more freedom of movement to do that thing with her hips, making me moan so hard I had to muffle it by biting her shoulder.

This, in turn, finally excited her enough that she tore her handcuffed wrists free from my bedposts. More wood splinters flew everywhere and her arms wrapped around my body, trying to press me close and reduce the distance between us to less than nothing. Her moans rang right in my ear, exciting me, just as I knew my quiet groans and cussing did to her.

A scream escaped her, and I felt her tightening around my cock as she came again. But when Cass started seriously coming, she chained those orgasms together one after the other as her sensitive body got stuck in a feedback loop.

She started convulsing, only keeping her hips moving through extreme control of her own body, doing her best to wring me dry until finally I had to tap her shoulder to let her know I was about to cum. I almost told her to let me pull out…

But she gave me a glare that let me know I would only be delaying the inevitable. Her legs locked tighter around me while I accepted the unspoken request and moved faster.

I painted her womb white, and her feedback loop increased so much that she almost deafened me with her new orgasm.

She didn’t so much “come down” from her orgasmic high as she regained a bit of self-control, but semantics aside, she managed to give me a look that promised we were only beginning.

Honestly, thank god for enhanced stamina and durable bones, because by the time we were done my mattress was torn and my bed was a pile of splinters under it. Our necks were covered in hickeys, hers was covered in bites, and though she trimmed her nails too short to scratch me, there were some bruises around my hips from where she held me.

But we were very warm and comfortable together. And I slept with my face buried in her bosom, so all in all I was pretty much doing excellent.


I woke up with sunrise after only two hours of sleep.

It was something that happened often those days, since I had nightmares every other night. My sleep cycle was basically garbage, and I often had to force myself to fall asleep through exhaustion, but that didn’t always mean I slept all night.

Uncomfortably sweaty, I pushed the scraps that used to be my sheets off of me and stretched out, making Cass grumble and shift so that she was curled up and wrapped around my arm.

I looked at her, then used webs and a long arm to reach into my nightstand’s second drawer to pull out a joint and my second lighter.

The noise in my head was smothered by warmth, THC and the rare silence of a city in the morning, so I let myself look at Cass again.

Her short hair was matted with sweat and spread wildly, sticking up in a few places. Her body, toned and scarred, was completely bereft of tension as she snored softly and mumbled in her sleep.

I took a puff and flicked the ash on the floor, exhaling away from her face. My face was blank, but I felt a wave of affection overcome me and I leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead. She mewled a bit in her sleep and cuddled my arm, making me smile.

Honestly, I had no idea how things had lasted this long.

On the betting pool of our relationship, I’d lost a good thousand dollars on us breaking up within a semester, and Cass herself lost twelve bucks, a paperclip and a Batburger coupon on us breaking up a year after we started officially dating.

We still fought with words and fists from time to time, but then one would show up at the other’s house with a peace offering and we’d just… hang out. It was easy to hang out, really. Cass was my favorite person in the whole world, and sometimes I even believed it was mutual.

Cass liked it when I read to her, even if she tuned out the words and just listened to me make noise. I liked it when she danced her ballet, in a public performance or in private when she wanted to show me a new choreography she had learned.

She liked it when I helped her prank her siblings. I liked it when she topped me. She liked it when I cooked for her. I liked it when she laughed. She liked it when I gave her a massage. I liked it when she raced me across Gotham’s rooftops. She liked it when I made up special signs just for us to understand. I liked it when she gossiped about her brothers’ love lives to me. She liked it when I helped people. I liked it when she helped people.

At some point… I realized just being around her made me happy.

And it was weird, because I didn’t deserve it, but… I was a thief. I didn’t need to deserve something to have it, did I?

Someone once told me that to be happy one needed to let themself be happy, and I thought it was a load of crap. But there was a grain of truth, wasn’t there?

Maybe I needed to stop expecting things to go to hell. If they did go there, I could deal, but for now…

For now, why worry?

Cass blinked slightly and saw me staring at her like a weirdo.

She smiled at me. Of all the women in the world, the most wonderful of all thought me worth smiling at.

What a mistake. What a joy.

“I love you.”

She smiled wider and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I love you too.”

She closed her eyes and rested her head in the crook of my neck. I put out the joint and joined her.


“Oh jeez.”

I opened one eye, the other mushed into one of Cass’ boobs, and glared at Stephanie as she stood at the foot of what used to be my bed, awkwardly fidgeting in place.

The draft let me know that I’d fallen asleep naked over the covers, so I quickly fixed that before waving for her to fuck off and let me sleep.

“Wh- No!” she complained, grabbing the sheets and tearing them off, making Cass grumble in her sleep. “Guys, wake up! We’ve been trying to call you for three hours!”

“We decided not to delay date night anymore,” I grumbled, still trying to go back to the wonderful valley of my girlfriend’s tits. “What happened? Condiment King got loose again? Calendar Man? I swear if you’re here because of Killer Moth, I will—”

“Billy and Yua got kidnapped!”

I was awake, up and getting dressed before she said the last syllable.

Author's Note: This chapter was such a pain in the ass to write I'm halfway convinced I'm asexual now.



Amazing work as always; Happy to see it! Will you be posting the updated chapters to Spacebattles, as well? That's a question with no wrong answer; I was just curious. Spacebattles is where I found this fic.


Unfortunately, SB and SV don't seem terribly keen on my story, so it'll stay on QQ and here unless I see demand for it there.

Wolfdragon Sage

It would be crazy if Sam ends up being Ras Al ghul son. Then that would mean that Damien would be his nephew and that would be funny as hell.