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[A/N: My whole family got caught in the flu, felt like a second wave of COVID. I thought that shit was over but damn, what an unpleasant two weeks that was! Still, I managed to get some writing done, even if it is less than I want it to be.

I am currently still editing the chapters but there should be another three by morning and another two by tomorrow evening. Enjoy!

And I hope all of you are in good health and are ready for the Christmas season!}

Chapter 270 – Morning

[2009 – October – Saturday]

“Are you sure that you don't want to laze around with us for a bit longer?”, her love asked with a relaxed smile, his shadowed eyes glowing lovingly while he sat on the bed with his arms resting on his raised and bent knees.

Elijah's black hair was still a bit wet and he was only wearing some thin grey linen pants. He looked youthful and gave off a warm air, though his hard-to-detect presence was that of a dark titan, soul-stirring and unshakable.

Laura sat curled up in between his legs, her left side resting against Elijah's chest as she wore one of his shirts. She had her eyes half-closed while her face snuggled close to his neck, her expression utterly content.

Jean could feel the other girl's emotions and sense her mental state, so she knew that the many knots in Laura's heart had now slowly become undone with hers and Elijah's acceptance of the brunette.

As if she had found her safe haven, Laura's innate caution and subconscious tension were gone while she was with them. They had been replaced by a sense of homeliness and peace, as well as this untamed and all-consuming wildfire in her heart that represented her love and passion.

And seeing Laura so at peace, pure and innocent joy radiating off her in waves as she breathed in Elijah's presence as if it were some life-giving nectar while also looking at her with adoring and smitten eyes, Jean's own heart couldn't help but overflow with tenderness and desire.

It was almost ten o'clock already and the three of them had been awake for a few hours, which they had spent in a sensual haze that left Jean's cheeks somewhat flushed even now.

The sight of her love towering over Laura as he passionately thrust into the wild-hearted girl from behind, his perfect muscles tensing rhythmically in a gorgeous spectacle of strength and desire while she herself was at the mercy of Laura's somewhat shy but very eager and talented tongue, was burned into Jean's memory for time immemorial.

Simply recalling it momentarily caused a shiver to run down her back and her limbs to tremble while her skin felt hot and extra sensitive. Jean even had to clamp up her legs in fear of them turning to jelly and falling over, a quiet moan fighting to escape her lips.

Elijah alone was already too charming and his devilish ways often had her begging for mercy while they were intimate with each other.

But the addition of Laura simply added to her 'troubles'!

Truly, the two of them together were a serious threat to her self-control and Jean had to battle with herself to resist their charm, lest she was 'forced' to spend the next few days in bed with them.

Given how new and delicate the relationship between the three of them seemed, part of her also wanted to do exactly that, to explore each other to their heart's content and bask in the affection that they had for each other now that they were together like this.

But Jean had promised Yukio to help her set up the decorations for the party at Xavier's and she wasn't on to break her word.

"I can't, I'm already late.", she grumbled as she looked over the duo. Her expression clearly blaming the two of them though her eyes were filled with undeniable affection and sweetness.

"My bad.", Laura voiced out softly with a slight rasp to her tone as she arched her back a bit and smiled mischievously, looking incredibly attractive while doing so. A foxy glint appeared in her eyes as the gorgeous brunette added whisperingly while blushing herself: "But who asked you to look so pretty after just waking up?"

Ignoring Laura, who obviously wanted to get her back into bed, Jean felt heat rising to her cheeks and spreading down her neck as she looked at Elijah, whose smile seemed to be a little impish but still heart-stealingly charming.

Jean's breath got caught in her throat for a moment before she quickly turned away to avoid falling into temptation. Instead, she picked out some clothes to wear, her heartbeat accelerating still.

'Dangerous, these two are just too dangerous!', she lamented inwardly though an enamored smile couldn't help but appear on her lips.

The attraction between Elijah and her had always been incredible, almost like a physical sensation, a pull that came from deep within her. With Laura, unexpectedly, it was the same as Jean simply could not keep her at a distance.

And as it turned out, when the three of them were together, things seemed almost uncontrollable.

Naturally, since all of this was still new to them, with the three of them being together in such a fashion, she knew that the sensual tension would get more controllable as time passed, though she didn't really expect it to become any less intense.

Already wearing some white lace lingerie, the top part looking like a combination of a bra, a short baby doll, and a crop top while the lower part was just a flimsy little thing that was half-transparent like the top, Jean simply grabbed a pair of light-blue jeans and one of Elijah's shirts from the closet.

She had always loved wearing sexy underwear for herself and for her love. Obviously, she now also wore this for Laura's viewing pleasure even if it made her feel rather shy to admit this to herself. Jean naturally wanted Laura to think of her as sexy and beautiful since she found the other girl to be exactly that.

The jeans were of a loose cut that still accentuated her perky behind and round hips without being skin-tight. It sat high on her waist while Elijah's shirt nearly reached her mid-thighs, so she simply bunched it together and tied the lower part into a large knot that sat on her right hip.

The jeans were of a lighter color while the shirt was dark green, which should fit nicely with the darker denim jacket that she planned to wear on top, as well as her thick green scarf.

“How do I look?”, Jean asked as she twirled around and looked at the duo with expectant eyes, her hair tied into a long wavy ponytail.

Elijah smiled gently, his eyes looking deeply into hers: "As if I wished for you after seeing a shooting star."

Jean's eyes sparkled when she heard those words from her love, a soft and tender look appearing in them.

Laura on the other hand responded by detaching herself from Elijah and moving towards her on all fours before raising herself onto her knees when she reached the edge of the bed. Her hands reached out, her fingers hooking into the belt loops of her jeans as Laura pulled her close.

Eyes glittering, the wild-hearted girl connected their lips for a soft kiss, her tongue cheekily sneaking in between Jean's lips for a moment, caressing her own tongue lovingly.

Breaking the kiss, Laura's cheeks took on a rosy colour as she voiced out quietly, a foxy smile adorning her lips: “You look yummy.”

Feeling shy, Jean's cheeks gained a faint blush too while cursing inwardly at how susceptible she was to a flirtatious Laura.

Elijah, thankfully, took this moment to speak up and pull her out of her momentary daze.

“I have to go and meet Emma but what about you, little wolf? Why don't you accompany Jean to Xavier's, it will give you a chance to catch up with Logan?”, he asked before continuing, “I will catch up with you two after I am done here and take our costumes to Xavier's.”

Jean was rather certain that her love's intention to see his sister had something to do with whatever had taken place last night but she still didn't intend to force an answer out of him about the specifics. However, she knew that he would tell her if she asked as he wasn't one to hide things from her if asked directly.

Without waiting for their answer, Elijah dispersed his form into dark smoke and re-materialized right next to them, his hand reaching out to cup both of their cheeks tenderly while his shadowed eyes looked at them like only he could.

As if there was nothing more precious in all of existence, his gaze made Jean feel like she was Elijah's source of light as he was for her, and she imagined that Laura felt similarly.

"Also, I want us to just enjoy ourselves today, and leave it to tomorrow to figure out how exactly all of this is going to work.", he added with a firm yet gentle tone, a mischievous smirk appearing on the edge of his lips as he continued, "I need some time to prepare myself to be outnumbered from here on out, after all."

Naturally, after hearing those words, both she and Laura were 'provoked' to reply to Elijah's 'teasing' and give him a 'taste' of what he wanted to prepare himself for.

Her skin still tingling with the shadow sensations of kisses and caresses, Jean dressed herself for the second time that morning before leaving a kiss on her love's cheek and following Laura to her room so that she could get herself some clothes to wear aside from Elijah's shirt, which the dark-haired beauty quite obviously had no intention of returning.

When they left, her love was also getting ready to wake up Arya and meet Emma but his dark smoldering eyes followed their every movement. Jean anticipated that his 'retribution' would arrive swiftly and most delightfully tonight.



Good work, thank you. Get well soon!


i like the store but this chapter was boring in my opinion. i like details but its to little happening in a whole chapter