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Chapter 266 – Alveus

[2009 – October – Saturday]



Others might not believe it if he told them that this was without a doubt his greatest flaw but Alveus knew himself best. Millennia on Maveth had merely forced him to learn patience since his rash actions in the past had caused him near-endless torment over the long years.

After having been banished to this barren world, he had acted with indignant anger, which had been the last straw that broke the camel, so to speak.

The last nine cities of this world, which had survived the almost forgotten war of the past and represented the last embers of civilization and vitality, had been turned to ruins under his powers.

Naturally, the people of this world had been a great supplement to his strength, gifting him with a power that he had not known before. But it was a short-lived excitement as millennia of banishment had weakened him to an unimaginable level.

Even now, he only barely managed to conserve some vitality thanks to the continued sacrifices of his followers.

Having been forced to this stage through his own impatience and rashness, Alveus had learned to be patient through the most tortuous way, though his obsession to return to Earth and finish what he had started all those years ago after repelling the Kree and being betrayed by his own kind had only grown stronger.

Surviving for millennia on Maveth in a state that was closer to death than it was to life, he had no choice but to hold on to his grand vision for Earth's future. Otherwise, there would have been no meaning to his torturous existence, which wasn't something that he could accept.

Wandering through the barren plains, searching for rodents and other prey that might supply him with the necessary energy to sustain his existence for as long as it was necessary until he could finally return to his home world, Alveus couldn't help but freeze in shock for a moment when a young man suddenly stepped out of the 'void' in front of him.

Wearing all-black, dark locks swaying in the wind, a pair of dark green eyes stared at him impassively as if his existence was neither a surprise nor of importance.

There was also a tiny black creature with a pair of slitted amber eyes hiding inside the young man's collar, staring at him with ruthless predatory intent. It seemed to be some sort of infant avian though the intelligence in its eyes made it hard for Alveus to believe that it was just a normal animal.

Especially since he could not believe that the being in front of him would lower himself to keep an ordinary animal by its side.

Like the old Earthling saying 'Dragons do not mingle with snakes.', he would never believe that a simple creature could stay at the side of an entity such as the one in front of him.

Alveus clearly understood that no ordinary being could just 'step through the void', nor exude such dense malice and murderous intent that it almost felt corporal while carrying an expression that showed nothing but calm as the atmosphere shuddered and cracked under its presence.

He had the illusion as if he was stared at by some higher demonic entity that devoured all things light and life, and just as he was about to muster all his strength and speak to inquire about the being's identity, the young 'human' spoke.

“You are Hive, the rogue Kree's greatest miscalculation.”, a young but even voice sounded out while the faintest hints of interest could be detected in it, though the darkening sclera of the young man's eyes and the crushing pressure of his presence made it clear that he had no good intentions even if he spoke an Earthen language.

Nevertheless, Alveus was surprised by those words as he had not expected to hear about such ancient secrets, which unfortunately only strengthened the growing sense of doom in his heart.

Still, being millennia old and having lived by himself on this infertile planet, his mental fortitude allowed him to answer, even though it happened with difficulty: "I am indeed. But may I ask who you are and what brought an existence such as you to this barren world?"

“I am Elijah Frost.”, the young man replied, the malevolence around his figure becoming so dense that Alveus could hardly breathe, much less move or use his powers.

"And I am here because HYDRA has no place on Earth any longer.", the young man added calmly, his words freezing the blood in Alveus' host's veins, a sinking feeling appearing in his heart.

Without a shadow of a doubt, he knew that there was no escaping the being in front of him. Elijah Frost, as he called himself, might look like a young human male but Alveus was certain that what he was facing was anything but human.

And while he was unwilling, the tempering of millennia ensured that he wouldn't die unseemly and beg for mercy when facing a being that clearly knew no such concept.

"If you have any last words, you may say them.", the young man said, shadows and darkness twisting and burning around his form while white flames started to ignite in his eyes, "I will remember them even if no one else will ever hear them."

Alveus could feel the horrific and bottomless strength just radiating from the being's body, like a dark god that was ready to swallow the world, the light of the surroundings dimming in his presence.

He spoke with a calm certainty that was different from confidence or arrogance. This was the tone of an absolute being deciding the fate of a mortal, his unimaginable power ready to transform his will into reality.

Alveus had never expected to face death in this way, nor did he imagine that he would ever meet an existence such as the young man in front of him. And while he could guess the reason why this being had descended on this barren world, he still asked: “Why?”

"Your followers may have angered me, for which they will pay with suffering, but there is no hatred between us. This is merely a result of cause and effect. As such, you will die by my hand but you may leave behind something before that happens, even if it is just words."

The young man answered as if it was only natural but Alveus knew that this was merely the whims of a higher existence.

Resentment, indignation, and a hint of sorrow welled up in his heart as he faced his death before serenity and acceptance took over. He understood that there was no use in being full of hate in his last moments nor was he unfamiliar with death since he still remembered dancing on the line of survival as a hunter for his tribe.

He wasn't that hunter anymore, not after the uncountable minds and memories that he had swallowed over the long years of his life, but that didn't stop him from facing death with a straightened back, not cowering in the least.

"I always thought that I would go back.", Alveus sighed before his eyes shone with brilliance one last time, voicing out his eternal dream in front of the being that was determined to take his life, "Creating a collective that fears neither invasion nor disaster but could bring prosperity to Earth. Through me, they would be connected, bringing eternal peace."

“I failed but I do not regret, remember this.”, he ended.

“I will.”, the young man acknowledged.

And in the next moment, darkness descended.



Thanks for the chapter