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Chapter 002 – Support System

[289 AC – Winterfell]

[Congratulations! In accordance with your aspirations, you have awakened the 'Support System – Combat Edition, Subcategory: The Armed Warrior' after surviving a calamity of fate and awakening the memories of one of your former lives!]

[Do take note that this system is purely a support-type tool with no sentience, which solely rewards the effort you put into your training. Remark: 'May your hardship forge you into the sharpest of blades, young warrior!']

[Do you accept?(Yes)/(No)]

'Seeing' a transparent white panel suddenly appearing before his inner eye, Jon was shocked and rather frightened as goosebumps traveled down his back. It was akin to having suddenly found a second voice in his mind, which was supposed to be his inner sanctum.

But as fast as the scare came, it went away again as he forced himself to calm down and wait for a few moments. Nothing happened while the strange 'message' just stayed unmoved in his mind, waiting for his decision, setting him at ease somewhat.

Recalling the memories of his other life, Jon understood that this was most likely a 'superpower' like they appeared in stories, and just as he was about to accept it, he felt Lady Stark move.

Pausing what he was about to do, he focused on his surroundings again and suddenly became aware of his weakened body again, as well as his parched throat. After the last few minutes of revelations and surprises, he had almost forgotten that he hadn't yet recovered from the cold that had him in a fever coma for days.

Reaching for the water skin that lay on the nightstand strenuously, the thick fur covers weighing on him, Jon opted to ignore the Lady Stark in favor of quenching his thirst as he wasn't sure that he could face her without letting loose a few scathing remarks.

He wanted to remain calm and he knew that he would be able to rein in his temper eventually but his emotions were still in turmoil after having gained answers to so many of his questions, as well as answers to questions that he wouldn't even think to ask.

Unfortunately, his arm proved too short to reach the water skin, causing him to bite his dry lips in frustration.

"By the Seven, you're awake … You're finally awake!", a slightly hoarse yet melodious voice called out suddenly, immeasurable relief in the undertone, before two soft hands laid themselves on his form, one touching his chest, the other feeling his forehead.

The touch was light and filled with concern, and as Jon turned to face Catelyn Stark, he could spot two tears falling from her tired eyes, relief and care turning her usually cold gaze gently.

Frozen, his mind failed him as he could not help but feel his heart soften at this motherly touch and the emotions that he saw in the woman's eyes. Like a deer in headlights, he wasn't sure how to react and could do nothing but stare at the beautiful older woman for a moment.

Catelyn was seemingly the same as she took back her hands abruptly, the silence between them stretching longer than she found comfortable. Grabbing the water skin, she passed it to him as she slowly rose from her seat.

"Here, drink something, but in small gulps, and rest while I go and have the kitchen prepare something warm for you.", she said quietly while smoothing out her somewhat wild hair with her fingers before turning and leaving the small room somewhat hurriedly after he had given her a simple nod for an answer.

Jon let out a sigh of relief when he was alone again, realizing that while his earlier angry thoughts weren't false, he had looked at things too subjectively.

There was obviously good in Catelyn Stark but she had grown up in Westeros and so in her mind, a bastard posed a threat to her children, which were more precious to her than her own life.

And she wasn't wrong to be concerned given history proved her fears to be reasonable. The Blackfyre Rebellion was most likely the most prominent example of bastards coveting what should belong to legitimate children. Three wars and innumerable deaths were the results of what began with a single bastard coveting what did not belong to him.

And it wasn't by far the only example.

Taking into account that Catelyn also followed the Faith of the Seven, which taught that all bastards were born to betray since they were the result of lust and weakness, which meant that they were not blessed by The Father and The Mother like trueborn children.

This didn't quite make her actions of mentally and emotionally abusing a child forgivable but Jon could understand why she acted the way she did. It was simply all she knew, how she was raised.

Knowing and understanding that, caused his anger to disperse by a fair amount, in its place appearing indifference and cold resolve.

He couldn't be bothered to waste his time arguing with someone that blindly believed in what they had been taught as a child, nor did he want to waste his time being angry at someone like that.

Instead, he sought it best to just not care and inwardly decided to focus on his own aspirations for the future, which was certainly much more productive.

After all, he was never going to forgive or love Catelyn like mother, nor did she expect him to see her like this, which she had made abundantly clear with her actions and words. But he also couldn't punish her for how she acted without making his own life harder and hurting his 'siblings'.

Drawing a line for this chapter of his life and turning to more fruitful endeavors was the way to go.

And so, in accordance with that thought he chose (Yes) on the panel/message in his mind without another moment of hesitation, another rush of warm energy flowing through his veins and suffusing into flesh in the next instant being the consequence of his choice.

It lasted only for a few seconds though and Jon didn't feel any significant difference between the before and after, his weakness remaining. The only change was a small white glowing crystal pearl that he saw when he closed his eyes and concentrated.

Focusing on the crystal for a moment, it seemed to enlarge and push away the darkness, showing him its interior, which seemed strangely 'blank' and gave him the impression that somethingwas missing. Though Jon could not put his finger on what that something was.

There also wasn't any new message that informed him how to use the System nor was there any reaction when he tried to call out to it mentally.

Frowning for a moment, he eventually shrugged before pulling the stopper from the water skin and taking a few revitalizing gulps, moistening his dry throat and lips.

He knew that there was no use in him being worried about how to use the Support System since he had been resolved to reach his goal even without it. He believed that would eventually figure out how it worked but even if he failed to do so, he didn't plan to give up on his goals.

It didn't matter how hard it might be, for his freedom he was willing to accept any hardship as even death didn't scare him. He might be unwilling to die and would certainly fight tooth and nail for his own survival, but should he fall while following his own path, Jon could accept that.



Thanks for the chapter

Nieus The God Of Magic

loved the chapter author-san, would love to see their faces when he straight up tells them he ain't gonna be stayin in winterfell ( if he does that )


To be honest, he will leave Winterfell eventually but the time has to be right. At this point, he is just a kid with no money or way to protect himself. Not to mention that the training environment in Winterfell is just right for him now since there are several people education him and Robb at subject like history and etiquette, as well as sword fighting, horsemanship, and archery. Giving this up now doesn't make sense, though he will certainly leave Winterfell earlier than in canon.