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Chapter 020 – Similarities


Moving hurriedly, Sif didn't even think to stay and let her curiosity stump her for long instead of greeting Thor.

Thankfully, the large square in front of the main palace was easily reached from the balcony that she was currently at, especially since she was an Asgardian and not an average on either.

Running down the stairs in her silken dress, her movements not inhibited by the tight-fitting piece of clothing that hugged her gorgeous figure thanks to the large slits at both sides of the dress, which reached up to her hips even.

Normally, this didn't matter much since only exaggerated movements would shift the fabric in such a way that her graceful legs were exposed, along with the flawlessly soft skin of her round hips.

The fact that her hurried movements exposed more than she might be comfortable with on normal occasions didn't bother her though, as her thoughts were focused in an entirely different direction.

Taking dozens of steps at a time, Sif looked more like she flew than as if she walking, her dark hair fluttering behind her as she finally rounded the last corner and the square in front of the palace finally entered her vision, the Warrior Three hot on her heels.

Thor had already landed, a disheveled-looking Loki held in his grip and just as Sif was about to call out and greet the Prince, her footsteps not slowing down, a massive blue blazing silhouette came crashing down next to Thor like an avalanche of fire.

The roaring flames swept in all directions and Sif could only raise her hand to shield her eyes, a spike of fear in her heart as the fiery storm enveloped her while she suppressed the urge to call out for her help, her warrior's pride not allowing such.

But instead of the expected pain only soothing warmth entered her body, reinvigorating her and banishing even the faintest traces of soreness of her morning practice, her exuberant vitality seemingly bubbling over as her cheeks reddened.

Unsure and in disbelief, Sif opened her eyes, trying to find the origin of this mystical blaze.

And then she saw him.

Like a god of fire, a dark-haired stranger rose from his half-kneeling position next to Thor, his form partly a blue burning conflagration while the other half formed a tall broad-shouldered man.

The stranger's handsome angular features, which looked as if they were supposed to be drawn into a charming smile, formed an impassive expression while his eyes were nothing but orbs of blue fire.

It took barely a few instants before the fire had died down completely, revealing deep bluish-grey eyes, the calm in them giving the man a strangely serene temperament even with the intensity of his presence being what it was.

"By the Allfather's beard, who in the Seven Hells is that?", Sif heard Volstagg mutter from behind her while she was still trying to shake off her surprise.

“I thought Thor went to Midgard … Though I don't remember the humans having warriors such as him amongst them.”, Frandal added quietly.

“Whatever he is, it is certainly not human.”, Hogun replied seriously with a grim undertone, which was rare for him since he generally did not speak much at all.

Shaking off her daze and suppressing the urge to reply to the three warriors by her side, Sif finally parted her lips while moving forward again.

“Thor, you finally returned!”, she called out, a smile of joy on her lips as she looked at the blonde Prince while forcing herself to not stare at the silent dark-haired man behind him.

"And you brought your brother back.", she said with less enthusiasm while turning to Loki and adding with a raised brow and an unladylike snort, "It is great to see you, Loki. Especially since being silent suits you far more than your usual demeanor."

A look of anger and indignation flashing in his eyes, the second prince tried to step forward threateningly but Thor's grip on his arms didn't allow it as he pulled back Loki and answered: “I am glad to see you are all well and I would love to share with you the stories of my visit to Earth but I am afraid this has to wait.”

“I need to see my father first, but I will find you later so that I can introduce you to my battle companion from Earth.”, he added with a quick gesture to the dark-haired stranger by his side.

Understanding that Thor had something urgent to discuss with the Allfather, Sif and the Warrior Three naturally didn't try to stall him for long.

And after a few quick greetings she and the others watched as Thor dragged his brother to the large main palace doors that would lead into the throne room, the dark-haired stranger following behind with a sharp yet smooth gait, like an Asgardian Forest Shadow leisurely roaming the wilderness.

Though while Sif had her eyes trained on their backs, watching them leave, she saw the stranger turn around, his gaze like raw iron with shadows of azure.

His clear eyes gazed over her enchanting form without restraint before settling on her face, and for a moment emotions other than calm flickered in his eyes.

And even though they vanished as quickly as they had appeared, Sif caught them nonetheless, shuddering at their intensity.

Pain. Longing. A flicker of heart-rendering pain mixed with sorrowful longing.

That's what she saw in the eyes of the blazing stranger and it caused her breath to get caught in her throat, her heart skipping a beat.

Flowing dark hair, a figure full of grace and feminine charm, her aura unyielding yet gentle.

Had her eyes not been green and her facial features not differed that much, I could have almost seen herin the Asgardian warrioress that came to greet Thor.

I naturally knew who that woman was, she was Lady Sif, the most respected female warrior under Odin that was also in love with the golden-haired prince.

Still, the similarities were striking and it had thrown my heart in turmoil for a moment.

Being in this new world, this new reality, felt so surreal that I wasn't sure that it wasn't a dream.

So, in a situation where reality and illusion were hard to distinguish from one another due to the overwhelming changes that this second chance at life had brought with it, I was shaken by the warrioress' sudden appearance, even though I should have expected it.

Meeting someone whose appearance reminded me of her wasn't anything new as I had started to see her face in many strangers after her death and my return back home. This was also the reason why I rarely visited the city and mostly stayed in my workshop outside of town.

It was strange though as I couldn't remember her as clearly as I wanted to when I was alone, but when surrounded by others I couldn't help but see her in them, the smallest details making me recall different moments that we had spent together.

Still, I forced down the storm of sadness in my heart, knowing that the time to overcome these emotional scars was rapidly approaching if I wanted my second chance at life to end differently than my first one.

I had already promised to do my best, to reach beyond what I thought possible for the sake of living this life to the fullest.

At this point, I didn't want to die with a lonely and tormented heart again. I could die, and I was most certainly not afraid of death, but first I would have to do better than I did before.

I had to give this life meaning. I had to try to find a spark of happiness, a spark of light.

Calm determination returning to my mind, I followed behind Thor as I stepped into the humongous throne room, ready to meet the King of Gods, the Allfather – Odin Borson.

[A/N: Just a reminder, don't let you emotions and imagination run wild, this chapter is not proof that Sif is the love interest. I am just building a foundation on top of which such a thing could be possible.

It is also entirely possible that Noah and Sif will just become close friends that bond over lost/impossible love.

Also, for those wondering what an 'Asgardian Forest Shadow' is, this is just the name that I came up for very large feline predators that live in the forest on Asgard.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I am pretty sure the next release will be for 'The Wanderer'!]


Shawn Muradzi

Thanks for this chapter. Can you atleat do the meeting with Odin coz I’m hyped for it


Thanks for the chapter


I really hope it’s Sif or Helen Cho!!


Thanks for the chapter


Sif !! She needs love that thor won't give her


Yeah, I think so too. Though her loyalty to Asgard and the Allfather is something to consider.


Love this story, different feel than wanderer but in a great way. Excited for your 10/10 slice of life moments too