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I finally decided upon the relationship constellation between Jean, Elijah, and Laura.

Just a few hours ago I posted the latest chapters and left a note at the end, saying that I would go for the tricycle. Now, most of you may not have seen it as I deleted it afterwards. The reason for that is that I changed my decision.

There was just something that didn't feel right about the three of them being together, even though I might have been able to make it work. I have been agonizing over this decision for a few months now, well, since the beginning of the story really, and I just couldn't find the right answer.

Luckily, as I was eating breakfast while still tormented about to do with the three of them, I finally had an epiphany and found what I have been looking for. Or rather, I found what I had been missing.

I know some of you have been rooting for the tricycle even before I made the last poll and I do understand why.

Laura is a great character and she might have made for a cute couple with Elijah and Jean, not to mention that the sexy times between the three of them would have certainly been something to look forward to.

BUT, after some intense re-reading and headache-inducing introspections, I realized that Jean couldn't be with Laura, and Elijah couldn't be with Laura without Jean.

Jean might have accepted Laura to make Elijah happy but she herself can't love someone else like she does Elijah. Not to mention that seeing Elijah with another woman would be heart-breaking for her.

And while Elijah might feel attracted to Laura, he doesn't love her. He cares for her and she definitely has a place in his heart, as he instinctively feels close to her as they are very similar in nature, but it's not love he feels for her. Not to mention that he would have sensed that Jean wasn't okay with this and would thus reject Laura despite the obvious attraction.

Laura, on the other hand, is not so different from Elijah. She doesn't love him like Jean does even though she feels closely connected to him.

What Laura truly yearns for though is a sense of connection, something that makes her feel less alone, loved, and accepted. This is also the reason she is so attracted to Elijah, as she feels a sense of kinship between them, not to mention the way he just accepted her for who she is.

Her relationship with Jean isn't that different, as the redhead is accepting of her despite their obvious differences, and the kindness Jean has shown made her feel cared for.

Witnessing the intimate bond between Jean and Elijah as they made love has awakened that desire for a connection with full force in Laura, which makes her feel sexually attracted to the both of them.

Still, that is just a result of her finding them physically attractive and the trust she feels towards them, as well as the care and affection they have shown her.

It's a complicated mix of emotions really, and Laura doesn't understand this herself due to her inexperience when it comes to romantic relationships and general ineptness in social interactions. After all, she was raised as a weapon and not as a living human being with emotions and needs.

The relationship between the three of them is still tricky as neither Jean nor Elijah want to hurt Laura by pushing her away, as they do care for her and know that she doesn't have many people she trusts this much.

Still, there will eventually have to be a solution and change to this 'stalemate', and it won't be far off. I won't tell you for now what it is but let me just tell you that it is GOOD!

I have been searching for this last piece for what feels like forever, as I knew that I would have to induce a change into their relationship that would either bring the three together or help Laura grow and set aside her 'feelings' for Elijah.

I thought up many different scenarios but they all lacked something, one way ot the other. I had almost given up and thought that I would have to make do with what I had come up before.

Thankfully, a streak of inspiration helped me find this 'missing piece' and it fits perfectly! And what a burden of my shoulder that is, I tell you!

Anyway, I hope that those among you that rooted for the tricycle are not too disappointed but I feel much better about the progression of the story now, as what I have in mind just feels more natural.



Thank God. 💯💥❤️ Thank you for seeing the light

Kloud Paradizo

Damn!! Author-san, you pave the story so far was so intense/so deep love between them, this makes it super super hard to have Laura included lol


Lol. Yeah, this has brought me many sleepless nights but I am also happy with my final decision as it wasn’t an easy on to make.


Also true, but Laura just doesn’t fit that well with Elijah. If they were together, I would fear for him to turn too murderous. Jean keeps him balanced and ‘good’ due to her innate kindness and her wish to do good. Laura is different in this aspect as she does not care for those she that are not close to her. Still, I am sure you will be satisfied with what I have in store for Laura! Have some trust in my judgement, please.