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[A/N: I will work on my original story tomorrow, so I won't upload a chapter for any FF. Though I might upload one for Archive.


Chapter 101 – Clockwork

[2009 – August]


A rhythmic banging sound echoed through the specially constructed underground training room, the sound so loud that it almost felt physical. A normal human stepping into the room would feel an uncomfortable pressure in his chest due to the echo alone.

Still, I wasn't affected and neither was Arya, who I had shielded from the sound with a barrier, as I continued to pull on the steel rings that were attached to a steel cable, which on their part were laying over a pulley and connected to massive weights.

My feet were fastened to the floor via steel straps while I wore nothing but some black shorts. My muscles bulged and tensed as pulled the steel rings down, my right hand moving to my left hip while my left hand moved to my right hip, sweat cascading down my body while my wet hair was sticking to my cheeks.

The training apparatus I was using was one specially created for those with superhuman strength and the effective weight hanging on each steel cable was around three tons, which was naturally way above the limit of someone with peak human strength.

Still, like a machine, I pulled on the steel rings without pause.


A dark light shone in my eyes as I ignored the limitations of my physical body, even though it felt as if my muscles would tear and my bones would break any second now.

Sweat continued to drip down onto the floor even when I finally let up and stopped for a few minutes to rehydrate and scarf down a special high-yield energy bar, similar to the one Hank invented for the X-Men.

"Hu hu hu hu!", Arya called out from beside me as I sat down while drinking. I could feel her intentions and knew she was cheering for me, her bubbly attitude incredibly lovable.

Panting lightly, my heart running like a sportscar engine, I smiled down at her as I softly brushed over her tiny head and wings before standing up and moving to another machine that was basically just an oversized leg trainer.

Sitting down after choosing once again a weight that was way beyond my capabilities, I gripped the handles by my sides and gritted my teeth as I pushed my legs forward, feeling as if they would crumble under the pressure, my organs and spine protesting in pain.

I kept going though, eyes shining in dark resolve as I forced my body to comply and work beyond its capabilities via my Body Supremacy, forcing it to generate pure life energy so that my reserves could grow just a tiny bit faster.

Even while I was drenched in sweat and my body seemed ready to break down with every repetition, it was actually my mind that was under the greatest strain.

Performing beyond the capabilities of a Peak Human was only possible thanks to the strength of my mind working in tandem with my Body Supremacy, but it was by no means an easy feat. The pressure my body felt, was felt by my mind five-fold as I did this absolutely hellish workout.

And while I really wished to stop and just relax, I didn't. I kept going as if possessed, changing equipment every so often, as I forged myself to become tougher and stronger. Tempering my mind to endure the stress and my body to work through the pain.

Ever since we had returned from our meeting with the Ancient One, I had trained for nearly ten hours every day. My goal – to fill up my reserves to the Omega-level once again.

I knew it would only take a few weeks to do this with Jean's help as I had only depleted the reserves gifted to me by the Phoenix for one the Alpha-level ability Farsight, but every workout accelerated the process and I was incredibly determined to get these extra days.

The reason was rather simple, as the plan, I had thought up to increase my strength to really monstrous levels depended on the next Omega-level ability that I wanted to grant myself.


The pounding of weights continued to assault the atmosphere in the underground training room, as I continued my training, torturing myself with an unbreakable determination just to take a tiny step forward on my path to power, to freedom.


Rhythmically the sound rang out, like a clockwork mechanism, never out of pace.

[2009 – September]

Horns blaring in the background, people calling out for each other, the noise of cars rushing by, even at night there was not a moment of silence on the busiest street of New York.

Standing on Times Square with Jean's back pressed against my chest, my left arm was wrapped around her shoulders from behind while my right one held onto her waist. We watched the gigantic billboard as pictures of both of us together flashed by one after another, a black snowflake decorating the upper right corner of every image.

Lowering my head, I inhaled the flowery scent of her fiery hair while leaving a soft kiss right behind her ear, as I whispered with a small smile: "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Subtle advertising doesn't seem to be something that Cordelia would be into."

Pushing herself deeper into my embrace, Jean turned her head back, while her hand came up to softly brush away a few of my locks that had gone astray before she gently cradled my cheek, as she replied with an amused smile: "You meet Cordelia, so what did you expect?"

Glancing back at the billboard while minutely tightening my hold on the lovely redhead in my arms, I answered with a sigh: "I guess, I will have to be extra careful so that no one will steal you away from me, now that the whole world knows about your beauty."

Feeling Jean's hand guiding my head so that I faced her, I gave in and was rewarded with the soft sensation of her pillowy lips on mine, the simple contact causing my heart to throb with deep longing and affection.

“Shouldn't I be the one to worry about that, my love?”, she asked quietly, her lively green eyes shining as she looked at me with incredible tenderness.

"Never.", I replied and stole another kiss from her, letting the world around me fade for just a moment as my whole focus was on Jean.

“We should get going, or we will be late.”, Jean whispered against my lips as she broke our kiss after a few long moments, her cheeks glowing with a soft rosy tone.

"As you wish, my love.", I replied with a small smile, leaving one, last kiss on her cheek.

Turning towards our destination, we set off at a relaxed pace, my left hand grasping Jean's right one while she held onto my arm with her other hand too, holding onto me tightly as we walked.

Our goal was a burger place a few blocks away, where we were supposed to meet Pietro, Ellie, and Yukio, as well as Angelica, Clarice, and John from the Hellion Mansion.

It was Saturday evening and school was starting again on Monday, so Jean thought it would be nice to go out and have fun with our friends one last time before that happened.

It wasn't as if we couldn't meet them otherwise and have fun, but everyone's schedule was different and rather packed, so this was a good opportunity.

It took us around half an hour as we walked down the streets in peaceful twosomeness before we reached our destination, our group of friends already waiting for us.



Thanks! Excited to see what you cooked up for his next power up


Honestly one of the best pieces of fiction i've read in years. From the way your characters (especially Elijah and Jean), make me want to invest my affection in them, the way they are developing, the possessiveness they have of each other in the best way (for each other's safety and well being). When I first started the story, I was a bit apprehensive of Elijah's characterization because he always seem to be blowing up at everyone for the slightest mention of Jean's name, but i have come to see that it isn't so much a loss of control and a sign instability, but a message to anyone that would think to hurt or use her in their schemes. I admire that, because I have come to realize those things that I had apprehension of Elijah for, is also part of me, especially when it comes to those I care for. Thank you for your amazing work!


Thank you for the praise! And I am glad that I could convey Elijah's character well enough for you to grasp the reason for his aggression. Though it is true that he does have an incredibly destructive side to him, one that is practically the manifestation of ruthlessness, Elijah is very much in control of his actions. Still, it isn't easy for him to act in a way that may benefit him the most, for example through staying his hand and playing weak, as he is very aware of the danger that awaits him and Jean. It is a difficult path he wants to tread and his affection for Jean has not made it less dangerous. On the contrary, he now has something to lose, besides just his own life, and this fact weighs heavily on his mind and shoulders.