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[A/N: Short announcement! I have some family matters to take care of this weekend, so I don't know how much time I will have to write and upload chapters. Naturally I will try my best, but I can't promise anything. Still, everything should go back to normal on monday with the regular schedule.

Also, Enjoy!]

Chapter 091 – Arya

[2009 – August]

Resting in a white void, inaccessible to any other being, a mountainous flaming figure slowly opened its eyes, its gaze blazing as it felt a distortion of reality near its host.

The Phoenix didn't hesitate to extend its senses towards the source of the distortion though part of its perception was blocked by a thin elusive veil that seemed impenetrable even for a being like itself, or at least it was with the limited power it could channel through the connection with her inheritor.

What it could sense though was that the natural order of reality had been interfered with on a small scale, something that required power beyond that of which a human could ever hope to grasp.

Knowing that there was only one existence around Jean that could do such a thing, the Phoenix couldn't help the admiration that rose in its heart at the speed at which the Mortal God grew.

'Rejecting 'death' using his own strength … ? Truly, he is a God walking amongst mortals.', the Phoenix thought in surprise, being able to discern what it was that Elijah had done through observing the concepts tying together reality.

Being able to resist death wasn't such an unusual thing in the vast expanse of the Universe, and naturally not when considering the endlessness of the whole Multiverse, as there existed many artifacts, magic spells, and even divine powers that could achieve such a thing.

What was astonishing though was the fact that Elijah had done so purely with his own strength as a mortal being, without relying on objects of great power like the Infinity Stones or by using faith-based divine abilities, nor had he used magic to borrow power from a higher dimension.

Not to mention that he hadn't just 'revived' someone, the black-haired teen had rejected 'Death' itself, defying the laws of the natural order.

The Phoenix couldn't help but be impressed by the young man that had so thoroughly charmed her inheritor, as long-forgotten emotions started to rise in its heart once again. The cosmic being was curious, curious about the path that the Mortal God had decided to walk on.

Walking into the apartment, sweaty and exhausted from the training, Jean could already hear Elijah in the kitchen as she walked deeper into their shared home.

"Are you cooking lunch? What are you making?", Jean questioned curiously with a smile as she approached her love, seeing him busying himself with some pots atop the stovetop.

And as she waited for him to turn towards her to steal herself a kiss before she went and freshened up, Elijah did exactly that and turned towards her, a loving smile on his lips while his eyes shone gently.

“I am making pasta, your favorite.”, Elijah replied lightly as he faced her.

And yet, Jean didn't move closer to connect their lips intimately as her attention was drawn to the tiny bird sitting on Elijah's shoulder and pressing itself against his neck while looking at her with vigilant amber eyes.

“W-Who is that?”, she uttered with no small amount of surprise, her gaze fixed on the finger-sized owl while feeling its caution through her telepathy.

Raising his hand before the tiny animal which only hesitated for a small moment before hopping forward and holding onto Elijah's finger with its tiny claws, as he brought the baby owl closer to her.

"That is Arya. I found her injured in the woods and healed her. She kinda refused to leave my side afterward.", he explained with a wry smile, though Jean could see the hidden joy and budding affection in his deep green eyes as he gazed at the tiny creature.

“Hu Hu!”, the mingy little owl hooted demonstratively while gazing at her from through the gap between Elijah's fingers, as if reinforcing his point about her refusal to leave.

Suppressing her laughter at seeing the daring little thing put up a strong front while hiding in her lover's palm, Jean smiled knowingly at Elijah before stealing herself a kiss from his lips, her fingers brushing over his cheek as she said.

"I guess that means we have a new roommate.", she whispered with a loving look in her eyes.

She had obviously realized that Elijah had no plans of parting with the tiny bird despite his rather 'helpless' expression as he explained to her Arya's sudden appearance. Not to mention he had already named the baby owl and found out about its gender.

The small bowl of crushed nuts, berries, and tiny pieces of meat next to a tiny cup filled with water only added to that fact.

Jean didn't say anything though as she had no intention of robbing Elijah of the innocent joy she could see in his eyes due to the little owl's presence.

A soft smile on his face, Elijah took hold of her chin and captured her lips for a short but tender kiss, as he whispered a quiet 'Thank you' into her ears.

Her palms finding their place on his chest, slightly grabbing at his white shirt as she felt his warmth through the thin fabric as well as the strong beat of Elijah's heart, Jean's gaze returned to the cute little owl that still looked at her with suspicion as if asking, “Are you a good person?”

This time she didn't suppress her laugh as she giggled at the tiny bird's behavior.

“I think Arya will need some time before we can be friends.”, she stated with a smile, “That reminds me, I invited Laura for lunch. That's okay with you, isn't it?”

A surprised look in his eyes, Elijah gazed at her with his deep green eyes as he replied: "Sure, I made enough pasta for today's lunch and dinner tomorrow, so one more person is not a problem. Though I didn't know you and Laura were friends."

“We aren't yet, but I think we can be.”, Jean stated softly, looking at Elijah with uncertainty in her eyes, “You don't mind, do you?”

“No, I don't mind.”, he replied with a soft smile, a loving light shining in his eyes, “I think you will be great together.”

“Great!”, Jean smiled happily, stealing herself another kiss before she turned around, “I will go freshen up, I think Laura will be here soon.”

Looking at Jean's beautiful curves and her dancing flaming hair as she sprinted into the bedroom to take a shower and change her clothes, I couldn't help but turn to Arya as I muttered: "Well, that's a bit of surprise."

“Hu?”, the tiny owl looked at me with incomprehension while hooting softly.

Smiling involuntarily, I thought about what Jean had just told me.

I had been honest when I said that she and Laura would be great together, even if I was still surprised with how the two of them found themselves in a situation to try and become friends, though my instincts told me that it must have been Jean that had approached the rather antisocial killer-teen.

I like Laura, though I had no delusion about her character, and from what I understood she would have never approached Jean with the intention to become friends.

Still, I knew that Laura could need someone kind and strong like Jean as a friend, while Jean would undoubtedly benefit from someone as confident as Laura being around her.

Though I also knew that Jean had undoubtedly picked up on Laura's affection for me, as she was very sharp and intuitive. The fact that she was still willing to befriend Laura, despite knowing about the other girl's feelings, was surprising and it made my heart surge with warmth.

I knew that it was this kindness that made Jean the gentle and lovely girl that I had fallen in love with, but it was also what had me worried and fearful for Jean as I didn't want her to be harmed by those willing to take advantage of her kindness.

Shadows creeping into my eyes, I promised myself to be there and prevent such a thing from happening.



it’s good, but if you’re planning to open up the mc and jeans relationship to laura then it will ruin the story. you spent 80 chapters building jeans and the mcs relationship and to just add laura in will ruin 80 chapters of character and relationship building. Harems ruins stories that are based in such a modern world

Basilisk Basilisk

The author could probably make it work, im enjoying this so far and the author hasn’t let me down yet so I’ll simply hope that it works out well in the end


I read this Emma Frost × MC, where the MC gets trapped in the Limbo for 7 years, but a couple of seconds had barely happened in the real world. The MC managed to gain a lot of experience by fighting demons non-stop. I think that would be a great idea for this one. The MC is incredibly strong after a couple of weeks of training, and i feel like too much is happening and time is barely moving. You know?


Yeah, things should speed up soon with the start of school, though this story is generally a lot slower than my other stories up till this point.