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Chapter 032 – Friend

[April – 2008]

It only took around fifteen minutes to get there and find a quiet spot on an empty park bench, where I decided to make use of the Golden Tear's effect as I opened my violin case and grabbed the delicately crafted instrument.

Setting it in place in the crook of my neck, I closed my eyes and started to gently move the bow across the strings, drawing a soft and somewhat sad melody from the violin, the tunes causing my heart to settle down in content and quiet joy.

As it seemed, I had found the perfect tool to soothe and calm my draconic side, which was a blessing in itself considering the near-constant lust and the urge to dominate that rushed through my veins ever since my race change.

I continued to let the music flow through me, helping my mind relax. At some point it felt as if I didn't even consciously play the violin anymore, my thoughts having seemingly separated from my body.

It was a strange state though it enabled me to gain some much-needed clarity and peace, making me realize how different and difficult my life had become.

All the dangers that lay ahead were naturally weighing on my mind while even my body and mind felt more than a little different, my draconic instincts being hard to suppress and control.

I knew that this new life was a chance for me to go beyond limits that had always seemed unbreachable in my last life, true freedom just waiting for me to reach out and take hold of it. But this did little to cheer me up for the moment, considering the things that I had lost and would never be able to regain.

My last life hadn't been 'tragic', though it also hadn't been a very happy life and I feared that this life would be similar. I also longed for something beyond power and freedom, I longed for connection, for something that could make me feel less lonely.

Abruptly stopping my play, I lowered my hands and placed the instrument in my lap while still keeping my eyes closed, my head leaning back as I sighed quietly.

I knew that I was on a path of no return, a path that had no room for regrets and remorse, but that didn't mean that truly walking this path was something easily accomplished. To pursue strength, I wondered if I could still recognize myself once I had reached the end of this path considering how much I had changed in just a few short days.

“A-Are you alright?”, a quiet and soft voice suddenly reached my ears, worry and compassion in its tone.

Opening my eyes and turning forward, I saw a young girl with blonde hair wearing a dark teal nun outfit with white and light blue highlights.

“No.”, I replied quietly, unable to muster the energy to act calm and collected, as I continued with a sigh, “I don't think I am.”

Turning to place my violin back in its case, I was surprised to find a dozen or so coins in the case, some pedestrians having seemingly placed them inside it while I had been playing my instrument absentmindedly.

Obviously a bit surprised by my direct answer, the green-eyed nun that could only be Asia Argento took a moment before she addressed me again: “D-Do you want to talk about what troubles you? I am a sister, s-so I am a good listener. Y-You might feel better if you do.”

Placing her oversized suitcase down with an adorable exhale that made it clear that it wasn't light at all, she sat down on the park bench next to my opened violin case as she looked at me with a kind and pure smile.

Putting away the coins in the case, I placed the violin and the bow back in the case and closed it while suppressing a sigh.

“It's ok, I was just feeling a bit lonely. Though I guess everyone does sometimes.”, I replied while placing the violin case in my lap and leaning back against the backrest.

Still, even while somewhat distracted, I noticed the flicker of empathy in Aisa's eyes as her smile slipped for a second, revealing the sadness beneath before she hurriedly shook her head and turned back towards me.

Her smile renewed, she said: “Yes, I guess everybody feels like that sometimes. Though I am sure we aren't as lonely as we think we are with God watching over us kindly. I am sure his grace will eventually help you banish your loneliness.”

Her expression turned a little feisty, deep determination and faith glowing in her eyes. I knew that she really believed in her words, as Asia's faith was purer than that of most priests belonging to the Church, rivaling even the strongest of Angels.

I couldn't help but smile lightly, her purity and determination tugging at my heart as even my draconic side recognized her to be someone very special, looking on quietly as it seemed almost enchanted by the small nun.

Still, her words made me smile wrily internally as I was sure that if God wasn't deader than dead, he would certainly be out for my blood for the simple reason that I was a dragon, not to mention what I had done to one of the original Longinus Sacred Gears.

The God of the Bible had held a fierce hatred for Dragons and snakes, having cursed Samael into a wretched state after he caused Adam and Eve to take the Fruit of Knowledge from God's Garden, turning him into a half-dragon and the 'Evil Intentions of God', his poisonous blood enough to even affect Ophis and Great Red.

"You aren't from around here, are you?", I asked the adorable nun while pointing at her suitcase, deciding that it was better to change the topic.

"No, I was just transferred to this town's Church as a sister.", Asia replied with a small smile, though my intuition told me that there was no real joy behind that smile, the almost imperceptible forlorn look in her eyes being proof of the turmoil in her heart.

Deciding to be honest with Asia, as I truly couldn't bear to lie and scheme against such a pure soul, my every draconic and human instinct bristling at the mere thought of doing so.

“You will not find what you are looking for at the Church.”, I said as I looked into her lovely green eyes, “The Fallen Angels and exorcists have already been exterminated by the Devils ruling over this town after they killed numerous innocent people and started targeting those carrying Sacred Gears.”

Recoiling somewhat, the blonde nun looked at me with vigilance and shock, as she stammered: “H-How did you–  … But they– … I- I … Who– … Who are you?”

"My name is Akira Sasaki, and I am an unaffiliated half-dragon living in this territory.", I answered calmly, "I can sense the awakened Sacred Gear aura inside your body clearly, and considering your attire, it isn't too difficult to deduce that you are part of the Supernatural World."

“H-Half-dragon?”, Asia questioned in surprise, having clearly never met someone like me before.

Nodding in confirmation, I added: “I am the Red Dragon Emperor's son.”

Eyes widening in surprise as she recognized that title, she looked at me with a bit of wonder in her eyes as she said with a slight blush: "I never met a Dragon before but you are much nicer than the father and other sisters told me you would be."

Her expression though turned downtrodden a moment later, as she continued with a whisper, her voice trailing off as she said the last words: “But what am I supposed to do now?”

Standing up again, Asia grabbed her heavy suitcase again as she addressed me, her head lowered.

“T-thank you for your help, S-Sasaki-san. And please excuse me if I have caused you trouble by helping me.”, she said and raised her head, a teary-eyed smile on her beautiful face, “My name is Asia Argento, I hope you can remember me.”

Turning away, she was about to leave as I called out to her again: “Where are you planning to go? The Church is not a safe place anymore for a lone nun to hide in. The Devils won't let you be so easily.”

"I-I have some f-friends that can help me. P-please don't worry about me, Sasaki-san.", she replied with a stammer, not turning around.

Sighing quietly, I spoke up again: “I don't think you do.”

Asia visibly froze in place at my words, as I rose from the bench and walked around her, grabbing the suitcase from her trembling hands as I addressed her gently: "Come, I don't live far from here and you must be hungry after your journey."

Her head snapped up to meet my gaze, silent tears falling from her eyes, as she asked quietly: "W-Why are you helping m-me? W-won't that get you in trouble?"

Asia obviously knew, that since this was Devil territory, me helping her out as an unaffiliated third party may cause me to butt heads with the ruler of this town.

"Maybe because we both need a friend.", I replied with a light smile while raising my hand to softly pat her head, "Besides, I am a Dragon after all. How can I be afraid of a bit of trouble?"

Smiling innocently as she wiped away her tears, which had just begun to fall even faster, she voiced out happily while sniffling adorably: "Meeting you must be divine guidance, Sasaki-san."

“I don't believe in God, but it must be true if you say it.”, I responded calmly, as I turned to lead the way, “Also, you can call me Akira. And I will call you Asia, if that is okay with you, Argento-san?”

Stunned for a moment, Asia made a few quick steps to catch up to me as she answered with a bright smile: "I would like that very much, Sa- … Akira-san!"


Evening Star

Well that was good nice encounter i'd say. Maybe Akira is about to fall victim to the dragon tamer trait she has :P


Honestly, I don't know what will come of the two, but maybe you are right. :D Asia is pretty adorable though and Akira simply couldn't just leave her be, knowing that doing so probably wouldn't end well for her.


I like the way you write relationships. I have a part of me that wants this story to be a singular relationship and another part of me that wants it to follow the more traditional high school dxd format (harem obviously). I am trying to imagine what Akira would do from what I have read of the story so far. I have a couple ideas but I don't really want you to change what you have planned out so have you decided on if its going to be a single relationship or not? (dont feel pressured to answer this plz)


I'd have to say that Akira feels like too much of a badass for a singular relationship 😅 Also, he's part dragon, and probably devil as well soon. Can't do monogamy with that kind of 'stamina'😏😏