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Chapter 017 – 'Best of Three'

[April – 2008]

When classes were finally over and I was just packing up my stuff, I saw Murayama approaching with the pink-haired girl I had already identified as Katase Saito, both of them hesitant and clearly a bit shy.

"S-Sasaki-san, d-do you have time for a tour around the school?", the cute brunette asked, blushing slightly.

"Hara-san and Saito-san, right?", I inquired with a smile, causing them both to blush even more fiercely while they nodded, "That would actually be a great help. And please call me Akira."

“You can call us by our first name too, i-if you don't mind.”, Murayama replied as she led the way.

They first showed me the offices of the school personnel, including the teacher's lounge and the principal's office, as well as the student council room which I would have to go by after the tour.

What followed was them introducing me to the different sports fields and the clubs that were using them most of the time. To be honest, the school was just massive and the amenities were top-notch, as one would expect from a private school sponsored by Devils.

Lastly, they showed me the gym of the Kendo Club, as they still had club activities to attend after the tour and didn't want to return here after passing by here while showing me around.

Stepping into the training hall, I saw roughly three dozen girls already in training uniforms as they sparred or practiced their different stances. They seemed very disciplined, though my appearance still garnered much attention and curiosity, whispers and looks coming from all around.

My own gaze though had fallen on the opened sliding door that hid the shelves for their equipment, as I saw what could only be training spears laying forgotten in a dusty corner.

"This is the Kendo Club, which Katase and I are the captains of. If you want to try it for yourself, we can arrange for some training cloth- … Akira?", Murayama introduced happily, having become much more comfortable around me during the tour, though her introduction was cut short as she saw me approach the opened shelf.

Grabbing a training spear, the wooden exterior somewhat dry and clearly neglected, I lost focus of my surroundings for a moment, the slightly rough spear shaft feeling so familiar on the skin of my hands, its weight bringing back memories of the endless hours I had trained alone in the backyard of my grandmother's house.

Even after her death, when I had been all alone, I still had at least that. I recalled how I had felt as if nothing besides chess and the spear had mattered to me, as I had let my life just pass by me, hurt and alone.

I knew very well why the Spear Devil Support System had fallen in my hands, as the spear had been the only thing I had cared about, the only thing I had pursued with a passion that bordered on fanaticism.

I was good with chess, but it had been nothing more than a means to an end, as even though I liked the game, I was never passionate about it. At least not like I was about the spear.

"Akira? … ", a soft voice called out suddenly while I felt someone's hand touch my arm, causing me to return to reality and look into the worried and hesitant eyes of Murayama.

“Is everything alright?”, Katase asked, clearly also concerned about my sudden unresponsiveness.

Shaking off my daze, I answered with a nod: “Yeah, I just got caught up in some memories.”

“You know how to wield the spear?”, Murayama asked removing her hand from my arm and pointing at the wooden training spear still in my hands.

“I do.” It's my everything.

I replied, though the last part just echoed in my mind as an unspoken thought.

"Well, we don't really have a Spear Club anymore. Those belonged to a Senpai that graduated before we even came here as first-year students. Some other upper classmates told us that she left them in hopes that someone might pick up on spear-wielding and maybe restart the Spear Club.", Murayama explained.

"Maybe you can restart the club, Akira. I heard the Spear Club used to spar regularly with the Kendo Club, I am sure many of us would love to try to fight someone wielding the spear.", Katase added with rosy cheeks, seemingly excited at the prospect of such an activity.

Suddenly a sinfuland metallic scent entered my nose, causing me to turn around and face the Devil that had just stepped into the gym.

A few of the Kendo girls, honest to god, started squealing and called out 'Prince', as Yuuto Kiba approached, his clothes and demeanor immaculate, though I wasn't so easily fooled by his appearance.

My instincts and memories told me that behind that fake smile of his was a vengeful and bloodthirsty Devil that was consumed by thoughts of revenge, his hate for Holy Swords and their wielders near-fanatical.

"Hi Akira, I am Yuuto Kiba, one of your classmates and a member of the Occult Research Club. I am here to invite you on behalf of the club president to the old school building for a cup of tea.", he said politely, and I knew that Rias had most likely sent him to fetch me.

[A task has been generated.]

[You are facing the Knight of Rias Gremory, Yuuto Kiba. Force him to face you in a spar and defeat him fair and square in front of witnesses. Conditions for the spar: Use the wooden spear in your hands and do not reveal any power that could be considered 'supernatural'. Reward: 1 Free Attribute Point.]

Seeing the task that had been generated in response to Kiba's appearance, I couldn't help the smile that made its way on my face as I looked at the blonde Devil.

Turning back to the shelf I grabbed one of the shinais and threw it at Kiba while addressing him: "You are a swordsman, aren't you? How about a spar? If you win, I accept the invitation. I am sure the girls wouldn't mind us imposing on their time for a few minutes."

A surprised look appeared on Kiba's face at my sudden challenge, while the girls also seemed rather baffled, though the prospects of a fight between the Yuuto and me also made them very excited, whispers and exclamations coming from all around us.

"Are you sure about that?", Yuuto asked with a slight frown, seeming not to believe that he could lose this battle.

Grinning, as I felt my fighting spirit and draconic pride being roused, I answered: “That's what you should be asking yourself, Yuuto Kiba.”

Turning around, I leaned the spear against the wall as I removed my shoes and socks, not willing to risk slipping on the floor during the battle before I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and set it aside as I needed to be free to move around and also did not want it to rip as I had just bought it yesterday.

My sudden undressing though caused lots of squeals and sharp intakes of breath as the black dragon on my left side was revealed, as well as my absolutely chiseled physique.

Grabbing the wooden spear, I spun it around to get used to its weight and measurements as I stepped into the middle of the room and turned towards Kiba, who looked at me with a serious expression, his gaze flickering down to the dragon on my chest repeatedly.

Finally agreeing like I knew he would from the beginning, as he did have a few knightly qualities amongst which was his inability to refuse an honest challenge, especially so when it meant fulfilling Rias' orders, Kiba likewise stepped out of his shoes and lost his blazer, though kept the rest of his clothes on.

My right hand grabbing the lower end of the spear while my left palm closed itself around the middle part of the spear, I took up my stance as I stood sideways, with my left foot forward. The blunt and padded edge of the training spear angled slightly downwards, as I faced Kiba.

"Best of three wins.", I stated, informing Kiba about the conditions for a win.



Thanks for the chapter! And dont feel pressured to change how you want to write. There are always people upset when authors go the peerage route.