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So, I have been thinking about possible polls for 'The Wanderer' the last few days, as I am interested in knowing what you think. A major problem though is the fact that every poll is basically a spoiler, as I have not yet found a way to ask for your opinons on different elements without revealing at least in part what is going to happen.

I am very much against spoiling too much about any future developments of my stories, as with everything that I reveal I take away your chance to be surprised and my own chance to make changes.

This was also why I didn't make any polls for 'The Phoenix', not to mention that I wrote most of the story without planning far ahead and just wrote whatever entered my mind.

This is somewhat of a dilemma as there are many things that could be voted about in this story. I am not sure yet what I should do, but maybe some of you have an idea, or an opinion about this. If so, let me know in the comments.



I think that the only way to deal with this problem is to use closed polls where the results are not published, and, under the premise of having a clear general line of where the story will go, open questions can be asked without default options, such as for example, marvel fanfiction "What kind of hero/villain would you like to see appear in the story?", "Do you prefer dark realism or a happy plot with a happy ending? (example of the first, we have the comics of The Watchmen with a somewhat dark realistic tone, or on the other hand, the fluid marvel movies), with respect to the above, I think that this type of explicit questions that do not reveal a specific plot, but that reveal the general trend, goes with the tastes of the audience and there are no spoilers at all. Even if I know the general nature of the story, I will still be eager to know the type of protagonist, the interpersonal relationships, the plot nodes, and even its evolution. personal use. I hope some of this can help you, and it's nice to be here again!


I like the way the story goes, so keep it up. Thanks for Elijah and Jean.


That's a brilliant idea! With closed polls I wouldn't have to worry about spoiler much, nor be restricted by the outcome of the poll. Thanks! I will see if I can use that!