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Chapter 059 – Awakening

[2009 – July]

Jean's expression was one of hurt and confusion, as she registered what I had just said, and I tightened my hold around her to assure her of my presence, bringing her slender form deeper into my embrace.

She had told me about the accident she had caused as a little girl, that had led to her parent's death, a few days ago, though I had known about it already from my memories. I hadn't been sure though that this was what had happened in this timeline, so I hadn't acted upon them.

I knew that the accident was her greatest trauma and that it was the event that even now made her fearful of her own abilities. It was the single most traumatic thing that had happened to her and it had left deep scars in her heart that would most likely never heal.

I also knew that without finding some kind of closure, Jean would probably never be able to free herself from her fears, so I had asked Emma to investigate her past more thoroughly in hopes of finding something that could help her.

"Some time ago I asked Emma to investigate your family as I had a suspicion that things weren't as you were told they were. I hadn't originally planned to tell you about it today, but Emma was faster with her investigations than I had estimated and she informed me just this morning about what she uncovered.", I explained, before continuing.

“I know there is no 'perfect time' to tell you about this and I don't want to hide the truth from you.”, I ended with a sigh, feeling her tremble slightly in my embrace.

"W-what has she found?", the lovely redhead asked quietly with a slight stammer, looking up at me with an unbearably vulnerable look in her eyes.

I felt the heat around Jean increase rapidly as her emotional state became unstable, though her inner fire didn't harm me or my clothes as she was protecting me even now.

Softly brushing over the side of her face with the tips of my fingers, I cradled her cheek and answered her question as I felt her lean into my touch in search of comfort and warmth.

"Your father is alive, Jean. It was he who gave you in the Professor's care after the accident.", I told her as gently as I could, knowing that my words would rip open unhealed wounds and cause her great pain.

I wished to protect her from pain and suffering, of course I did. But at the same time, I knew that the only way for her to finally heal and move forward was to confront her past. I would make her stronger, or at least I hoped it would.

Shock and deep pain shone in Jean's eyes in response to my words, and I knew she once again felt the sting of betrayal from the Professor's actions.

She had lived in the belief that the Professor had found her and taken her in after both her parents had died. The fact that apparently, her own father had given her away into someone else's care without ever contacting her, was thus a great shock for her.

Not to mention that Xavier had left her in the belief that she had no family left, which only added to his crimes.

The next moment though, while I still held her gently hoping that my presence and care would dampen her pain, her eyes turned from their normally viridescent color into fiery orbs, before a veritable firestorm erupted from her figure, swallowing my world whole.

Feeling the last of the mental block separating her from her host trembling violently, which had been erected with Jean's guilt about having caused her parent's death as a foundation, the Phoenix knew that the chance had come to finally rid her host of the last of these despicable shackles.

Channeling small bits of its endless cosmic powers through the connection it shared with Jean, the Phoenix attacked the mental block with surgical precision, destroying it with a fiery vengeance while leaving her host completely unharmed.

She had not done this before because she had feared Jean would react negatively, as the bald telepath had used her host's memories of that accident to force her into a constant state of fearful anxiety, always afraid of losing control and hurting somebody with her vast powers.

Removing the mental block hastily without Jean having taken steps to rectify her emotional imbalance, could have easily led to her losing any sense of right or wrong, her ability to feel remorse and guilt suppressed forever under the mountainous weight of the Pheonix's overwhelming divine powers.

Thankfully the Mortal God had not disappointed it, having taken great care to ensure Jean's well-being and help her cope with her insecurity bit by bit, and giving her host the necessary strength to face her past.

The continuous removal of mental blocks, along with him being fearless in the face of Jean's immense powers, had given her host the ability and confidence needed to finally take full control of the power she was fated to inherit.

The Phoenix knew that with the Mortal God by her side, Jean would not lose herself even in the face of the absolute power she was about to gain, her love for the fledgling god keeping her heart and self intact.

And as the Phoenix opened the eyes of her host's mortal form, looking at the world before her with the senses of a human for the first time in eons, she could not deny that she was likewise ripe with anticipation now that she could finally meet the Mortal God herself.

His possible reaction to her was something that the Aspect of Creation and Destruction looked forward to with great curiosity.

Shocked I looked at Jean as she floated only a few meters in front of me, flames carrying the purest kind of lifeforce flowing out of her in a hauntingly beautiful spectacle of light and warmth, making it look like she had wings of fire.

I couldn't find it in myself to enjoy her beauty at this moment though, as the eyes that looked back at me from the soft feature I had come to love so much did not belong to Jean.

Gone were her beautiful green eyes, as what I knew was the Phoenix stared at me with galaxies hidden in her blazing gaze.

And even though I didn't have any psychic abilities, I could feel the aura of sheer might pressuring the atmosphere, the Phoenix's divinity washing over me unobstructed.

Suppressing the anxiety creeping up in my heart, I surrounded myself with a transparent barrier as I likewise started to float.

I didn't know much about the Phoenix I was in the presence of right now, as my knowledge about its different comic book versions was very limited, not to mention that in this reality things might be totally different.

I just hoped that my initial assumption about it was right and that the cosmic entity did not plan to harm Jean.

“Hello Elijah.”, the Phoenix spoke using Jean's voice, though there was a hint of incongruity in her tone as if this was only an echo of its true voice, while no visible emotions were portrayed on Jean's face.

"The Phoenix Force, I assume?", I replied as calmly as I could, nodding slightly in greeting while unsure and apprehensive about what to do.

“Just Phoenix is enough.”, came its reply a moment later.

"Is Jean still in there?", I asked directly, readying myself to try and trap the cosmic entity in an ethereal barrier that would hopefully sever its control over Jean.

I wasn't delusional enough to think that I could succeed, as this would be nothing but a suicidal attempt to save my lover, but I couldn't not do it. I loved Jean and if I had to, I would die to save her.

Living was not as important as being able to look myself in the mirror, which I would not be able to do if I did nothing to try and save the one I loved.

I wanted to live, but certain things were worth risiking everything for, like freedom and love, as they gave my life meaning and direction, and if I couldn't stand up to defend those things when it was necessary then there was really no point in living.

"Yes, she is. And she will be back with you soon enough.", the Phoenix answered, a slight and knowing smile on its lips, "You will not have to risk your life to save her from me. I want her best, as do you."

"Forgive my rudeness.", I bowed lightly in apology, relief flooding my heart. I was not surprised that the cosmic entity had seen through me, as such seemed natural considering its power.

"You are just trying to protect my inheritor, I cannot fault you for that.", the Phoenix voiced out, accepting my apology graciously, "I merely wanted to take this chance of Jean truly beginning to inherit my power to meet you and thank you for your assistance."

Raising her hand, her palm facing upwards, a small flame in the shape of a sparrow manifested in it, which promptly took off and flew in front of me, not hesitating to dive into my chest.

“A small token of my gratitude. Farewell, Young God.”, the Phoenix stated as overwhelming heat washed over my body and drowned my senses, making me lose consciousness not a moment later.


Aeden Emrys

Going to be interesting to see what comes next, now that the Phoenix is free. And also this little gift for our MC? I wonder what it is. Thanks for the chapter. Looking forward to seeing what comes next for our lovely couple!