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Short update on my part about the ending of 'The Phoenix'.

Like it has been been with everyone of my stories, the ending is the hardest part to write, and it is the same with 'The Phoenix'. I currently trying to work out the whole epilogue, what to include and what not, how long it should be and on what note I want this story to end.

This is unfortunately a very time-consuming process and takes a great deal of focus and care, as it is easy to screw up the whole story by giving it a rushed of unsuited ending. I want to avoid that at all cost, which is why I decided to not upload any part of it before it is completely finished. I do not know how long this will take me but it shouldn't be longer than two days.

In the mean time I hope you can be patient with me and stay tuned for the ending, which I will upload wholly once I have written it.

Another thing I wanted to bring to you all, was the question of which story I will be focusing after 'The Phoenix' is finished. I mentioned it a while a go that my choice would fall either on 'The Wanderer' or 'Rise of the Dragon', though I would love your oppinion on the matter, so please vote in the poll.

As always, the result of the poll are just for me to get a better insight into what you all think and I can't promise you to follow the outcome, though I will take it into consideration.

Anyway, thanks for your continued support guys and girls, and I hope you all had a good week so far!

PS: If there is any scene you would desperately like to see in 'The Phoenix' before it ends, feel free to make a suggestion! I welcome any opportunity for inspiration!

PPS: I watched a movie called 'Circle' on Netflix yesterday and it was greatly disturbing and incredibly interesting. In fact, I encourage you all to watch it, because the way this movie deconstructed human interaction, psychological manipulation and the sociological aspect of what it means to be a human. Let me know what you thought about it, after watching it if you want!



The wanderer is one of my favorites


I also like spear devil