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Chapter 142 – Untamed, Bond

[301 AC]

Dense and heavy rain obstructing her sight and drenching her well-crafted dark leather armor, with thin blackened plates of Valyrian steel sown into it, Daenerys held onto the leather straps on the saddle tightly as she had her eyes closed, trusting Obsidian to take her through the storm and bring her home.

The young dragonrider could have of course used her magic to protect herself from the weather, but it was these experiences that truly impacted and strengthened the bond between a rider and his dragon, moments where she had to give up her control and just trust her soulbound companion to take her to safety.

Her Targaryen blood sang in her veins as she focused on the bond between herself and Obsidian, her body moving in harmony with the impressions and emotions that were transmitted to her senses.

She felt it deep in her bones when Obsidian's draconic senses finally picked up on the location of Dragonstone even with the heavy rainstorm trying to misguide him.

Her beloved companion went into a spiraling dive, as they rapidly lost height in preparation for their landing, causing her to lean forward and attach herself closer to the base of his neck to avoid the aggressive winds pushing her out of her saddle as much as possible.

Bracing herself for one last deceleration as Obsidian opened his strong wings fully to catch as much wind with them as possible. He then beat his wings a few last times mightily, before finally dropping to the ground, his strong back legs catching his considerable weight with ease as well as countering the inertia of the short drop.

Opening her eyes once again, a proud smile drawing the edges of her soft lips upwards, Daenerys saw the verdant green grass fields they had landed on, while the still present heavy rain made it hard for her to make out the complete silhouette of the volcano, even though they had landed right at the foot of it.

Vaguely recognizing the massive dark castle that was her House's Ancestral Seat, Daenerys' heart was finally at ease knowing she was home again after having spent the last few months at the Iron Islands, helping the temple officials in gaining a stable foothold to govern the rather barren archipelago.

During that time the young woman had proven herself as someone with great leadership qualities, her inherent kindness and Phenex' lessons about decisiveness having made all the difference, while she had accomplished her task.

And while Daenerys had not disliked her duties, having enjoyed the feeling of overcoming difficult situations through her efforts and competence alone, she was very thankful that it was finally over as her young heart yearned for her husband deeply.

Pushing these thoughts to the side for the moment, the young dragonrider focused on loosening the clasps that connected her saddle with the leather straps, which were wrapped around Obsidian's large frame and neck to hold it in place securely.

She knew that, while it wasn't directly uncomfortable, her bond didn't like wearing the saddle when resting, and since she didn't plan to fly longer distances in the next few days, maybe weeks, Daenerys had decided to take it off him for the moment.

Opening the clasp that connected to the strap around Obsidian's chest on one side, she proceeded to open the one on the other side, so that the leather strap would just fall off as he moved around, before turning her attention to the strap wrapped around her bonded companion's neck.

Once again opening the clasp to one side, Daenerys pulled the strap from her bond's neck and rolled it up, before grabbing it together with the saddle and lifting them using her magically enhanced strength, as neither the saddle, nor the leather strap was light enough to be picked up by even three grown women.

"You can let me down now.", she addressed her dragon over the heavy storm still raging around them, which sent hundreds of ice-cold drops of rain her way every second, and caused her to be drenched from head to toe.

The only reason she had not yet frozen to death was because of her Targaryen blood which made her inherently less susceptible to changes in the climate around her, much like Obsidian himself.

Daenerys also used small amounts of magic to keep her limbs warm and functioning, as she continued to enjoy facing nature's wrath like this.

It made her feel wild and untamed - stronger, with every added hour she endured it.

Phenex had taught her that it shouldn't be an instinct to avoid the uncomfortable, as something like that was impossible in life and would only make her weaker as a result.

As a young girl, she had taken these words to heart, even though she had not understood the wisdom contained in them. It was only later that Daenerys had learned that every time she faced difficulty and discomfort and overcame it, that it made her stronger, more resilient.

Throughout the years, it was these teaching that had forged her into a true dragonrider, worthy of her companion and one of the heirloom blades of her House.

Not to mention the fact that she had a place at Phenex' side, having proven herself as his wife and lover. Not to him, but to herself.

Obsidian hearing her words even through the heavy rainfall easily, crouched low and lay down on the soft grass, positioning his wing in such a position that his beloved mother could climb down from his back with little difficulty, which Daenerys promptly did.

Stepping foot on the soft grass herself, she set down the saddle and the rolled-up leather strap, before turning around and already seeing Obsidian move his head to her side, nudging her gently with his nose, as she felt his affection and need for praise through their bond.

Smiling softly at the oversized draconic child before her, Daenerys didn't hesitate to place her palm on his head, rubbing the scales on the bridge of his nose and right below his eye, while muttering soft words of encouragement and affection, receiving low draconic purrs as a reward for her efforts.

She could clearly feel Obsidian's exhaustion after he had carried her from the Iron Islands to Dragonstone in one go, flying throughout the entire night and even weathering a storm for her. The least she could do now was shower him in praise and affection, making sure that her bonded companion knew how much he meant to her.

Eyes closed, the great black dragon just laid there and enjoyed his mother's care, even though his thick skin and scales meant her touch was not a major contributor to his enjoyment.

Instead, it was the love and pride that Daenerys expressed through their mental bond, which reminded him of the past when he had still fitted in his mother's embrace and could feel her warmth with his whole form. It was this same feeling of comfort that made the great dragon willing to endure pain and exhaustion for his mother.

His draconic senses suddenly picked up another presence nearby besides her, causing him to turn his head in another direction, his slitted eye staring intently into the distance, while his nostrils flared up to draw in the new scent this presence brought with it.

Daenerys of course noticed and felt what Obsidian had picked up on and stared in the same direction when in the next moment her bond let out a low chittering sound she recognized as a joyful call.

Over the bond, she shared with Obsidian, anticipation and joy settled in her heart. The impressions and emotions she felt from him also made it clear who her beloved dragon had sensed approaching, which could best be described by one word alone – Father.


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