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Chapter 131 – A Dragon's Acceptance

[300 AC]

After the appearance of the 'Fiery Giant', the remaining Lords of the Vale submitted to the rule of the Red Temple with terror and resentment in their hearts, though they didn't dare to put up any resistance.

The Mountain Clans were much the same, as they had realized that the temple had never intended to help them rule the Vale. Their fear of divine retribution though was more than enough to keep them compliant, not to mention that the Red Temple didn't go back on its words when it came to giving them land that was more suitable to live in than the unforgiving and austere mountains.

It was only a few weeks later, when the news about what had happened in the Vale spread through all of the Seven Kingdoms, that the Stormlands and the Reach also joined the territories under the Red Temple's and Phenex' rule.

Stannis had been titled Guardian of the Stormlands, while a Bright Sun council had been set up to rule the territory according to the temple's laws, with one of the seats being given to House Baratheon as a hereditary position, with the condition that future members had to prove themselves competent before the rest of the council, much like how it was for the Westerlands.

This was a necessity to prevent incompetence and corruption to affect the ruling organs of these lands.

The Commander had of course received the rights to rule over the Ancestral Seat of his House, Storm's End, which was also where he kept his younger brother under permanent house arrest.

On behalf of the Commander, Phenex had not punished Renly Baratheon personally, but had left it to Stannis to deal with the man, which ultimately led to the Commander's decision to make him a prisoner in his former home.

Another council was set up to rule over the Reach, though House Tyrell had not been given a seat amongst it. The same was true for the Iron Islands, as House Greyjoy along with many other noble Houses of the ironborn had been wiped out by the Red Temple's forces during the conquest.

The War of the Four Kings had finally ended with Robb Stark being the only survivor, while the winner was undoubtedly the Red Temple.

A few minor Lords in the Westerlands, the Vale, the Reach, and the Stormlands had naturally not been submitted to the rule of 'heretics and sorcerers', though the Fiery Hand had dealt with those with unconditional decisiveness and overwhelming force.

After holding in its breath for so long, Westeros could finally let out a sigh of relief as peace returned to the land.

[301 AC]

Looking at the deadly and enormous, but equally beautiful creature resting on the grassy field a short distance away from the encampment that the warriors, priests, and servants of the Red Temple had erected for the night, Sansa couldn't help but be fascinated, her mind momentarily not filled with thoughts of regret and guilt.

Cream-coloured scales with golden accents on its horns, wing bones, and spinal crest, the dragon made for a magical sight that attracted her gaze and attention not for the first time on this journey back North to her home.

"If you want, I can take you closer to her. Maybe she will let you touch her.", an unfamiliar familiar voice suddenly reached her ears from beside her.

Turning towards the voice, Sansa momentarily lost herself in eyes the colour of a clear winter sky. Icy blue pools of care and worry belonging to the dark-haired dragonrider that had once been her elder half-brother.

“Sansa?”, the man, now known as Jaehaerys Targaryen, called out again, one of his hands lightly touching her arm, which finally caused the gorgeous girl to snap out of it.

Hastily turning her face away to hide her embarrassment, as she felt a tinge of redness crawl up her cheeks, Sansa replied with a light stutter, after recalling Jaehaerys' question: “Y-yes, I would love to get closer, Lord Targaryen.”

A small frown settled on Jaehaerys' face as he looked at the auburn-haired girl beside him. It was easy for the dragonrider to make out the underlying fear and trepidation in Sansa, as his magic heightened his empathic abilities greatly.

It was a part of his ancestral magic that allowed him to connect so deeply with his companion, though if he focused enough he could also use it to see into the hearts of humans around him.

Taking Sansa's hand into his, Jaehaerys pulled her forward gently as he addressed her in a soft tone: "You don't have to call me Lord or any other title, Sansa. Please just call me Jaehaerys or Jon."

Looking to the side, Jaehaerys saw her nod in understanding, though no words passed her lips.

Sighing to himself, the young dragonrider did not press the matter any further, as he brought the young woman closer and closer to the creature he considered closest to him.

Lyra, clearly sensing his approach, turned her head sideways and in his direction, her long neck moving with slow grace while the evening sun glittered over her bright scales. A great orb of molten gold carefully traced every one of his and Sansa's movements, as he sent reassuring and calming emotions through his bond to the dragon.

Jaehaerys stopped in his tracks when he and Sansa were less than two dozen feet away from Lyra, and he started to convey to his dragon with nothing but his thoughts and magic, that the young woman by his side was no danger.

Dragons were very sensitive beings when it came to their personal space, as they hardly ever let anyone besides their riders close enough to reach out and touch them.

Jaehaerys knew this very well, having learned such from Phenex. He had also been taught the importance of respecting his dragon's wishes and boundaries in this matter, as even a bonded dragon could react violently to such an intrusion.

Turning back to Sansa, Jaehaerys saw her deep blue eyes looking at the 'white' dragon in wonder, innocent joy and excitement sparkling in the girl's eyes.

Carefully raising the slender hand he still held in his with gentle and slow movements, the young dragonrider positioned it so that Sansa's open palm faced towards Lyra, before finally letting go of her hand. The slight sense of loss he felt at doing so, striking him somewhat unexpectedly.

Shaking off these thoughts he, intoned with a whisper: "Don't move closer, she will come to you if she tolerates and accepts your presence. And don't worry, she will not harm you as long as you stay close to me."

After saying so, Jaehaerys stepped behind Sansa and called upon his magic, spreading his presence somewhat protectively around the younger girl. This being one of the methods Phenex had taught him to ensure that Lyra would not attack those he brought near her, even if she did not approve of their presence.

Sansa suddenly felt as if a warm blanket had wrapped itself around her on a cold winter's night, her smaller frame shuddering at this unexpected sensation, as she had to suppress a sigh of comfort.

She didn't know what Jaehaerys had done, but it had been so long since she had felt so safe and cared for. The young girl fought hard to suppress the desire to lean back against the strong chest of the dragonrider, when suddenly the dragon before her stopped its careful scrutiny and began moving.

The cream-coloured dragon's neck stretched bit by bit, as its frame leaned forwards slightly, the carriage-sized head approaching tentatively, while a low rumbling sound echoed in the girl's ears whenever the magical creature took in and released its breath.

Sansa could hardly breathe as she stared wide-eyed at the dragon in front of her, her deep blue eyes finding an intense golden gaze, as Lyra drew close enough to leave less than a few inches between its scaled form and the small female palm.

It was as if an eternal moment passed, while the dragon watched her so intently, before the creature closed its eye with a gentle motion of its eyelids and lightly pressed the side of its head into Sansa's palm.


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