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[A/N: Another chapter for my Naruto FF. After this I will return to The Phoenix again.

Also I finally got around to test one of those editing apps and it worked rather well, so I started editing older chapters The Phoenix. It still turned out to be an incredibly time-consuming task, as it took me nearly all day yesterday to get around to do barely half of it.

I will continue doing so nonetheless, as it it helps me filter out the smallspelling mistakes I simply overlook during the proof-reading.

Well, that's it with my short update, hope you all enjoy your weekend while it lasts!

Enjoy the chapter!]

Chapter 014 – Tasks

[Year 69 – December– Konohagakure – Senju Compound]

“Young Lord.”

“Young Lord.”

Elder Tomura and Master Paku directly greeted him, as they approached together with Yui and saw Ryuma sitting outside at the edge of the wooden gangway, that was all around the ancient-style building in which he lived.

It was a relatively spacious building as it was the house where the Clan Head traditionally lived.

At this point in time, Ryuma and Yui were the only ones to live in the building, as the other Moha had their own accommodations.

Ryuma nodded in response and greeting, as he stopped playing with the small black butterfly that sat on his palm, the minute smile on his face slowly fading away.

Yui had already returned to his side and watched his actions attentively. Seeing the simple joy, that Ryuma experienced by playing with his summoned beast, being replaced by an impassive expression, her heart clenched in pain.

Ryuma was not a normal child that much was certain, but sometimes she wished he was. Sometimes Yui wished that Ryuma did not understand how terrible the Clan's situation was, so that he could experience being a child, instead of shouldering the burden of reviving the Senju Clan.

Elder Tomura, I believe you should be familiar with a former friend of my mother named Hiruko, are you not?”, Ryuma inquired.

"Yes, Young Lord. That man was a close comrade not only to Tsunade but also to her teammates. An average Shinobi with ambitious eyes, if I remember correctly.", the Elder answered, recalling the impression he had of the man.

The Elder's perception was clearly on another level, if he could see through a person's character with but a look into their eyes.

I want you to go and see if he still lives in Konoha. If he does, Yui will accompany you to subdue him, so that you can bring him to me. Make sure to bring along all his belongings, not a single piece of paper can be missed.”, Ryuma instructed solemnly, his gaze dark and stern, unlike something a small child should have.

“I will do as you command, Young Lord.”, the Elder accepted his task without hesitation.

Mhm, make sure to leave no evidence. Seal away any remaining chakra and burn the place.”, Ryuma added.

A nod of understanding was the answer Ryuma got from the Elder before the old man bowed lightly and flickered away a moment later, though Yui remained for the time being.

The Moha could use their own butterfly summons to communicate over long distances with each other, so the Elder could call upon Yui as soon as he confirmed the location of his target.

Hiruko was exactly like the Elder had described him. He was an average Shinobi, born without any special talent, i.e. kekkei genkai, but he had always yearned for the power these Bloodline Limits provided their users.

During the Third Shinobi War, that yearning had probably turned into an obsession, as he had personally witnessed the sheer destructive powers kekkai genkai gave their users.

Ryuma knew that to obtain these techniques, Hiruko had begun to develop the Chimera Technique, which was a special kinjutsu that would grant him the ability to consume other lifeforms and gain their powers.

This technique obviously had some great drawbacks, but from what Ryuma remembered, Hiruko would indeed succeed in this endeavour and obtain several kekkai genkai.

What Ryuma did not know was if anybody had yet discovered his research, if they had then it was highly likely that Hirkuo had already fled the village, which would be a shame, as Ryuma saw great potential in the Chimera Technique.

Not as it was, of course, but if he could complete the kinjutsu, or at least eliminate some flaws by incorporating Fuinjutsu into it, then it could be a great way to gain power.

Though all that could only be confirmed by catching the man and getting his hands on the actual research data of the technique.

Ryuma truly hoped that Hiruko was still in the village, as subduing him was a piece of cake for the Elder and Yui.

The three Moha may only be Elite Jonin, but if it came down to it, Ryuma did not doubt that they could battle even the Hokage and not lose, especially Paku. Master Paku had incredibly offensive power based solely on his combination of Bukijutsu, Taijutsu, and Advanced Chakra Flow.

Ryuma had once seen him strike a full-powered blow against a barrier, which had taken more than four hours for Yui to set up. Under the sheer might of Paku's blow, the whole barrier cracked and was half-destroyed.

This barrier was one of the strongest Yui could set up in a relatively short amount of time and Ryuma recognized it from his own studies of Fuinjutsu, so he knew very well that such a barrier would be able to imprison any Tailed Beast with less than three tails for at least several hours.

Ryuma could hardly believe that the Master could strike a blow like this, and it was also one of the reasons he was so focused on learning Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and Chakra Flow himself.

Looking at the stoic weapon master before him, Ryuma addressed him next.

Master Paku, I want you to find someone as well, an Anbu to be exact.”

Raising a single brow, the Master replied calmly: “Who?”

"A young man named Tenzo.  He should be around twenty, maybe a bit younger. He is the only survivor of one of Orochimaru's experiments on the First's Wood Release. He is also Orochimaru's only success, I might add.", Rymua answered calmly, his words causing a frown to appear on the weapon master's face, as a dark light began to shine in his eyes.

The Moha knew about Orochimaru's experiments, like most high-level personnel did in Konoha, though the fact that the snake dared to desecrate Hashirama's memory, caused great anger to surge in the hearts of the Moha.

No matter what they personally thought of the First Hokage, he had been a Senju and a Clan Head, as such it was the Moha's duty to ensure that no one desecrated his remains. Ryuma had no doubt that should Orochimaru appear before Paku, he was in for a very unpleasant time, that was of course if Ryuma allowed him to attack.

The Moha were not allowed to act out of their own volition and could not interfere with the happenings in the Shinobi World without the explicit order of a Senju.

This was also another reason, why they were so resentful towards Tsunade, as she had just abandoned them, which forced them to stay behind and do nothing, no matter their own will.

Only with Ryuma's arrival had they regained the chance to use their power in the service of the Senju Clan.

“What should I do after I find him?”, Paku asked darkly.

"For now? Nothing. You will track him to where he lives and then bring me there during the night so that I can lock onto his chakra signature. We will deal with him when the time comes.", Ryuma replied calmly, finality in his tone.

Tenzo, a.k.a. Yamato, had been given the ability of Wood Release, a power that should exclusively belong to the Senju Clan, and Ryuma would not allow otherwise. Too long had the Clan been treated with disregard, not only by Orochimaru and Danzo but even by the Third Hokage.

And while there was the possibility to recruit him into the Moha, knowing his character such a thing seemed almost impossible. Still, Yamato had been given a power that did not belong to him and Ryuma had every intention to right this wrong.

“Understood.”, Paku confirmed, before likewise using Body Flicker to start his investigation.

“Young Lord, is there anything you need me to do?”, Yui inquired softly.

Fulfilling her duty under Ryuma's lead was what gave her life substance and meaning, so the enchanting Kunoichi didn't hesitate to ask for a task to be given to her.

"There is. In fact, there are several things.", the young child answered telepathically.

"I want you to go to the old Uzumaki temple on the outskirts and bring back specific a mask. There should be more than two dozen decorating the shrine, but only one that should look like this. Don't place it in a seal, when bringing it back.", Ryuma said, as he handed Yui a drawing of the mask he wanted.

It was the mask of a Shinigami.

And be careful of Fuinjutsu traps when you enter the temple and remove the masks. There shouldn't be any problem, but make preparations nonetheless.”

Taking the drawing, Yui carefully studied it, before folding it and placing it inside her Yukata.

“I will be careful, Young Lord.”, she assured seriously, taking her Lord's words very seriously.

Mhm, I know you will.”, Ryuma stated, “The other task is similar to Paku's and the Elder's. I want you to find out if there is a Chunin Instructor called Aoi Rokusho in the Academy.”



The story it’s getting exciting and I’m looking forward to what happens love all your stuff


Damm, people really are shitting on the Senju name