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Chapter 116 – End of the Siege

[300 AC]

Staring at the smoking Red Keep from the low wall surrounding the Red Temple, Arya's eyes were filled with bitter hate, as were her elder sister's. A sense of glee erupted in her heart as she saw the Southern army wreaking havoc in the castle from the distance, having left behind death and destruction on their way there.

"Do not let your hate warp your hearts.", Thoros' voice called out from the side.

"You may feel joy at your tormenter's misfortune, but in this very moment, commoner girls your age are violated all over the city before the very eyes of their families, their brothers and fathers being killed while attempting to protect them, their mothers and sisters being doomed to the same fate. And that is not something that you should feel good about.", the bearded priests stated with a heavy voice.

Feeling indignant, the young noble girl questioned the priest pointedly: “If you feel so bad for them, why didn't you go and fight off the army with your subordinates before they breached the gates?”


Hearing her inappropriate words, Sansa chided and grabbed her arm tightly in a clear sign for her to not ask such questions and risk angering the powerful priest before them.

Looking at the sisters with dark eyes, pressure exuding from his very gaze, Thoros replied with a deep voice: “No matter our strength, the Red Temple does not enter a war without 'his' blessing. And 'he' has forbidden us to act for the time being.”

"Why? Didn't you say that your god is kind and benevolent?", the stubborn girl asked, refusing to buckle under the pressure even as Sansa's grip on her arm strengthened considerably.

"The Red God is fair, not kind and benevolent. There is a great difference between those two.", the High Priest stated while facing the chaotic city below the Red Hill and continuing softly, "Though he would never sit back and just watch his believers suffer like this."

As if on cue time seemed to have halted in King's Landing as the atmosphere suddenly froze, denying any kind of movement while a blazing silhouette appeared in the night sky.

Wings of fire hundreds and thousands of feet wide, a massive flaming body with clawed feet and a graceful winding neck with a head the size of a castle. Together they formed a divine bird which shined its blazing light down upon the city, turning night into day.


A cry filled with dignity and anger shook the capital, its echo deeply reverberating in Arya's chest, as she watched what she knew by instinct was the Red God, stare down at the capital with his flaming eyes.

The next moment the fiery bird stretched out its neck and fire erupted from its beak, the Red God bathing the whole city in his flames.

Terror gripped the young girl's heart as she saw the wave of fire approach her. Gritting her teeth in preparation for the pain that was no doubt coming her way, Arya felt nothing but a gentle warmth as the flames washed over her small form, leaving behind nothing but warmth and comfort in her heart, along with an inexplicable feeling of safety and care.

The next moment the flames vanished along with every last soldier of the Southern army while night returned to the city, the dark sky once again void of the Red God's phoenix form.

"You should not have refused to accept the offer, Lord Baratheon.", Melisandre stated as she watched the trembling figure of the King of the South, "Your stubbornness has just cost you your army and lover. And your bride, her brother. And your father-in-law, his son."

Crashing to her knees, her head buried in her hands, Margery Tyrell's form shook in terror and grief as she stared at the city before her in a state of shock, her flawless features pale and her eyes lifeless.

Renly being much the same, only avoided falling to his knees as Brienne of Tarth, the Blue one of his Rainbow Guard caught him by the shoulders and helped prop him up caringly even though her own limbs were trembling in fear.

Mace Tyrell on the other hand was not present, as he had just gone forward to prepare the castle for Renly's arrival.

“It's over, brother.”, Stannis voiced out with a sigh, “As I said, there are no Kings beneath the Red God.”

Renly Baratheon though didn't answer, his mind seemingly overwhelmed. He was unable to comprehend what he had just witnessed as he simply stared blankly at the capital. Solely focused on the shouts of the people, as they blessed and worshipped their fiery protector and savior.

It made the former King in the South realize with painful clarity that he wasn't a King of the people.

He was an invader and usurper like his eldest brother had been. The difference was that he had lost the war and with it, his lover and army. He had lost the game of thrones and the price to pay for that was steep indeed.

[King's Landing – Red Temple]

"It is good to see that you have woken up, Lord Lannister.", Thoros remarked with a calm voice, as he stepped into the small chamber where the Fiery Hand warriors had brought the former Hand of the King after taking him away from the battle.

Looking up at the neatly groomed bearded priest, Kevan Lannister spoke with a somewhat impassive voice, seeing no point in arguing with the powerful High Priest: "Are you going to deliver me to the new King now?"

Shaking his head in denial, Thoros responded evenly: "You seem to have misunderstood, Lord Lannister.

“The city is safe and under the Red Temple's control. After the Southern army breached the gates and took the Red Keep, the Lord personally intervened when he saw the death and suffering wrought upon the common people by those soldiers. The Lord purged the city from them with his flames, causing none of them to survive.”

Understanding bloomed in the former Hand of the King's heart as he looked at the Undying Priest, knowing that this siege was always going to end in the Red Temple's favour. He even thought that the wildfire may not have been the Baratheon boy's trump card at all, but a gift from the temple.

Of course, such things could only be thought of and not spoken aloud, as Kevan Lannister finally understood how truly dangerous and ruthless the Red Temple was.

Tens of thousands of men dead, in a battle for a city that was always going to fall into the temple's hands.

Suppressing his anger and indignation, Kevan asked the only thing that was of importance to him at this moment: “My son, is he … ?”

“Your son is well and alive. Though the same can not be said for the King and his mother.”, Thoros replied neutrally, “The Queen Regent seemed to have poisoned herself and the King in fear of the fate that might befall them upon Renly Baratheon's victory. Her other children, Tommen and Myrcella, are still alive though and in the care of the temple.”

Relief washing over him, Kevan was only slightly saddened by the death of his niece and grandnephew, as there had been no love lost between them and he was also well aware of their inherent cruelty and many flaws.

Jeoffrey would have made a terrible King and Cersei, despite her thinking otherwise, did not have the sharp mind and political acumen of his elder brother.

“What do you want from me?”, the former Hand of the King asked after a moment of deep thought, knowing full well that the temple must have had a reason for saving him and keeping him alive.


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