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[A/N: Just a heads up, I did some very minor edits to the last chapter. Enjoy!]

Chapter 113 – Information and Truth

[300 AC]

"The revolts in the city are getting worse every day and the food supplies are starting to run dangerously low. It has been six weeks already, Your Grace, I am not sure how much longer the City Watch and the men you brought with you can last, my Lord.", Janos Slynt reported, as he stood before the desk in the study Kevan Lannister, Hand of the King.

"Every morning we find dozens of new bodies lying in the streets. Women, elderly, and children. All having been killed for nothing but a piece of bread they were hiding. Not to mention the crimes that come to pass without any fatalities during the night. The cells are already at full capacity with thieves, rapists, and murderers, so even if we make more arrests, there is simply no place to put them."

Listening to the Commander, the Hand of the King sported a small frown on his face, though he was still largely unaffected as he was not unfamiliar with such happenings during wartime.

"For the time being, there is not much we can do about this issue as we have already employed a large number of able-bodied men in the city for defense purposes. Even though there are many more, we cannot rely on them to keep order in the city or guard the walls without the lead of true soldiers and guards, which we simply have not enough.", Kevan concluded, having accepted the civilian casualties and unrest in the city as something unavoidable in a siege.

"Starting tomorrow, you will execute fifteen prisoners a day, start with the worst of them. This should be enough to intimidate at least some of the more nefarious people in the city and we won't have to waste food for those locked up in the cells.", the Hand added impassively.

What the Hand of the King didn't mention though but the Commander of the City Watch knew with certainty was that there were in fact warriors in the city who could most likely end the siege with ease, or at least stabilize the situation inside the city.

The Red Temple's High Priest and Fiery Hand warriors, along with the mistress of whisperers and her guard, were a force to be reckoned with and certainly had the power to overturn the Southern Army outside the city walls.

“Maybe the Red Temple would be able to provide us with some relief in these tiring times, Lord Hand? I really am not sure how long my men will be able to keep the peace in the city, as it stands.”, Janos Slynt urged with a frown.

“This is a war of succession, Commander, not one of morality and faith. The Red Temple will not interfere in these battles without sufficient reason.”, an enchanting voice suddenly drifted over, as Melisandre stepped into the study, her charming eyes trained on the Commander, while she hid the disdain and distaste she held for the men perfectly.

“Isn't the King's uncle merely a rebel? What war of succession is there?”, the Commander blurted out accusingly, seemingly not bright enough to understand the obvious danger the priestess presented to his life.

The Hand of the King was just about to interfere and dismiss the Commander, as Melisandre chuckled darkly and answered, this time though her tone rang much more dangerously in the ears of those listening.

“Ahh, your blind loyalty is indeed admirable, Commander. Though you seem to have the wrong impression about how important you are to the city even in times like this, much like a certain Spider I once knew.”, she voiced out quietly, her flaming eyes shifting to an all-black color that made the Commander freeze up in horror.

And it wasn't only him, as the Hand of the King was likewise stricken with fear as dead silence spread through the small study for a moment.

Kevan Lannister, competent and intelligent as he was, was filled with great anxiety at that moment as he remembered all too well the warning his elder brother had given him before he had sent him to King's Landing.

The Lion kneels before no one, not even the Red Temple, Kevan. Though remember to never ask the temple to kneel either, as fire will be their only response.”

These words were a reminder to never force the temple or order them around, as Kevan knew that its priests and priestesses only obeyed one voice.

Giving the Commander one last penetrating stare, Melisandre turned away from him which caused him to almost collapse in relief, while the Hand of the King heaved a silent sigh of relief.

Taking this chance to dismiss the man, Kevan watched as Janos Slynt nearly tripped over himself as he escaped from his study, before he turned his attention back to the gorgeous priestess who had already taken a seat, her beautiful form looking incredibly seductive in the way she lounged in the wide armchair.

Suppressing his desire and lust, as he was well aware that nothing good would come of it, the Hand of the King inquired: “What has brought you here, High Priestess?”

Raising the corners of her lips in a smile that nearly stole his soul, her eyes shining with mirth, Melisandre answered the man, feeling entirely like a cat playing with her meal.

"It's about your nephew, I am afraid he died an untimely death while being a prisoner of the Young Wolf.", she stated calmly, causing the man to freeze up in shock before a heavy frown settled on his face.

"As his lover and sister, this news will most likely enrage the King's mother, so I took it upon myself to ensure the Stark girls' safety. They will be staying in the Red Temple until this war has come to its conclusion. I am sure you would agree that this is the best option.", the High Priestess added, her eyes having a pressuring look in them, even though her tone was subservient and concerned.

Looking at the red-haired demoness before him, Kevan Lannister was at a loss for a moment, as the priestess had basically left him with no choice but to agree with her. Having laid bare the relationship between his niece and nephew so nonchalantly showed that she was not the least bit afraid of his House or the Crown.

Not to mention that with the current situation being what it was, the Hand of the King could not order her to have the girls returned to his hands as they simply could not enter a conflict with the temple at this time – if at all, for that matter.

"I suggest you talk to the Queen Dowager as soon as possible, Lord Hand, and inform her of the happenings, lest she hears it from someone else and acts on her grief.", Melisandre stated in a clear warning as she rose from her seat and left the solar with slow measured steps.

Kevan didn't stop her, feeling not for the first time helpless in the face of the mountainous presence that was the Red Temple. It made him wonder if his brother would have been able to handle the priestess better in his position, as he himself seemingly failed to exert any control over that particular council member.

Sighing deeply, the Hand of the King's attention turned to the information he had just been given, knowing that an unpleasant conversation with his niece was sure to take place. Though he planned to keep this information to himself for the moment until he had made up his mind on how to best approach this.

[300 AC]

It was a common policy that the Citadel assigned its Maesters to most of the noble houses in Westeros, especially so when those houses sent their sons or subordinates to be trained in the Citadel. It had been so for hundreds of years already.

And while most Maesters were loyal to the House they were sworn to, they likewise were loyal to the Citadel. This made it so that the Citadel had great influence and spies all over the Seven Kingdoms.

As such it was no surprise that Pycelle, as the Grandmaester serving the Iron Throne, had gotten word of Jaime Lannister's death through a raven from the Citadel, after the Citadel had been informed of the happenings in the Westerlands by dozens of Maesters serving different Northern Lords.

In the past, such a thing might not have happened, or at least not on such a scale, but the fact that Robb Stark had married a priestess of the Red Temple, who was most likely also a witch and sorceress, had made him very unpopular amongst the magic-hating Maesters.

Pycelle knew that this information would have most likely also been delivered to the Hand of the King by the Red Witch serving as mistress of whisperers, but it didn't matter.

Kevan Lannister was much too conservative and reserved when dealing with the Red Temple, so using this information to manipulate him into acting against the temple was not something likely to happen.

The ancient Grandmaester though was no fool and knew that the Queen Dowager and the King were different. Passing this information to Cersei Lannister and adding a few 'truths' from his own feather, was very likely to result in conflict with the Red Temple.

Not to mention that Cersei was also Queen Regent, even though her power was severely limited due to the siege, as her uncle had temporarily become the Commander of all armed forces in King's Landing.

At the very least Pycelle was sure that he could drive a massive wedge between the Crown and the temple scum, which was exactly what he and the Citadel wanted to achieve.



Poor perverted old man don't know what he getting into 😂