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 [A/N: This will probably the last chapter for this story for at least a few days. I do have the plot figured out though and want to bring it to a close soon, so I may write the occasional chapter.

Still, working on only this for the last few weeks was kinda draining and I plan to focus on other stories more, not sure yet which.

Though I will, as I had promised one of you(Nelson Hernandez), make time to upload a chapter or two for my Narute FF over the next few days.

I will keep you all up to date with my decision and will try to upload at least one chapter everyday for whichever story.

Enjoy the chapter, I have kinda waited for this little minor plot for awhile, as I am a fan of Stannis Baratheon and find it a shame what happened to him. He was practically driven into a corner my Melisandre's ploys, so in this story I plan to change his fate a bit and give him the honor an glory he so yearns for. Not for free though, as Phenex may be a 'good' guy, which is debateable at best, but he doesn't give rewards for nothing.

PS: Hope you all had a good weekend!]

Chapter 052 – Offer

[291 AC]

Selyse had just managed to stumble into the room a few moments after Davos, having heard Melisandre's declaration of doing her Lord's bidding, when she froze in her movements.

With bated breath she watched the fiery figure destroying the sword that threatened the Red Priestess, before embracing her child. The Lady of Dragonstone could see the scarred flesh of her daughter regain its unblemished look within seconds.

The bandages around her arm and torso, that the Maesters had fastened around Shireen after their treatment in those areas, had also turned to ashes, as tendrils of fire wrapped around her sleeping girl, which manifested into a simple white tunic.

Seeing the blazing divine figure approach her with her daughter in its embrace, Selyse was unable to decide how to react. Thankfully, this decision was made for her, as the flaming being simply placed the girl in her arms, the pressure keeping her in place having vanished a moment before.

"Treasure her.", an ethereal voice echoed in the mind of the pious woman.

Taking in a shuddering breath, Selyse tightly held onto her child. Her mind was in disarray, as she realized that 'he' had seen the sparks of misplaced resentment she had for her daughter, due to being the only surviving one of her children, her sons having all been stillborn.

Her gaze turned downwards, as she whispered fearfully: “F-forgive me, L-lord. I-I will do a-as you command-d.”

“I know.”, the divine being's voice sounded out in her mind once again, before she felt the blazing figure turn to the side and face the entrance of the room.

Raising her face minutely, Selyse saw her husband and Lord staring at the flaming being with a mix of dread and relief. A long moment passed as the fiery figure just stared intently at Stannis, before from one moment to the other, it just vanished.

It was a few hours later when the Lord of Dragonstone found himself sitting in the council chamber of the castle once again, after having dealt with the aftermath of 'his' appearance and ordering his subordinates to leave for the night.

And even though he was exhausted and found himself wanting to stay at his daughter's side some more to assure himself that she really was well, he didn't forget the words 'he' had spoken in his mind.

Stannis Baratheon, we will meet soon.”

The Lord of Dragonstone didn't have to think about the meaning behind those words, as he justunderstood what the divine being wanted him to do. And so he waited in the mostly silent chamber, hearing the strong winds billowing outside, while a few candles flickered and illuminated the room dimly.

Sitting in his wooden armchair that was cushioned with soft leather, one of his arms laying across the delicately carved table depicting all of Westeros, a table that dominated much of the council room. The other hand gripping the armrest of the chair tighter than necessary, as the battle-hardened commander tried to suppress his nervousness.

It was from one moment to another that Stannis Baratheon realized, that he was no longer alone in the chamber, a flaming figure levitating into the room from the opening the missing wall created.

His muscles tensed as a primal fear bloomed in his mind, as even the most stoic man was unable to keep his calm when facing a being of divinity. Though Stannis' eyes widened greatly, as the blazing man just shed his elemental form a moment later.

Fire and heat, just shifting into mortal flesh as a man of unearthly charm appeared. His rippling physique barely hidden by his loose black tunic and linen pants. No shoes in sight, as the barefooted mortal god gave off a slight smile.

“This is the third time we meet now, Stannis Baratheon.”, a deep and captivating voice left the man's lips, though Stannis was sure that 'man' wasn't the correct description.

Even in this human form, the Lord of Dragonstone could feel the power practically radiating from the being in front of him, and not only power. It was as if every speck of his being told him that what he was looking at was simply not mortal.

Stannis didn't quite understand this feeling, but he trusted it.

Knowing that no matter his looks, he wasn't not facing a 'man', but something much much greater. And while the feeling of immense power faded the next moment that instinct remained, cautioning him to be mindful of his actions.

"You can be at ease, I am not here to ask for repayment for my help. Nor do I plan to harm you or those around you.", Phenex told the cautious Master of Ships, as he continued, "In fact, I am here to offer you a chance if you will."

“What chance?”, Stannis questioned, after a slight pause.

“A chance to be valued for your gifts and contributions. A chance for a different life.”, Phenex answered, “You are one of Westeros' finest commanders, maybe even the finest when it comes to naval warfare. And I want you to lead all of the Blessed Cities naval forces.”

Even the stoic Baratheon couldn't help but show a stunned expression at the words of the god before him. Shaking off his daze and processing what he had been offered, Stannis was momentarily unable to comprehend all that this offer entailed.

One question though burned in his mind that he found himself desperately needing an answer to. Looking at the black-haired fiery-eyed man before him, Stannis asked while slightly gritting his teeth: "Why me?"

Smiling lightly, Phenex inquired: "You mean to ask what a being of my power could want with a commander when I already have all this might?"

Receiving a curt nod from the second oldest of the Baratheon brothers, Phenex continued: "You are not wrong that I could simply turn all those opposing the temple's rule, or trying to harm my people to ashes, but what would that make of my people, of the Blessed Cities?"

"They would be nothing more than summer flowers, unable to survive in the harsh winter without me sheltering them and such a territory has no future. The people would lose their spirit, their willingness to improve and fight for what belongs to them. They worship me and pray for my protection, but how could I grant them such when they are not willing to help themselves first?"

“I am a Ruler, Stannis Baratheon. As such it is my responsibility to ensure my people's prosperity as best as I can, and sometimes that means letting them face hardships and even death.”

"You are of course eligible to stay here and try to contribute to your brother's rule. If you think that is your duty, or it is a more worthwhile position. And maybe it is, as I will not give you land, nor the right to rule over others. You will of course get enough wealth for your services to live for ten generations, but that is not the main point of my offer."

“What I offer you is a chance to leave behind something more than being a footnote in your brother's conquest. Being more than a Master of Ships, that most will not even remember should he disappear.”

"You are a commander, a soldier. And if you will, you may leave your name behind as the greatest naval commander to have ever lived, since even the ancient Empire of Dawn."

"I offer you the chance to earn the respect and honor that you deserve, not for being a noble-born Lord, but for simply being Stannis Baratheon."