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[A/N: For those who do not know: Gout is a metabolic disorder that causes a painful swelling of the joints, due to inflamation. Eventually the swelling and pain may even immobilze one completely. It's a pretty bad disease, especially in a time where physical weakness is taken as a sign of a weak man.]

Chapter 045 – Arrangments

[289 AC]

Even though the journey from Dorne to Volantis had been an arduous task for the gout-striken Lord of Sunspear, Doran didn't let it show on his face, as he slowly walked into the study of Volantis' god, his walking stick making small clanking sounds that echoed through the quiet and sun-flooded chamber.

The stoic personal guard of the Red God having prevented Oberyn from joining him for this meeting.

His eyes falling onto the only other being in the study, Doran confirmed that Oberyn had not lied to him, as Phenex Firestar undoubtedly inherited the incredible beauty of his mother and aunt, having looks that were nothing short of perfect, as he sat relaxedly on a silken armchair, sunlight bathing his figure golden.

“My Lord.”, Doran greeted, minutely bowing his head, as his eyes were locked onto the violet gaze of Volantis' ruler.

“Welcome, Doran.”, Phenex voiced out calmly, a slight smile on his lips, as he gestured to the empty seat before his desk.

Taking the offered seat, the Prince of Dorne looked quietly at the godly man before him, though he didn't have to wait long before Phenex once again spoke out.

Raising his hand, Phenex sent a swarm of bright embers towards the sickly dornishman, warmth and life being emitted by them, as they sunk into Doran's flesh.

“Consider this my welcome gift for you, Prince.”, Phenex said lightly, as the Lord of Sunspear felt all his aches and the constant weakness of his flesh disappear, like smoke in a storm.

Unable to react for several long moments after having been cured of the disease that had plagued him since he was a child, it took him a few minutes before he regained his wits. Doran momentarily found it hard to find the words to express his gratitude, too overwhelming was the sense of relief flooding through his rejuvenated body.

“T-thank you, my Lord.”

At the end he opted for simple words of gratitude, though Phenex didn't seem to mind as he gave him an acknowledging nod of his own.

“Now, I believe you have made your decision regarding my offer.”, Phenex stated.

“I-I have. I am willing to cast aside the desire for vengence in exchange for seeing my sister and her children back amongst the living.”, Doran announced, as he continued, “As long as I rule, you will also have the support of House Martell and Dorne. Though to ensure that Dorne sides with you even after my passing, I think arrangements have to be made.”

“Hmm, and what would this arrangment entail, Prince?”, Phenex asked calmly, a knowing glint in his eyes.

Phenex, of course was all too clear about what the Lord of Sunspear had in mind, as nothing could be hidden before his divine gaze.

“My daughter Arianne is the next in line to rule Dorne, and I think it would only be prudent that she stay by your side to learn how to rule in accordance to the laws of the Red Temple. She is still young and will need all the insight and experience she can get before taking over as the ruler of Dorne.”, Doran stated directly, observing the godly man's expression intently.

Silence reigned for a few long moments, as Phenex' gaze was directed to the opened windows, his senses focusing on Arianne, the Dornish teenager reuniting with her cousins some distance away, laughing and whispering about what they had experienced.

Doran obviously wanted to connect House Martell to the Red Temple by marrying his daughter to him, but he knew that Phenex would never agree to such a thing, deciding over Arianne's future without her consent.

As such the crafty Lord of House Martell had simply chosen a more elaborate way to ensure that his daughter would come in contact with Phenex. And knowing his daughter, he knew that she would fall for the godly man.

Phenex was aware of all this and found himself impressed by the older brother of Oberyn.

There was basically no reason for him to refuse, as fostering children away from home was not only very common for nobles, Doran was also right in that this would ensure that Arianne would learn what it meant to be a good ruler, or at least a better ruler than most.

And yet this little scheme also showed Phenex that even a mortal man like Doran were capable of influencing the happenings around him, despite their incredible difference in power.

Thinking about the young Dornish Princess, Phenex was also clear on the potential benefits this arrangement could bring with it.

His plans for Westeros had been almost non-existent in the beginning, but after so many years they had taken on a rough shape and Phenex knew that marrying Arianne might bring these plans a step further.

Of course Phenex could force those goals to come true with power alone, but if he had wanted to do so, he could have done it years ago. It wasn't his desire to conquer and rule Westeros like a tyrant.

Like the Blessed Cities, he would bring prosperity to the Seven Kingdoms in a time of chaos and death. When the unstable peace of the current reign would inevitably break, that would be his cue to bring change to Westeros.

The Dornish would probably accept his rule more easily, if he were to be married to Arianne as a member of House Dayne, a House with a rich and proud history in the desert Kingdom.

Exhaling lightly, Phenex shook off all these thoughts about plans and schemes, as he realized that this decision wasn't that complicated and he didn't have to strain his mind to decide.

Accepting Arianne to stay in the temple and guiding her to be a conscientious ruler was something he had no problem with.

This didn't mean he would groom the girl as his lover and potential wife, Phenex would just let things happen naturally, like he had done with Kinvara and Rhaella.

Ellaria didn't really count, as she was Oberyn's lover first and foremost, and their little tryst was only something born out of lust and passion. Though Phenex held genuine affection for the foxy Dornish beauty.

There was simply no need to plan these things, nor was there a need to decide how he felt about her at this moment, or consider any potential benefits. Time would ultimately make these decisions for him, and her.

“Arianne may stay in Volantis until she is of age. Though I will not force her to do so, so keep that in mind.”, he stated, before he continued, “During this time, I will see to it that she receives the guidance and instructions necessary for her future as the Ruler of Dorne. And if I have time, I will even do so myself.”

“If she does not want to stay, or her views simply do not align with the Red Temple's and mine, it does not change our agreement. No matter how this turns out, I still expect Dorne's allegiance.”, Phenex ended.

“We will do as you command, my Lord.”, the Lord of Sunspear answered relieved. He knew that his daughter would definitely be interested in the godly man before his eyes, as who else could compete with Phenex Firestar?

“I will hold you to your words, Prince. Though I think it is now time to reunite you and your younger brother with your sister.”, Phenex replied.

It was a few minutes later, when Phenex found himself in the Heart Chamber, accompanied by Doran and Oberyn.

Having instructed them to be quiet and not interrupt him, Phenex stood with his back turned towards the altar, above which the Burning Heart was floating.

His body losing all form and material shape in the next moment, as he turned into a figure of pure fire. Raising his hands, as his mind captured all the traces of Elia Martell's and her children's, Rhaenys and Aegon Targaryen, existence.

Flaming columns originating from his hands twisted and coalescended, as they concentrated and compressed into three blazing cocoons, inside of which new life was being born.


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