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Chapter 012 – Thoros, Melisandre

[287 AC]

As Phenex comtemplated what he remembered about the two, he watched Kinvara's beautiful backside apporach the large door and infuse them with a bit of magic, which prompted them to open up on their own, while she waved the priestess and the priest into the the Heart-chamber.

The doors closed as soon as the three went into the chamber and Kinvara cut of her supply of magic power.

The look on Melisandre's and Thoro's face said it all, the surprise and shock at seeing a young boy around the age of twelve standing in the room, wasn't at all what they expected.

Neverthelss, they refocused fast and greeted him with respect, kneeling down on one knee and bowing their heads, though they did not speak, as Phenex had prompted Kinvara to stand to his side with a gesture.

“Thoros of Myr and Melisandre of Asshai, you both may rise.“, Phenex said and continued after they did so, “You may voice your thoughts.“

Thoros spoke first, with clear hestitation and doubt in his tone, while Melisandre was more reserved and just observed him closely.

“With all due respect, you do not look like I have imagined a champion of our god to look like, Lord.“

Their looks though changed quickly, as Phenex stopped suppressing his aura and used his power to turn his body into a fiery humanoid form the size of several grown men.

Phenex's aura alone forced both of them back onto their knees. They couldn't even use their magic to fight against the suppression, as he prevented them from doing so. Added to visual impact of him suddenly turning into a giant made out of fire, it was a very effective show of force.

Phenex kept this up for a some time, before slowly changing back and reining in his aura again.

At this point both Thoros and Melisandre panted heavily, though Melisandre had it worse as his aura had broken her glamour spell and practically destroyed the amulett, which had served as the anchor for the spell.

For someone like Melisandre, who used not only her magical abilities, but also her beauty to influence and manipulate those around her, it was a horrible feeling to be so exposed.

For the first time in ages, she felt very vulnerable. Even at the time, when her connection to the heart had been broken five years ago, she had not felt that helpless.

The fact that her own magic had failed her, just because of his presence, was very frightening. It was a horrible thing to experience, after centuries of reliance on her own magic.

Thoros felt more awe than shock at this display of power.

He had been given to the temple, as the eight son of his family at a young age, he never really believed the Lord of Light to truly exist. Even as he had connected with the flaming heart that floated on the altar nearby a few years ago, he had only thought this to be some wonder of magic.

His view on the matter though had started to change, as he had seen visions of the battlefield were a fiery figure had turned a massive army to ashes with a simple swing of its sword.

Afterwards he had worked hard to prove himself worthy and have a chance at meeting that very figure.

Thoros just wanted to know if there truly was something like a god. And even though he still wasn't too sure, he at least knew that the being in front of him wasn't a mortal like himself.

“Did that correspond more to how you imagine a champion to look like, Thoros of Myr?”, Phenex asked, as he continued, “Know, that what you see me as, is only a form I chose for conveniance sake. I am a being of fire and magic, and therefore have no true form.“

Phenex made a short pause, while he thought about how much he should reveal.

In the end he chose to tell them both the truth and just see what would happen, as he didn't truly have to fear some drastic consequences with his powers, so it was okay to take risks like that sometimes.

“Though you are right in assuming that I am no champion of god, for I am the Pheonix, Ruler of the Fiery Sky.“

Again flames errupted from his body, but this time the whole chamber was filled with a fiery storm, as he transformed into a massive bird of fire.

Transmitting his voice directly into their minds, Phenex continued speaking.

„R'hollor does not exist, the heart had always been just a creation of magic, made from the ashes produced by my rebirth more than ten thousand years ago. And it was also the heart that drew me here five years ago.”

“On that occasion I have met Kinvara and accepted her into my service. I gave her eternal youth and she gave me her loyality. I gave her power and she conquered Volantis for me.“, Phenex intoned.

This revelation alone made both of them freeze in shock, especially Melisandre.

Melisandre was a true religious fanatic and believed in the Lord of Light's existence and guidance more than anything else, with the reason for that being her horrible past as a slave. Hearing these things now, threatened to destroy her whole belief and worldview.

„I know that you do not care much for eternal life Thoros of Myr. It's curiosity and greed that drive you. And yet you are a good priest, a loyal and mosty-just man.“

Thoros swallowed hard at this review of his character, as it didn't feel good to be seen through so easily.

„It's different for you Melisandre, isn't it? You have lived for so long, searching for a purpose, a reason that would explain all the suffering that you have endured. You chose to believe that it had all been part of a greater plan of some god, that never answered your prayer.”, Phenex addressed her, as he continued.

“You chose faith. Now that you know the truth behind your faith, tell me Red Witch. Do you still want to be part of something greater than yourself? Do you still want to believe in a being greater than yourself?“

At this point the flames around the room had vanished and Phenex was back in his human form and stood directly before an old Melisandre.

“I-I- … “, stammering a bit, Melisandre answered slowly, “I do, Lord. Even if you are not the Lord of Light I have prayed to. You are the one to answer my prayers. I will follow you as your loyal servant, as long as you will have me, Lord. There is nothing else in my life worth living for.“

Phenex nodded and turned his head to the side and looked at the priest.

“What about you Thoros of Myr, are you willing to continue serving as a priest of the temple, like you have been doing it for the last few years?“

Thoros didn't have to think long about his answer, smiling he said: “I do, Lord. It's good and honest work with great pay. Only a fool would decline such an offer, Mylord.“

Even Phenex had to smile at the man's honest words.

„Good, you may ask a small favour from me for your service and loyality. It doesn't have to be now, take your time and think about it.“

“Thank you, Lord.“, Thoros bowed deeply, as he replied.

Giving the priest a nod, Phenex turned back towards Melisandre, as he addressed her: “I do believe I already know what you wish for, Lady Melisandre … It's youth, is it not?“

With a hopeful glint in her eyes, Melisandre answered: “I-It is, Mylord.“

“You shall have it then. Though be warned, it doesn't come without pain.“, Phenex said with a serious tone.

“Pain doesn't scare me, Lord.“, Melisandre responded with a determined look on her wrinkly face.

With a gesture of his hand, flames engulfed Melisandre and while nothing happened for the first few seconds, her pained screams echoed through the chamber only moments later.


This kind of pain wasn't something you could prepare yourself for, so Phenex wasn't surprised by her screams.

Kinvara likewise knew from first-hand experience that this kind of pain was impossible to endure silently, while only Thoros seemed genuinely shocked at the shireks of pain emitted by the Red Priestess.

It took a good while, before the screams stopped and the flames had died down, as Melisandre could be seen in all her youthful glory laying naked on the floor and breathing heavily.

Phenex was the one to breach the silence, as he stated dryly: “Stop staring, priest. Give her your cloak and help her up.“

“O-of course, Lord.“, stammered Thoros in reply, before doing as told and covering Melisandre's form in his cloak and helping her stand up.

Melisandre at this point was too exhausted to really move on her own, and could only lean on the priest.

“Leave now, all of you.“, Phenex told them.

“Yes, Lord.“, Thoros answered simply, bowing lightly while still supporting Melisandre.

“Thank you, Lord.“, Melisandre voiced out quietly, exhaustion clear in her voice.

Kinvara bowed deeply, as she said: “I will inform you as soon as everything is ready, Mylord.“

Phenex nodded a last time to signal his agreement, and then turned around and sat on the black floor, while the three left the room.


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