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Chapter 020 – Spending The Night

[2009 – June]

I probably should have expected something like this to happen, but when the flames appeared on Jean's still spasming body, it was already too late to back away and shield myself from them.

The next moment though, I realized that they left me completely unharmed, except for burning my clothes. Well, those and the leather couch.

Quickly summoning a shield around the piece of furniture, I contained Jean's power and stayed with her.

I didn't notice it at first but after several seconds I could feel the flames slowly sinking into my flesh, washing away any fatigue that had accumulated over the day and even more surprising causing my energy reserves to climb upwards rapidly.

Theories and questions sprang forth in my mind about how something like that was possible, but the flames suddenly died down considerably as Jean opened her eyes with a slightly drowsy look in them.

As she lay there naked with a few flickering flames still dancing over her pale flesh and a look of bliss and satisfaction in her eyes, I knew that I had never seen something more sensual and beautiful.

I was still erect from our intense make-out session, and right now my member was almost painfully hard and asking for release, though I knew now wasn't the time to rush for anything.

It took a few moments for clarity to settle in, which caused Jean to cover up her chest with her hands and heat to rise to her cheeks, as she asked in shock: “W-what just happened?”

Manipulating my shield, I used it to grab two nearby blankets from the intact couch and the armchair while answering her with a smile.

“Apparently you felt so good that you decided to grill my furniture. Don't worry, besides my clothes you didn't harm even a single hair on my body.”, I assured her.

Taking the blankets and vanishing the barrier, I handed one to Jean while leaning down and leaving a searing kiss on her lips, which caused her to momentarily forget her worry about what could have happened.

I knew that Jean was a powder keg of cosmic proportions, but I also realized that she had much better control than she believed she had, or else I would be nothing more than a pile of ash right now and my barrier wouldn't have been able to stop her flames for even a second.

Moving back, I wrapped the second blanket around my waist and managed to catch Jean sneaking a peek at my still erect manhood.

Flushed red, she wrapped the other blanket around herself to hide her sensual curves and then looked up at me in a mixture of uncertainty and want.

Stretching out my hand, she grabbed onto it with minor hesitation as I pulled her up from the half-burned sofa.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pulled her towards me and whispered an invitation into her ears before leaving a gentle kiss on her neck.

“You wanna stay the night? I promise I won't eat you up, no matter how delicious you look with that blanket wrapped around you.”

Shuddering in pleasure once again, Jean nearly melted into Elijah's embrace where she stood.

She knew she should be screaming in horror at her loss of control, knowing that she could have seriously injured or even killed him at that moment, but seeing him act as if nothing major had happened, she couldn't help but follow his example and stop worrying.

Elijah didn't seem bothered at all and acted without fear or hesitation, which caused a warm feeling to explode in her chest. Jean once again realized that he made her feel just like a normal teenage girl without the power to turn the whole school to dust if she so desired.

“I would love to.”

Raising her hand to his cheek, she tip-toed a bit to reach his ear as she whispered back her answer, before leaving a kiss on his lips.

A smile formed on his charming face, as he leaned down a bit and surprised her as he suddenly grabbed her in a princess carry and brought her into his bedroom, where he softly sat her down on the mattress of the king-sized bed.

“Give me a moment, I am gonna grab you a shirt.”, he said, as he moved to a drawer and took a black shirt for her and some other clothes for himself.

Her eyes widened a bit when he just dropped the blanket and put on a pair of boxers while his back still was turned towards her.

Jean knew she probably shouldn't watch but found it hard to look away. So with a healthy red to her cheeks, she kept sneaking a peek at his well-formed behind.

The musculature in his back moved in a delicious display of strength and she couldn't help but bite her lips as Elijah covered himself with a shirt.

Seeing him turn around, Jean quickly moved her gaze away though he probably caught her staring anyway.

A few steps and he was in front of her again, as he held up the shirt and helped her slip into it before he crouched down slightly and slowly peeled off the blanket around her, revealing her pale legs in the process

Her breath hitched for a moment when his hands brushed over her thighs and Elijah moved in to give her another one of his burning kisses.

Following his advance, Jean let herself fall back onto the bed as he moved on top of her once again.

Feeling him move to the side, Jean was surprised when he pulled her with him and her head landed on a soft pillow before Elijah covered them both with a blanket.

What followed were several soft and gentle kisses, until exhaustion claimed her, and she fell into a peaceful sleep. Not feeling Elijah's mental presence but his heat and warmth surrounding her.


Arsh Mittal

Hmmm. Maybe keep this pairing going instead of leaving Jean when he leaves the XMen? The Phoenix could be used as a plot point to make Jean morally grey rather than her current mentality


It's hard to say where their relationship is heading at this point. Simply telling Jean about the Pheonix isn't really an option for now, as she trust the Professor very much because he kinda represents a father figure for her. So telling her that he placed mental blocks inot her mind and cut her off from her true power, isn't so easily done. This is something that will take time for trust to form between the both of them. Still, what really happens between them, I don't know myself at this point.


Glad you like it. It's one of my favourites so far. Well this and the next. I just find the two of them so sweet together.


I’m curious.. Do you think the Ancient One is aware of this? She should right? Or maybe the cosmic power and high-level entity ‘card’ kinda shield The Phoenix Force’s movements from the Time Stone? I wonder why she chose to do nothing if she knew..