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So after several days of agonizing, I came to the realization that it had been a bad idea to do a poll for the female lead.

Not because I don't care about your opinion, but because it severly cuts into my creativity and I feel forced to steer the story into a certain direction. I decided thus to just ignore the results of that poll in favour of letting the story develop at its own pace.

At this point I am still pretty sure that the MC will end up with either Psylocke or Laura, but he won't live in celibacy until that happens.

Having different relationships and discovering what you want from a companion, or that you are not a good fit, is something normal in life and I want to mirror that in my story.

Well, I hope you all understand and stay tuned for future chapters. Enjoy the story!

PS: I think I will do a mass release this weekend for the X-Men Crossover, as I managed to make some good progress with the story, so watch out for that!



Just do both lol 😂


Something to think about, but I probably will come to a definite decision while writing.

Arsh Mittal

Just do what feels natural. Polls are in the end just our opinion, not a rule to follow