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Chapter 008 – Goodwill

[2009 – June]

'Elijah Frost, huh … '

Charles Xavier was not quite sure what to think about the boy.

Elijah obviously had knowledge that he should not have, so Xavier couldn't help but suspect that he had an ability that gave him this knowledge, something akin to divination or precognitive visions. Certainly, it wouldn't be a surprise for a mutant of his potential to have several abilities, even though he only admitted to having a single one.

For the first time in a long while, Charles's telepathic abilities proved entirely useless when dealing with someone, because as the young man had remarked, his mental shields kept out anyone with telepathic abilities. Even someone as powerful as himself and the young Ms. Grey, whose abilities surpassed even his own.

Still, from what he had seen, Elijah seemed very keen on retaining his personal freedom but was otherwise a mature young man. Maybe even more mature than one would expect from someone his age, but given the fact that he had been raised by a single parent until his mother died last year – making him an orphan – that wasn't too surprising.

At least that was the information that Hank had managed to find on the boy and Charles had long since learned to trust his old friend when it came to things like technology and intel gathering that went beyond using his own abilities in conjunction with Cerebro to gather information.

Charles however also realised the potential of the young man's ability and his value as a potential X-Men, so even if he did not enjoy manipulating others, he would certainly try to recruit Elijah into his team.

The future of mutantkind may very well depend on him, as Omega-level mutants were just that great of a variable.

And that was especially true for someone he couldn't grasp completely.

"So that's the wing where the other brats roughly your age live. Most of them are X-Men trainees and have been living here for a few years, so just ask one of them to show you around tomorrow. I am sure you will be getting some curious visitors either way, as nothing stays secret very long around here anyway.", Logan said, as he led me towards my new temporary home.

“I can imagine, telepaths and all that.”, I said dryly.

“Well nothing you will have to worry about, ain't it pup?”, he responded with a smirk.

“Thankfully not, I like my thoughts being exactly that – mine.”

“Can't argue with that, though unfortunately not all of us are blessed with a mind shield. Anyway, since you have plans to train in the gym, you should join my combat class. I may consider teaching you some tricks to defend yourself, even without your fancy barriers.”, Logan said.

His offer surprised me somewhat as I didn't take him for someone that would approach others like that, but it seemed I had left a good impression on him while talking with the Professor. Or maybe I had just aroused his curiosity.

And while it was a very tempting offer to be taught some tricks by one of the best close-quarters combatants in this world, as Logan was no doubt in that category with the decades of experience and the different military trainings he had received over his long life, I already found myself stretched for time just thinking about my admittedly rough future plans.

I was also only a normal baseline human physically, which meant that I couldn't expect any kind of great progress in a short period of time when learning combat techniques. Proficiency that reached the level of muscle memory took months and years to form, so I decided to put that on the back burner for now.

Or at least until I gained an ability that would allow me to get some real benefits from his class in a shorter period of time.

So, I answered him honestly, as I said: "Tempting offer. But for now, I have a lot on my plate, considering I just gained these abilities and already had to relocate. Though if that is a long-standing offer then I will come looking for you after settling down and getting more familiar with … well everything."

"Sure thing, pup. And here we are.", Logan agreed easily enough while pointing at a door to our right, "That's room the Professor has chosen for you, should have everything you need. It only locks from the inside though, so no key."

“Mhm, thanks for the small tour, Logan.”, I said to him, as he had already turned around again.

"You're welcome, kid.", he said without stopping his movements.

Turning back to the door, I directly opened it and went inside. Switching on the lights and locking the door, I took a few moments to look at the place.

Classically decorated, expensive quality furniture, and way bigger than I had expected. This wasn't just a small room with a bath included, this was more like a small suite in some high-class hotel.

The kitchen and living room were only separated by a sizeable kitchen aisle, while there was a separate bed- and bathroom. Clearly, the Professor tried to show goodwill by giving me this place, which made me sigh internally.

It was a small matter, but by giving me this room it acted as a gift and offer in itself, as he no doubt had already started his machinations to try and rope me in.

And it worked, as I very much liked the place.

It had a comfortable atmosphere to it while displaying a rustic and simple charm. The high-quality wooden furniture and simple decoration meet my tastes perfectly, so I didn't plan to reject the Professor's friendly gesture.

Though what I felt the most right now was just pure exhaustion.

It had only been a few short hours ago that I had died in a painful car accident, before being sent into this new world and having to deal with the Ancient One and Charles. So at this point, I wanted nothing more than to sleep and help my mind recover and process all that happened.

I knew that I couldn't make any more good decisions in my current state, so I simply stripped myself of my jeans, jacket, hoodie, socks, and shoes, left my stuff on the floor next to the bed, and lay down on the robust king-sized bed, made from some kind of dark wood – probably walnut.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I would once again start being Elijah Frost.

Because right now, I was just tired.


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