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Chapter 001 – Circumstances

Tsunade had been drunk when she got the news of the Ninetails attack in Konoha two days after it happened.

The ever-present guilt she felt, because she had abondoned her village and its people, only got stronger when she thought about how many people she could have probably saved, if she had been there.

In reaction to the sudden overwhelming guilt, she did the only thing she had been doing to silence these emotions since she had left the village and had gotten even more drunk.

In fact she got so wasted that when a handsome young man made advances on her later that night, she didn't reject him, like she had done to all the ones that had come before him.

That night she slept with the stranger and when she woke up the next day and saw him lying next to her, she couldn't get away fast enough.

Not even bothering to ask his name or his origins, Tsunade just took Shizune with her and fled from the place, hoping to just forget this betrayal towards her deceased lover.

On the road to the next town, she tried to lessen her guilt by teaching Shizune earnestly for the next few weeks.

When she had almost managed bury that event in the back of her mind and they had arrived at the next town, where she was ready to go back to wasting away her life at the bottom of a sake cup, Tsunade's whole world was turned upside down, when she realised that she was pregnant.

It was a mere coincident that she had even noticed that early, as she had just shown Shizune a medical ninjutsu that was used to discover pregnancy in the beginning stages. Allowing Shizune to test the jutsu on herself, Tsunade first thought that maybe Shizune had done it wrong.

She hadn't though, and when Tsunade used it herself to show Shizune how to do it properly, she had frozen in shock.

What followed were weeks of indecsion, where Tsunade had agonized over the question if she should keep the child, or flood her own womb with destructive chakra to kill the budding life within.

At the end though she couldn't bear to do it, she couldn't bring herself to take this innocent life.

But Tsunade also knew that she couldn't raise it either. The child represented her betrayal of her lost lover, something she was made painfully aware due to the presence of Shizune, the niece of Dan Kato.

And even though Shizune was genuinely happy about the child growing within Tsunade's belly, Tsunade just wasn't able to overcome her own anxieties and fears.

So she took the easy way out.

A few months later when the baby – a beautiful little silver-haired boy with deep grey eyes – had just been born, a servent from the Outer Senju Clan directly took him and a few sealed scrolls, away on Tsunade's orders.

On that same orders, the boy was declared Heir to the Senju Clan. To be raised and taken care of by the three remaining servants of the Outer Clan, until he was old and strong enough to take his position as the new Clan Head.

Some may say that Tsunade ordered this to assuage her sense of guilt about abandoning the child, while others may say that she saw this as an opportunity to rid herself of her responsibilities as the last living member of the true Senju linage and current Clan Head.

At the end, only Tsunade herself knew the truth.

The child, son of the Legendary Sannin Tsunade Senju, last male member and Heir of the Senju Clan, though cared little for the truth, having just been reborn in the hellhole that was the Shinobi World.


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