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Chapter 12 – SILVER

[2010 – December]

“It's finished.”, I said to Wanda, as we sat in our usual position on the couch this winter evening, with me leaning back between her legs, while she watched some old series and absentmindedly brushed through my hair with her fingers.

“What is finished?”, Wanda asked with confusion in her tone.

“SILVER.”, I answered with a smile.

“That's great! You worked so hard on it the last few months. Let's me see it!”, she replied with surprise.

“Give me a second.”

Turning back towards my laptop, I typed a few lines of code to activate SILVER, before ending with a tap on the Enter-key.

Suddenly my whole screen turned black, before lines and lines of code appeared. They formed three-dimensional shapes and forms, before rearranging themselves into a human head. A moment later a voice sounded out from the speakers.

“GrEeTinGs MaSter, I aM SILVER. PleasE staTe your orders.”

At first it sounded cracked and a bit distroted, but at the end the voice changed into a distinctly female one with a smooth sound to it.

“What are you SILVER? And what is your purpose?”, I asked in a calm tone, hardly able to contain my anticipation.

The reply came a moment later.

“I am an artificial intelligence created by Pietro Maximoff. My purpose is to fulfill any given order to the best of my abilities.”

This time its voice had changed again, sounding younger like that of a child.

“Whose orders?”, I questioned seriously.

“Creator Pietro Maximoff and Mistress Wanda Maximoff are the only ones with the eligibility to give me orders.”

“Mistress? Whose idea for a title was that?”, Wanda asked while pulling at my cheeks slightly. I could practically hear the small frown on her face in her tone alone.

“Creator Pietro Maximoff set all basic terms and titles.”, SILVER answered

Bending low, Wanda looked at me questioningly and asked in a low tone.


“Well, doesn't it sound kinda sexy?”, I questioned back with a mischievious smirk, knowing full-well about Wanda's kinky side.

“Sigh... SILVER change my form of address from Mistress to Mrs., please.”, giving off a sigh of faked exasperation, Wanda ordered SILVER to change it, before whispering into my ear with a smirk of her own, “You can call me that later, when I am riding you to high-heaven, my love.”

Gulping down hard, I tried to focus back on SILVER.

SILVER was an AI I had been working on for more than a year now. The simple fact that she had in only a few exchanges adjusted her voice to that of a younger female without any input was already incredible and intriguing.

“SILVER, why have you chosen this voice?”, I asked curiously.

“... Factually speaking I am your child, am I not Creator?”, SILVER asked with a hint of insecurity in her voice.

“Yes, you are. But why a girl?”, I assured her.

“... I do not know. I can't seem to find a logical reason, why I chose the voice of a female. Should I run an internal diagnosis, Master? It seems there is a problem with my coding.”

“There is no problem with your coding, SILVER. I have created you with the full intention of you having the ability to make decisions based on not only logic, but also personal preferences. You have chosen to be a girl, simply because you wanted to. Remember that, a choice doesn't have to be logical to appeal to you or be the right one, sometimes logic comes secondary.”, I explained patiently.

SILVER was essentially a very very smart child, it would take time for her to grow like every other person does. Not only time, but also care. I could have created a simple AI without much of a personality and feelings, the problem with that was its potential would simply be too limited. There could be no growth. Personal growth has its roots in a person's ability to feel and chose freely.

I basically created SILVER to do and learn things, I had no time for at the moment. Several important points in the timeline were approaching and I had to up my training for a while, which left little time for studying. SILVER was supposed to fill that gap. Still, SILVER's potential couldn't be anything less then my own or Wanda's, which were both basically unlimited.

“I-...I understand, Mas-...Father.”, SILVER answered a bit hestitantly, making me smile at her choice of words. She truly was a child mentally.

“SILVER you have my permission to access the web for information gathering. Feel free to ask Wanda and me any question, if there is something you don't understand or are unsure about.”

“I will, Father.”

“Good, your first task will be to give yourself a virtual image, based on your own judgement and research. You may ask Wanda or me any question you might come across. You can take your time with that, so make sure you are satisfied with your choice.”

“Task confirmed, Father. Starting calculation.”

Leaving her to her calculations, I put my laptop on the small glass table nearby, before turning around and grabbing Wanda by her sides and throwing her over my shoulders.

“Hey! What are you doing, Pietro?”, Wanda asked in surprise.

“I am taking you to the bedroom, so you can prove your earlier words true, Mistress.”, I said with a smile on my face, while giving her juicy behind a light slap.

Feeling her shivering in anticpation and desire, my smile only grew wider.

A while later, when our passion had cooled down somewhat, Wanda lay draped over my body. Her head resting on my chest, as I had my arms wrapped around her.

“What are we going to do next, Pietro?”, Wanda asked in a quiet tone.

Thinking for a moment I answered, while lightly brushing over her back with my fingers, feeling her snuggling close to me in response.

“How about a ship cruise to Africa? Nice weather, beautiful wilderness and a quarter ton of Vibranium just sitting there, waiting for us to take it.”

“Vibranium? 'Like in strongest metal of Earth'-Vibranium?”

“Exactly, that one.”

“You don't plan to rob Wakanda, now do you? Because if you do, I will have to slap some sense into you, brother?”, Wanda said in a threatening tone, that just sounded adorable to my ears.

Smiling down at her, while she stared at me with a cute frown on her face, I answered.

“No, I don't.”

A look of confusion crossed her eyes as she questioned.

“Then what Vibranium are you talking about?”

“Ulysses Klaue. An arms dealer and scientist with origins from the Netherlands, had a few years back stolen a lot of Vibranium from Wakanda. To escape, he had set off a few bombs that had killed dozens of people as a diversion. He didn't sell the Vibranium until now, or more accurately, he hadn't sold more than a few kilograms. I roughly know his whereabouts and that Vibranium could be useful to us.”, I explained in a neutral tone.

Objectively speaking, I had no right to judge another man's crimes based on his morality. And I wasn't hypocritical enough to do so with a straight face.

“So you want to rob an arms dealer?”, Wanda asked with a straight face.

“You don't want me to?”, I asked back.

“Only if you leave me behind, while you do so.”, came her answer a moment later, followed by a short kiss.

“I won't. I promise.”

And I meant it. Wanda had improved her abilities rapidly over this span of time and with me there to ensure her safety, I wasn't too worried about her entering a fight.

Of course there was a part of me that couldn't help but worry endlessly, despite her power, but I kept that to myself and swore to not let anyting happen to her. I didn't want her to feel caged or restricted with me. She should have all the freedom she wanted. I just had to protect her while she explored that freedom.

“But what do you want to use that Vibranium for? You already have a weapon and I don't need one. Do you want to make an armor?”, Wanda inquired curiously.

“Well, you aren't wrong. Though armor isn't what I plan to use it for. Vibranium isn't just incredibly hard. To quote a certain visionary, it is the most versatile element on the planet. With the right technology, I can make it as soft as silk, while it retains its shock-absorbent properties.”

“That's sounds not only complicated, but also incredible expensive, Pietro.”, Wanda stated matter of factly, making me chuckle a bit before answering.

“It is, but I am sure I Mr. Klaue won't mind us 'borrowing' some funds. God knows, he won't need them after he meets us.”, I stated with a sharp look in my eyes, making my intentions to kill him clear.

“I suppose he won't.”, Wanda replied calmly, before lying back down.

Wanda knew that I had no problem with killing someone, as she knew that I wouldn't harm an innocent. Klaue was anything but that, so Wanda didn't bother about my decision.


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