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Chapter 10 – A Year Passes

A few hour later, I could feel her stir in her sleep, before she jolted awake. A wild and terrified look in her eyes, which started to slowly turn red.

“I am here, I am fine. Calm down, Wanda. Nothing happened to me.”, I said in an attempt to relax and sooth her.

Her powers were very volatile and I probably wouldn't enjoy them running rampart.

To reinforce my statement, I did something I never did since awakening from the fever two month ago. I drew back the concealment around my mind a bit. Wanda's power had a telepathic component, with which she could clearly sense my mental presence, if I allowed it.

My concealment was like an etheral shroud constantly covering my body, mind and soul, and I had full control over the extent it covered me and protected my mind and soul from outside influences.

“Pietro! You... You idiot! *sob*”, Wanda cired out in relief and anger at seeing me, before she started to cry in a heartbreaking manner.

I could also clearly feel her mental presence subconciously pushing against mine softly, as if to check on my condition.

Gripping my shirt tightly, Wanda pressed herself aginst myself strongly, while I also had my arms wrapped around her.

“I-I thought *sob* that I had lost you.”, Wanda whispered quietly, but I could hear her clearly as the same words echoed in my mind.

With Wanda's control, telepathy shouldn't be possible right after awakening her powers, but we had always shared a special bond, which I assumed made this kind of communication possible.

“Shh. I am here. I'm never going to leave you. I'm sorry for making you go through something like that, my love. Forgive me.”, I whispered back, while trying to send her my love and affection through our mental connection.

“Don't ever do something like that again, Pietro. I don't want any power at all, if that means losing you. Promise me.”

“I promise, Wanda.”, I promised her in a low tone and I meant it. Seeing her this distraught and vulnerable, pained my heart greatly.

“I am still angry with you, but for now just hold me.”, Wanda said in a quiet tone.

And I did just that, embracing her tightly while planting gentle kisses from her face to her shoulders.

The next few days Wanda had clung to me every waking moment, clearly still traumatized by what had happened. I used that time to explain to her the depth of her power, making her aware of the potential she had posessed.

We also experimented together on my concealment, as she used her newly gained abilities to sense and study the shroud covering me. As a result the special bond we shared had made it possible to extend the shroud to also cover her, shielding her mind and soul from outside interventions.

Seeing this, I had decided to tell her more about the things that would happen in the future, starting with the Infinity Stones and their powers. I avoided talking about the Avengers and other important future events, though I did tell her about SHIELD.

Wanda's hatred for Tony Stark ran deep and to be honest, my own wasn't far off. Though my memories from when I was still Silver Walker, had helped a bit in clearling some off the resentment for Tony. I still didn't like him and probably never will. His conceited attitude and narcisistic character were responsible for a lot of the events happening in the MCU timeline.

Iron Man 1, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3 and Age of Ultron were all events that he was partly to blame for, especially the last. His idea of forcing the rest of the world to just accept his idea for protection against extraterrestial threats truly showcased his most despicable side and resulted in the 'implosion' of Sokovia as a independent state, after the fight with Ultron.

Personally, I thought Ultron had been right with a lot of things. Weren't it for his plan to cause an apocalyptic event, in an attempt to create a sort of trial for humanity, that would force them to change and evolve, I would probably let Stark create him in this timeline.

The rest of the Avengers weren't really any better to be honest.

Anyway, two weeks after Wanda had awakened her powers, my Martial Arts instructors had arrived and thus began a truly grueling period of training. While my two teachers each only instructed me for a few hours daily, I trained nearly fourteen hours every day and studied programming, physics, biology and chemistry, while trying to spend a few hours with Wanda each day too.

Most of the time I slept less than five hours, but thanks to my enhanced metabolism and growth skill, I adapted to this rather well. Slowly I started to need even less sleep, but I still liked to rest for a few hours, especially since it was time I could spent next to Wanda.

Wanda also trained her newly found powers also very hard. So hard in fact, she collapsed several times from sheer exhaustion, which lead me to check up on her more often and force her to take breaks.

While that may sound hypocritical, my physical body simply allowed me to train incredibly harsh, while hers didn't.

She also took lessons in Wing Chun alongside me, to help her develop some combat abilities not related to her powers. I knew that this would benefit her greatly later on, as she could combine her supernatural abilities with her close-combat skills.

Months passed like this. Months in which I surpassed any expectations my instructors had, improving with every exchange of blows, with every swing of my weapon.

After my teachers had left, I reduced the time I trained my physical body and Martial Arts to nine hours a day, spending my extra time in equal parts with Wanda and on some other things I had been working on.

[2010 – September]

“I am Iron Man.”

Sitting on a large armchair, with Wanda between my legs, we both watched Tony Stark declaring to the world the fact that he was Iron Man.

I could feel Wanda tensing up and saw a red mist-like energy being emitted by her subconciously, obviously caused by her anger and resentment.

“Calm down, Love. Take a deep breath. Don't let your anger consume you.”, I intoned in a soothing voice, while had my arms wrapped around her and started brushing my hands over her sides.

“Huuhh... I know you are right, but it's hard to let got of this hate, Pietro. It were still his weapons, no matter what is said. His ignorance is part of the reason for our parents death.”, Wanda said as she forced herself to relax and leaned herself backwards against myself.

“Yes, I know. And you will get your chance to punch him in the face for that, I promise. But ultimately, he isn't worth your anger. Don't waste your time on resenting him, when there are so many more things for you to enjoy out there.”, I reasoned calmly.

“Like dragging you to bed with me and riding you until exhaustion?”, Wanda asked playfully, as she looked up at me with a fake-clueless look on her angelic face.

Shivering in pleasurable anticipation, I whispered with a raspy undertone.

“You just lost your right to refuse me, should I pounce on you during dinner, you little minx.”

“I would never.”, she whispered back, before I mangaged to lock her lips with mine.

Plundering her mouth for a few minutes, I broke our kiss and took a few moments to even my breathing. Panting from the burning lust and desire that threathened to take over any moment.

Refocusing on the here and now, I addressed Wanda.

“It's time for us to meet some people and prepare for the future.”

“Vanko?”, Wanda questioned.

“No, I don't care about Stark's technology. If I did, I would have confronted Stane and taken the Arc Reactor Prototype from him.”

“You want to meet Killian?”

“Yes. It's time for me to get myself some healing factor and he makes a pretty easy target, especially with your help.”, I replied with a proud smile, while carresing Wanda's cheek.

“How do you plan to meet him?”, Wanda inquiried, while her own hands had dived beneath my shirt and stroked my chest, after she had turned around in my lap.

“Mmh... There are several options, but it seems we do have to visit Russia afterall. How about we go shopping for some clothes tomorrow? You may need a new coat, it's cold in Russia around this time of the year.”

I answered, while working one of my hands under the front of the hoodie(one of mine) she wore, while the other one wandered downwards.

“You just want to *gasp* get frisky in the chang- *pant* -ing room, you perv.”, Wanda said breathlessly, having also stuck on of her hand in my pajama pants and stroking my very hard member.

To be honest, she was right.

Everytime we went shopping for clothes, I had snuck into the changing room and had taken her right there. Of course, she hadn't been unwilling in the least and in fact she had also pulled me into the dressing room with her several times, before she went down on her knees and pleasured my member with her sweet little mouth, swallowing every drop of my essence in the process.

It had been one of most erotic things I had ever seen and caused me to rip of her panties right there, before driving myself into her with incredible fevor.

Something she had enjoyed massively.

“I want to get frisky now.”, I retorted and directly used my Superspeed to strip off my own pants along with hers.

The next moment, before she could even really register what had happened, I had buried myself in her warm core, causing her eyes to go wide at the sudden penetration and let out a loud cry of pleasure.


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