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Chapter 03 – A Weapon For Me

Carrying her to the bed, I laid her down softly. Loosening her hold on myself and covering her with a blanket.

“Please... Stay, Pietro.”

As I turned around to leave the room, her soft plea reached my ears.

Turning around and crouching next to her, I saw that she was sleeptalking. Bending over her and I gave her forehead and cheek a kiss.

“It's allright, Wanda. I will be back. I will always come back for you.”, I whispered soothingly into her ear.

Noticing that she had calmed down after a few moments, I truly exiting the room. Not noticing Wanda, opening her eyes again for a short moment.

Grabbing my windbreaker and putting on some shoes, I left the apartment building. A short walk through alleyways and backstreets, I arrived at an abondened factory building.

There were a lot of those in Sokovia. The government was incredibly corrupt, which left the economy in constant jeopardy. Still, this building suited my purpose very well.

Focusing my mind, I just shifted some kind of inner regulator and suddenly the world around me paused for a long moment. That was until my control slipped and my perception of time turned back to normal, with the sounds from the street returning in full force.

Even with the memories I had, controlling my Superspeed will take a few days. It simple felt completely foreign to me and while the memories helped massively, only practice would make this power truly my own.

It was still midday, so for the next few hours I trained my Superspeed without rest, until my mind reached its limit. The mental exhaustion, that came with the ever-shifting perception of time and the focus needed to control this power for hours, was very great.

Dragging myself home, while stopping midway to buy some streetfood for dinner, I arrived back home around 9 pm.

Putting down the food and setting the table for two, I went to look for Wanda in her room. Quietly opening the door, I saw her still sleeping on her bed.

Her hair was drapped over the pillow and few small strands were scattered over her pretty face. The way she laid there beauty personified, like Snow White waiting to be kissed awake.

Shaking off these stray thoughts, I approached her and gently shook her awake.

“Wanda. Wake up, sister.”, I spoke in a soothing tone.

There was hardly anything that I hated more than a rough wake-up call, so I tried to be gentle with her.

As her eyelids fluttered open gently, I couldn't stop myself from carressing her cheek softly.

While this kind of physical contact with her was something common for the Pietro part of my brain, for Silver this had a different tone. It was difficult, to say the least, to navigate this mess of emotions.

With her eyes fully opened, her hazy gaze met my own and it felt as if the world had stopped for a moment. I couldn't say for sure, if I had unconciously used my Superspeed to stretch this moment to its limit. Though if I wouldn't have been captivated by Wanda's gaze, I definitely would have done so on my own accord.

The moment my thumb brushed her lower lip, the small bit of morality I had left in me, kicked in and I hurriedly stepped back a few steps. Stopping myself from doing something that couldn't be undone.

“I-I brought home some dinner... I... We... I mean, you should eat something. So... I will be waiting in the kitchen, come whenever you are ready.”, I stammered awkwardly, before leaving the room again.

Looking at his back as her brother left the room, Wanda couldn't help but touch her lips. Still feeling a slight tingle where Pietro had touched her lower lip.

She didn't know what had just happened, but for a moment when their eyes had met, Wanda had felt this tug insider her heart, that drew her to him.

She remembered having experienced those moments before with her brother, but they were incredible rare and never had she seen him being affected the same way she had been.

Since Pietro had woken up a few hours ago, something had changed in him, and between them. Now every time, she was close to him or looked into his eyes, she saw something in them that wasn't there before.

If she didn't know any better, she could swear that they had very nearly kissed a few moments ago... A kiss with Pietro, she wondered what it would be li-...

Biting her lower lip, she banished these thoughts to a deep dark corner of her mind, where she had always hidden away these thoughts of hers.

Getting up from her bed, she put on large sweater from her brother, wearing it over her short top and went to the kitchen, as she truly was hungry.

As I watched Wanda come into the kitchen, wearing one of my sweaters and short pyjama pants, I had yet another moment, of her looking absolutely adorable, added to the library of images already in my head.

Neither of us spoke, as we started eating in silence, though Wanda breached this silence after a while as she asked me.

“Where have you been all day? Did you go to the factory?”

The factory she spoke of belonged to a small company that produced cheap spare parts for cars. We both worked there at the assembly line, putting together some components and packing them up for shipping. It was hard work with low pay, but still the only place that would hire two orphans, who dropped out of school.

“No, I had something different to take care off.”, I replied, avoiding any details.

By the look on her face, I could see that she wanted to ask about that, but sensing my unwillingness to disclose anything more specfic about my activities, she dropped the subject.

We always had that bond with each other, where we could just feel the others intentions. It was special and impossible to explain.

So instead, she continued with the original topic.

“Well, they fired us, after we didn't show up for work three days in a row. We will have to think of something, if we don't want to get kicked out of the apartment. Rent is due in four days and we are still missing 200 Euros, nearly a quarter of the sum.”, Wanda said in a concerned voice.

Money truly was tight for us, but I already had a plan for that. There was organized crime everywhere in the world and it was no different in Sokovia. I even knew a few different places that operated directly from here in Novi Grad, the capital of Sokovia. Basically everybody knew it in this neighbourhood, as it was important to stay clear of these people.

Still, organized crime meant money, and this money was easy to take for someone with Superspeed. Two more days of training should be enough, to get familiar enough with his new power. After that he would just rob them clean.

“Don't worry, sister. I will take care of it. We won't have a problem with rent from now on, just give me a few days.”

Wanda furrowed her eyebrows as she replied to me.

“You aren't planning anything dangerous, are you? Don't do anything stupid, Pietro. I would much rather get kicked out of the apartment, than seeing you getting hurt.”

“It's not dangerous, don't worry.”, I answered casually.

Well, I was right. With my speed, I could catch bullets, so robbing some criminals truly wasn't too dangerous.

Feeling Wanda grab my arm, I looked up from my food and saw her giving me serious look, while she addressed me in a low and almost pleading voice.

“Promise me, Pietro. Promise you won't get hurt?”

Laying my hand over hers, I answered in a reassuring tone.

“I promise. Now eat up, I know you haven't eaten much while I was sick.”

She paused for a moment, probably trying to weigh truth in my words. A few moments later she gave me a small smile, took back her hand and continued eating her food. At the end she even ate another serving under my continous urging.

Standing up, I cleaned up our meals and put our dishes in the sink. Before I started to wash them, I turned to Wanda and said: “You should go back to your bed and rest some more. I can see you are still pretty tired.”

Wanda, who had placed her head on the crook of her arms and was watching me clean up with sleepy eyes, replied in an equally sleepy tone.

“I can't. I am too full to move right now and its your fault. Just give me a few minutes.”

“Sigh... Well, you aren't wrong. So, here let me help you sister.”

Saying so, I approached her and picked her up in a bridal carry.

“P-Pietro, w-what are you doing?”, Wanda asked with a surprised voice, while she reflexively put her arms around my neck.

“What does it look like? I am bringing you to bed, what else.”, I answered her with a smile, that she had called my 'bad-boy'-smile in the past, when she saw me using it while flirting with some girl once.

Turning her head away and resting it on my shoulder, Wanda muttered an answer under her breath: “Just this once, Pietro.”

Softly laying Wanda down on her bed for the second time today, I tucked her compliant form into bed.

“Rest well, Sister.”, I whispered, brushing over her hair with my hand, before turning around and leaving her room. Not forgetting to turn off the lights and close the door.

Finished with cleaning up the dirty dishes in the sink, I moved to my own bedroom. Where I changed into some more comfortable clothes, before sitting down crosslegged on the floor.

I had on last thing to do today, before I could finally rest.

Focusing my mind, I imagined two twin daggers manifesting in my hands. A moment later I could feel two small weights in my hands.

Looking down, I could see two fantasy-style daggers with abyss-black blades in my hands and purple veins stretching over the bodies of both weapons. A simple mental command made them turn into a simple-looking spear with a long blade.

Testing out the mental commands a few times, I held them against my wrists, which made them turn into braclets of the same colour.

Now that I have summoned this weapon, I had to either carry it or turn it into bracelets, as it couldn't be unsummoned.

This weapon was my answer to all the powerful weapons that existed in this universe. With it, I would never find myself in a position where my weapon couldn't live up to the standard of my opponent, as it was literally unbreakable. Of course that didn't make it the sharpest weapon there was, in fact it had a pretty average sharpness. Still, there was a function that made that irrelevant. This weapon would grow with me and adapt to my powers.

I couldn't wait to see what it would become in the future.


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