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I am going to be taking November off due to health issues -- my Patreon will be temporarily suspended for that month. Current subscribers will not be charged for November.

If you'd still like to help me out for November, even though I'm not doing anything, you can make a one time donation here: streamlabs.com/melieconiek


My health has been in a rapid decline over the past few months. The quality of my work and the frequency of releases has been failing -- I'm sure many of you have noticed.

My quality of life sucks right now -- I keep looking for excuses to put this off, but I just can't keep this up anymore. I need rest.

I have been working on lewd video game during my downtime using only voice commands. It's a good way to rest my hands and stay productive, so I'll be spending my break working on that. I'll post information about it on my twitter account.

There will be one more update for The Spookiest on Friday, after that I will be on vacation. I will be back in action on December 1st. :)



Chillax my guy, you earned it. ♥️


Take your time! Heal thy wounds! Come back stronger than before!

Adam Brown

Hope you're able to feel better!

Josh Johosky

The art is best when the artist rests. Weove your content. Rest and return refreshed

Sparkle Rose

You’ve definitely earned/need this break do what you need to do to take care of yourself 💖


Take care of yourself.


I'm happy you're going to take a break, I think you absolutely deserve it! The temporary donation option was what I would have suggested too, and I'm definitely going to donate. Rest well and feel better!




Get some rest


You deserve so much R&R. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Everyone deserves a break here and there. Lord knows you've earned one. Take your time, find your center, and just know that we're supporting you and rooting for you all the way!


Hope youre getting better dude ❤ youre content my dude


Yessir get u some rest

Luis Vargas

Get your well nights rest and we will be here waiting for u my Guy🔥💪🏻keep moving forward


Take care, your health is the most important thing. We don't mind waiting as long as we need to to make sure you're in a good spot.


Take whatever time you need to take, we'll be here for ya when you get back


My heart goes out to you. Focus on yourself and we'll be here.