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  • 4-12-2021_lapis-x-freckles_wip-rough.mp4



The rough for Lapis x Freckles is done, you can check it out below! 

I've gotten started on the Marco X Bugstar cleanup -- I went way overboard on it, so it'll take a little longer than a typical loop. It'll have sound and there will be a female alt for Marco with alternate voicework -- I hope y'all are looking forward to it. :)

WHAT'S NEXT: I may alternate a bit between these two projects, and I'm still looking to get some cleanup help for Lapis x Freckles. I'll keep y'all updated! :D




May I ask, what program do you use to animate? I wanted to test out as a little hobby :)


Amazing as always your a genius the story lines are always my favorite part the dialogue and the imagination 💭 behind it all If you were to do a movie I’d definitely pay for it I wonder how long that would take anyway keep up the good work 👍


still going to do a male non inflation marco variant if even just in sketch form?