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  • 1-21-2021_lapis-x-freckles_wip-rough.mp4



Had a bit of a tough time this week, but I was able to get the layout and rough done for a little Daisy loop and I got a few scenes deep into Lapis x Freckles (attached below.)

WHAT'S NEXT: I'll focus on getting this Daisy loop done next week so it's out before the end of the month. Then more Lapis x Freckles rough work. :)

I am continuing to have some difficulty with my hands. Things aren't improving, so I'm considering scaling back a bit next month. I promise I'll at least get a little loop or mini animation done each month, but I may need to spend more time resting for the time being. I see how things go next week and I'll let y'all know the plan before next month.




Do what's best for your health, I'll still support you even if things take longer.


Good job MelieConieK