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I've gotten through the casting call auditions and we've lined up a VA for the Lapis x Freckles short. I made some last minute fixes to the storyboard and the voice work is on it's way. :)

I had promised a little more content in the gap, but pain in my hands flared up over the weekend. Things aren't improving, so I think it's best if I spend the week resting instead. I plan to be back to work after we get the audio in this weekend. I can't get started on it until then, so it works out.

I promise I'll squeeze in another little loop near the end of the month. Thank you for letting me rest a bit. :)



Feel better dude


Don't burn yourself out the work you've done is already no small feat, if you need to rest then rest


Your work is worth the wait! I love the characters


Wish you the best!


Wish you a speedy recovery!


Thank you for helping make it possible. It's a dream to be able to animate as a job like this. :)


I have similar issues with my wrist so I know your pain, just be careful and listen to your body. Wish you well on your recovery.