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EDIT: Make sure you've voted! If you want to throw your weight behind one of the front runners, now is the time. :D 

I've been wanting to do something weird for a while, so I was very happy to see Claire win out this month. :D

Instead of starting with some really general options I've included some details to give you an idea what I have in mind.

I know... so many options. Remember, you can change your vote later if you'd like to throw your weight behind a front-runner. Lets see how it goes. :D



I mean if "grow a dick" and "doppelganger fuck" tie could we get a two-fer?


"Claire grows a dick." would probably go another way. Masturbation or fucking something else.


Yeah I just wanted to comment, also just saw that my helpful phone corrected "two-fer" into something completely different for me. I like what's winning right now though!