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Hi everyone,

So like I mentioned before don't wanna spoil the new update CGs so I'm sharing something related to future content.

Like the CG with Sera and Ceci, this is just a draft. Unlike those 2 which I doubt I'll ever use in the game as their design is still being worked on, this one I can see being used, maybe with some edits here and there.

Erin will generally look close to this after the timeskip whether full female or not.

Let me know what you think,

Thank you as always for the support,
Wouldn't be here without it!





★ Cute Goblin Bastard ★

Ok Nitroslice, this is a 11/10. Holy fuck! Buddy, your inspiration and follow through on this absolutely crushed it. I will be sad if this is not the end goal of the design XD.


holy shit he's so fucking cute


Love it! The former hero being reduced down into a servant is really nice! I can definitely see Erin following the party around in a skimpy, slutty maid utfit tending to their needs.


Damn you know maid Erin seems so obvious. And the details with piercings little horns and the thunder thighs seems amazing all around👍 p.s will Mars and vi be getting a re-design as well? Would like to see Mars wear a suit like thr other generals do here's hoping!!!


My erin , I shall protect you . 10/10 peak design love it

Muff emp

His hair looks cute but I think his original colour with the tips of his twin tail braids in the orange/or other colour would look amazing! (like Venti from genshin) I'm really looking forward to seeing the next update, keep up the great work!




Bangs on face and sulky look is just delightful, Nitro! Really hope we get to see something like this one (and at least some variant of the Sera one, that one's also choice).




Love the design. I still hope we can see him with his original hair color at least some of the time. I kinda liked the original black. Love the maid outfit and the art style here though.


I love it! I just hope there's a version with him smiling! I want him to enjoy being Mar's servant eventually~

Thomas Beckles

I think this desgin for Erin is perfect, especially for choice three of the four preview duel options. So all I have to say is.... YYYYEESSS!!!

Colin Hose

Damn Erin’s looking like the daughter Elma’s always wanted love the design can’t wait to see how female Erin interacts with the other girls


Very nice, maybe needs a tattoo


I know some people like their femboys with a bit of titty but if I can voice my preference I'd like their chests to be more flat and slightly masculine


I think this is great 12/10 i love the overall emotion this gives and i hope the sera and cici cgs can somehow find their way into the game's gallery becuz they are some of my favorites


I definitely like the idea of Erin going back to his natural hair color rather then keeping the dyed black hair so this looks good to me.

Marvin Baltes

like stated before i think that erins og hair looks great & is a great thing storywise


Erin really becomes the cutest girl


Nitrolith is the artist equivalent of "Feeling cute, might delete later." All your "I'm probably not going to use this." art pieces are better than the final designs of most games.