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First thing is the most basic, which session ID would you like? Canon things like 413 are obviously taken, but most numbers are free.

Second is the OCDataStrings for all Players in the session.  Feel free to msg me if you need help making them.

Third thing is details for each Player. What is their sprite, their Denizen, their land name, do they have any special powers (like psionics, or in jokes you want to add). 

Then, we can work on quirks. The sim generally does simple replacement quirks, as well as a prefix (something before each line) and a suffix (something after each line).


player.quirk.lettersToReplaceIgnoreCase = [["good","fantastic"],["lol","hee"],["nope","no thank you"],["asshole","jerk"]]; 

player.quirk.prefix = ""; 

player.quirk.suffix = "~™";

So this player would say "fantastic" instead of "good", "hee" instead of lol, and so on.  They also end every line with "~™".

Finally, any romance you want included.  Is p1 moirails with p2? Or do they just like them a lot?


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