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Heya Patreons!!!  :) :) :)

I'm still coding the mechanism by which fan OCs will be canonized into SBURBSim, but thought I'd let you know that I have gotten the dumbest idea in the entire world. It is simply the best there is at being a complete Waste.

So, I'm sorting various fan OCs by source.  Patreon, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. etc.  There will be a page to display them all, and also a link to put them randomly into SBURB and see how they all interact. 

 But I'm realizing that this does not solve the age old question of: Who would win in a fight???

So, I'm totally going to have the AuthorBot preside over a tournament arc.  She'll simulate, let's say, 25 sessions of the Reddit crew.  1 point for winning their session, -1 point for causing a GrimDark crash, and 0 points for everything else.    It will be glorious.

SO: Make sure you post any oc data strings you generate.  

To generate an OC Data String, go to: 


Once you've customized your character to your liking, click on the "Data" tab, and copy the string out and send it to me however you like. (Email, Tumblr, Discord, Reddit and this Patreon are all perfectly valid options). 



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