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Trains, imperialism and ancap presidents.

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Gabriel Hellborne

The Argentinians voted for the "Eat your face party". Now the party is eating their face.


Deprogram + Ben = 💯


Is Hakim okay? I heard the U.S. is bombing Iraq again


i can speak for ben since he doesn't know about the nightlife as much - the nightlife is great in any tier 1 city. shanghai obviously has the most djs booked or stuff going on. funniest thing was when me and my friends for new year's eve, (2020 was the new year), went to a random club. they had booked in a british MC to bring in the bells 😂 it was great, i was so surprised & felt so similar to back at home lol. my fav club is all club in shanghai!! it's small but books good artists to play sets there. i think danny l harle even played a set for that club. i've never been to guangzhou or shenzhen, but i've seen really cool bars there from videos. loads of cool bars, cheap beer. 红星 baijiu that costs like £1 lol. you can order wine and drink it in the park, my friend suggested it for her bday and it was great. great, cheap food is widely available, they even had a few shwarma places when i was there (one was lebanese). i miss it now i'm back in the uk!! plus, i could go out at night as a young woman and not feel scared. places like chengdu will be more chill. in shanghai, my friend's bf who's from mongolia took them even to a cool bar that had a cricket fighting festival lol. there seems to be drag shows too in shanghai that was fun, i went once just before i left. i saw this halloween they had some of the best outfits. but, yes. lots of smoking amongst the guys lol. i think women smoke a lot less, something like 1%.