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The supreme uber-proleterian sub class - The Creators. 

Check out Tom's work here:

Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@tom_nicholas

Patreon (ironically): https://www.patreon.com/tomnicholas

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tom_Nicholas




JT saying the US has more cultural media... I hate to defend the UK, but I'm not so sure 🤔 A lot of music scenes came from the UK for a lot of the latter half of the 20th century. Also a lot of the famous African-American artists were even more popular in the UK, so they would be involved in the UK/European music scenes too. A lot of British TV was/is remade in the US later, and some of the US's famous TV series have British writers on it because they pay more than in the UK. I think the lack of good public transport/too much sprawl in the US made it harder for lots of diverse music scenes like there was in the 60s/70s/80s and then rave scenes in the 90s, to be as popular as they were in the UK. In the UK all cities and towns are walkable, so it's easier to build music communities like that. I think only Chicago and Detroit are just as good.


I'd love to see Marxism Today on the pod