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Today we're joined by the fantastic Danny Haiphong to discuss the many aspects of western internalized exceptionalism (among other things).

Please check out his work and consider supporting him here:

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dannyhaiphong

Substack: https://chroniclesofhaiphong.substack.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOxLhz6B_elvLflntSEfnzA

Twitter: @spiritofho

early for all you sexy patrons




I can’t deal with this capitalist $hithole much longer! I’m gen x, raised in a lower middle class family; Some college, no degree; I’ve been working since I was 15! I have NO savings, high rent, bills, student loan debt, I own NOTHING and I struggle daily. Paycheck to paycheck, no insurance, benefits, or retirement (I’ll be working til I legit fall over and die)! What a depressing existence. We really evolved as a species to be slaves to the owner class?!? This country is such a bull$hit lie I want to scream daily. Capitalism has drained me of my vital essence. F*ck this $hithole country! Eat the rich! 🍴


my guys.. much has to be learned (in my opinion) about episodes with guests. I like to hear from all of you, and while the guest was a good one and had very interesting things to say I very much missed JT and Yugopnic


I agree. When guests are on I feel that some people take the forefront and leave others behind. That might be the natural progression of tangents and stuff but idk