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Here's an early patron release to finish off the season! Happy holidays to those of you who are celebrating! Pet a cat for Hakim, throw some ribs on the grill for JT and have a cold (or warm) one for Yugopnik.

This week we discuss our favorite representatives of the Capitalist class - the Billionaire - and the many different yet similar forms they take all over the world. 




I came back here to see if anyone responded to my replies to some of these comments, and unfortunately I can't find my comment where I provided the link to an article which is a good starting point for learning more about sexism within the trans community. Probably because the comment that I replied to was deleted. If anyone is interested, here's the link that I posted: https://4w.pub/first-they-came-for-the-rape-crisis-center/ For real, I am open to discussing the contradictions between feminism and liberal trans activism with anyone who is willing to engage in open and respectful dialogue. I will not use anti-trans slurs, encourage hatred towards anyone for their gender identity, or close myself off to listening to anyone who might disagree with me. I also will not tolerate anyone using sexist/homophobic slurs against me or women like me. However, I absolutely will criticize certain talking points that many trans people and allies hide their sexism behind, and of course I will criticize the unethical actions of "pro-trans" corporations. Also I have many criticisms of liberal feminism and the "gender critical" movement that I'd be happy to bring up! But of course I'm not online all the time, so it may take me a while to respond to y'all.


Just saw this great link demonstrating the sheer size of a billion dollars. It's absolutely mind-melting. https://mkorostoff.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/?v=3