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AWW MAN, They're really risking their lives out here and y'all talkin bout LOVE.




Nice way to end my night, I was a little confused to at first why people where upset with eun yu killing the creature husband but I guess with the way they keep calling her a murderer it could be inferred that chief ji didn’t know her husband had turned when he was killed or the opposite she did and lied not sure. Also I’m sure you didn’t notice the white dress monster lady was the wedding dress lady from the first episode that the military dude killed her husband lol and he was bald too I also thought the priest/father guy was the long haired soldier at first but he’s actually two diff people the long haired soldier is jun ho and he cut his hair super short lol no the little girl didn’t save eun yu, if you notice the slash on the door and it was pretty quick but there was a flash of wing both when she was saved during the husband monster and the factory there, it can only mean one person in my opinion

Sham Sham

Oh wait I didn’t even process the wedding dress lady🤯 makes sense .

Sham Sham

jonnny covered the questions already. and They gave us 2 quick glimpses of the thing that kept helping out Eun-yu. i could instantly tell who it was but let's see how long it takes u to figure out who it is👀 and yes the time jump was (apparently) about 1 year