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aye! last update lol! it's much easier to make these talking videos then typing all that out

update 1 

update 2

please comment your thoughts or opinions on this belowww!! 



Daniela V.

watched the video but i have no opinions lol. especially since im not even in the tier for kdramas and stuff all i can really say is thanks for the communication and i cant wait for the other posts


I love bingewatching shows that I love with you as well! K-drama reactions are so fun to watch 🩷 But also, hmm I don't know what to suggest. Whatever works best for you, I'm all good!


hmmm tbh I don’t really see the benefit of having early access tiers and never saw the appeal in general. I guess I kinda understand if it’s early access for like YouTube uploads? but idk, I’d rather subscribe to a tier based on the content rather than when the content comes out if that makes sense…? I could be in the minority tho bc tbh it doesn’t matter to me how long it takes something to be uploaded, I just hope that I get to see it one day lol sometimes I’m too busy to even watch everything if it’s uploaded quickly. but it also sounds like it would be more work for you? I get what you mean tho abt having it for ppl who wanna watch content quickly. either way I’m chilling so this might not be a helpful comment 😂


ooooh that’s lowkey a good idea… i used to be on PD’s patreon specifically for the early access to animes so that i could binge LOL so if you did something similar.. essentially a binging tier, where you posted kdramas survival shows and anime in bulk or like even a few eps up for early access, i personally would definitely be for it! i like to binge stuff in bulk when i’m super into the show so that would be awesome tbh bc then it’s like i can go at my own pace watching with you. say i only watch one the first night but then have like 4 more available to watch the next morning bc it was uploaded in bulk already since you already watched the whole thing, that would be nice :) however you want to do it is fine with me, but i could definitely see an earlier access tier being something others would be interested in! (esp for people who are watching shows with you for the first time rather than rewatching! like sometimes you just gotta know what happens next and stay up late to binge even if you got work the next day lmao) plus ngl i do not be paying attention to the schedules that much (for like any patreon i’ve been apart of) 😭 i just wait until i get a notification about an upload of something i like and then come watch it once i have time 😂 just as a nice little surprise since i don’t know what’s scheduled usually anyways skkdkskdkdk but i’m sure the average person likes to know what to expect so i’m prob just the odd one out here 💀 anyways not sure how helpful my comment was but ty for always being so transparent with us, we appreciate it muchoooo 🫶🏽


lol yeah, I mean personally I'm the same way but the content already will technically be before YouTube uploads (in the sense of anime/other shows and stuff that will go on A2R+) but for the main channel, it's just exclusively here. The video was just to show like, it seems like it is a market for that as those pages have like most of their patrons on those early access bulk binge tiers, and I have friends who sub to people to get early access so it's like hmmm, should I do that? Especially if I'll already be bulk filming in order to do a schedule in the way that people are requesting. I agree though, either way is fine, it's ultimately going to be scheduled in some shape or form anyway.


It seems like you have a good plan for trying out the early access and I think it would be cool to see it used for dropping binge reactions. (Also not totally sure, but I don't think you have to post it twice, once for each tier. I've been on PD's Patreon and they do masterlists with links/change the tier access for the post.) I would say that doing it for dramas/anime/movies would make the most sense if it is for the sake of binging, then other content can just be released like normal. Also regarding the schedule, I think the change up may help with the struggle of the specific weekly schedule. Since you have more freedom in what you post with early access you don't need deadlines for yourself with those and then you have already completed content you can schedule out. In general I usually like to know what content to expect for the month/week but I don't think that the exact day and time is necessary. There is already a lot on your plate and life happens so I think the strict schedule can cause more harm than good. Most important final thought though is that we appreciate everything you do for us already so just do what you think will work best!

sincerely, nai. ♡ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-17 04:11:00 okay firstly, having a binging tier sounds really cool. i've never been subbed to anyone on patreon that does that so it would really be a new experience for me. it also works well bcs i usually watch shows with you for the first time and sometimes like with moving rn i want to just binge through it so bad but i'm the type of person who finds comfort in watching shows/content with other people so i end up waiting for you to upload them. the thought of being able to watch one ep here and then three there when i come back to patreon sounds amazing ! so i am totally down for that. <3 and schedule wise, i think you should do whatever you wish to do and what works best for you ! in my opinion though since you're looking for feedback is maybe you can do like you used to or how caitlin does it and have an overview for content you will release within that month with no set days or deadlines, you know? that way there is no pressure to get something up at a certain time. that way if you wished to do something like you randomly did a few months ago and post dance practice marathons or maybe even livestages or wtv you choose to do you can have more freedom with your uploads while having like a schedule that's not entirely set if that makes sense. whatever you choose to do though i'll be here lol . 💗🎀
2023-11-17 04:08:33 okay firstly, having a binging tier sounds really cool !! i've never been subbed to anyone on patreon that does that so it would really be a new experience for me. it also works well bcs i usually watch shows with you for the first time and sometimes like with moving rn i want to just binge through it so bad but i'm the type of person who finds comfort in watching shows/content with other people so i end up waiting for you to upload them. the thought of being able to watch one ep here and then three there when i come back to patreon sounds amazing ! so i am totally down for that. ♡ and schedule wise, i think you should do whatever you wish to do and what works best for you ! in my opinion though since you're looking for feedback is maybe you can do like you used to or how caitlin does it and have an overview for content you will release within that month with no set days or deadlines, you know? that way there is no pressure to get something up at a certain time. that way if you wished to do something like you randomly did a few months ago and post dance practice marathons or maybe even livestages or wtv you choose to do you can have more freedom with your uploads while having like a schedule that's not entirely set if that makes sense. whatever you choose to do though i'll be here lol . 💗🎀

okay firstly, having a binging tier sounds really cool !! i've never been subbed to anyone on patreon that does that so it would really be a new experience for me. it also works well bcs i usually watch shows with you for the first time and sometimes like with moving rn i want to just binge through it so bad but i'm the type of person who finds comfort in watching shows/content with other people so i end up waiting for you to upload them. the thought of being able to watch one ep here and then three there when i come back to patreon sounds amazing ! so i am totally down for that. ♡ and schedule wise, i think you should do whatever you wish to do and what works best for you ! in my opinion though since you're looking for feedback is maybe you can do like you used to or how caitlin does it and have an overview for content you will release within that month with no set days or deadlines, you know? that way there is no pressure to get something up at a certain time. that way if you wished to do something like you randomly did a few months ago and post dance practice marathons or maybe even livestages or wtv you choose to do you can have more freedom with your uploads while having like a schedule that's not entirely set if that makes sense. whatever you choose to do though i'll be here lol . 💗🎀


I see what you meannn, if you’re already bulk filming them then it wouldn’t hurt to roll them out for early access if ppl are interested. whatever u end up doing, make sure to take of urself !


i like the early access tier idea. Not sure i can afford, but i would like to. Majority of the time, i don't watch any of the kdramas until after you've released them all because I don't want to wait a week or however long it is to watch the next one, but then by that time the hype from them is kind of gone and then I don't get around to watching them. I still plan to, but it takes ages for me to get around to it. And then the people who do want a schedule can be on the lower tiers because you can release those on a proper schedule at that point.


I hate that the hype is gone like 3 days after a show is completed, just like music. It's so unsustainable, even outside of being a reaction channel. Like you're always in the position to consume and consume more, idk. I wish it wasn't like that